
By Maxine Jasmin-Green
- 122 reads
I had seen a box of quality Christmas cards at TKMaxx, they were not the type of Christmas cards that I like to buy, because Jesus is the reason for the season, I bought them, because there were no Christmas cards left, it seemed with Mary, Joseph and the baby Jesus, the shepherd's, the wise men, the stable, the Star and the Angels. For a pack of 10 at £3.99 I bought them. In those cards, I will write, "Happy Christ mas," to make up for the none Christmas card. The 10 cards now gave me a bit of breathing space, for now I was able to give more people, cards who had given me. I was then down to 3 cards left, 2 for those families opposite, our home. I remember I hadn't sent Anna a card, I usually get a card from this friend, and usually I send her one too. Today, usually at this site, we go for a walk.... I decided to go with this person, and make a small detour to the post office to buy a first class stamp. I had looked on my phone on the way there, for the last Christmas post, it was tomorrow first class, so I would buy that stamp. At the post office, I asked the staff, while I was standing, at the self service, "How much is a first class stamp?" She replied, £1.65," I said, thinking she had misheard me, I said, "For a first class stamp for a letter?" She said, "Yes," I replied, "Forget it!" I left the post office in disgust! I had thought, if the second class stamp was a rip off 85p, then the first class should be a rip off a pound! But no, it was nearer £2, how greedy is the post office, they only stayed open at all, because of the now on-line shopping, around the world, and it even took off even more due to covid. A mere £1.65 stamp is nothing, compared to what individuals is going through at this time.
One of my kids told me about a child that was in their class at school, I had met him many times, at his place at work, now a young adult, he had lost his beloved Nan, then soon his Dad past away and then sadly his Mum! At such a young age, he became an orphan. I can't imagine his pain. It was still a shock when I heard that he had tried to end his life, twice in one week. He is now in hospital, that is where he will be, until after Christmas. For him, it is a very sad time. He is a lovely lad, and I wish him all the best.
A lovely friend, today put on social media, "It's almost Christmas and I've never felt less Christmassy in my life." I put in the comments to her, "That's OK, you do what you have to do to get by..... there are no rules." Other friends, put, "I feel the same as you too."
I think of the Lockerbie disaster. One of the young women killed, I knew her lovely parents. I think of them at this time of year. There is a film coming out next year about one of the Dads, his search for answers.
I think of all the widows and widowers who I know.
I won't be working on Christmas day, but some of my colleagues will be. It will be my turn to be with Mum at her flat, I will be with her, from Boxing Day until Sunday night. I did think, I would have to sleep at Mum's all that time, because my car failed its MOT this week, big time, so much so, I need a new car! It is another story for another day, but I will get my 'new' car on Monday, it is older than my old car. Paul will help me sell my trusted, 7 seater car for scrap! It is strange to think,the MOT garage people have told me. "You can still drive it for 10 days, with care and only drive near." That car has started first time, everytime! I have breakdown cover from home to around the UK and it didn't once break down. I had a flat tyre a month or so ago, and that was all. Major welding was the problem, but the welding man at the garage is of sick, because of his operation. The repairs for it would have cost, "Hundreds of pounds," And even then, "Not guaranteed."
Everyone is going through something, a man my son works with, his daughter is waiting two weeks for her results to see if she had tummy cancer or not, I wish her well.
What is £1.65 in comparison? It is nothing.
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