Nothing New.
By Maxine Jasmin-Green
- 85 reads
There is nothing new under the sun. I heard this week about two very different men, who don't know each other, but they are famous in their own field of expertise, one in a religious world and the other in music. Neither of them I don't know really well, but I have heard their names over the years.
The first man, has been accused of child abuse, many years ago. He said, "This has come from a gang, and they want to get money from me, by blackmailing me." I was listening to this on the radio as I was driving, and it made me think, about what I had heard. Mud sticks!
The second man he is Very VERY rich, he is a billionaire. It seems the same gang, (for both of these men live in Americia,) have been targeted by the same gang to get money from them.
It seems, they would be dammed if they gave the gang the hush money to stop them telling their lies, and dammed if they say, "We will not give you any money, do your worst." For a good name, that is priceless, for once infomation like this comes out, it spreads doubts and mistrust and negativity!
I feel for these two men, for I have thought about them, and how on earth do they prove their innocence? That is almost impossble, to do.
A famous singer years ago, gave a lot money to a child to prove that he was not guilty, the debate from that still continues to this day. For IF the man was innocent then he would not have paid the child a cent!!
Sometimes, not having a lot of money can be a good thing, a poor man would not have that problem or trouble.
They may both be guilty, but if they are not, I hope their names will be cleared very soon and that no damage will be to to their good names.
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