Staying in with a Chinese Dream
By mayhemandroses
- 792 reads
Sitting on the sofa this Winter's evening, nothing on the telly so I'm browsing on my 'phone. Takeaway menu .pdf downloaded I start to make a mental list of the best starter and main combination and wonder if I should stick to somehthing mainstream or veer off and try the crispy pig skin curry, the fish balls or the chicken feet. One thing keeps on drawing my attention, the pretty girl whose photo is on every page. She is porcelain skinned, her hair sleek. Her cream cable knit jumper is stretched ever so slightly over some beautiful shapes beneath. Of course I would never be able to ask out someone so pretty in real life but here, alone, I am not to be observed by any other and I am wholly the subject of this discourse.
She enters from the study off the living room, her hair loose and slightly dishevelled. Shifting left to make space for her I beckon at the seat beside mine. Face serious, she ignores my invite and stands in front of me, in control despite her height as I sit looking up at her. She smiles sardonically and caresses my hair with the fingers of one hand, her cool finger tips alerting me to her physical presence; this is no normal daydream. She grabs my head with both hands and draws my mouth firmly toards the front of her jeans. I make contact with the soft brushed cotton, my eyes warm against her belly, my nose breathing-in her delicate scent and my lips millimetres from her sex. I breathe in and relax so hard I could sleep and sing at once together.
I let her help me off with my jumper, my face still pressed against her crotch and, as she scrapes her nails lightly across my shoulders, I gently burst the buttons on her fly one by one, peeling back the blue corners to unveil the pink lace hiding just beneath. The jeans slide easily down her, my fingers feeling her soft arse cheeks and malleable thighs. Breathing deeply in one more time, my index finger flicks aside the material across her pudenda and explores the warm hair beneath with my tongue. I knew I was hungry, but this is delicious byond my dreams. Wet, slippery, her curves and folds provide texture, flavour and warmth that coat my mouth, her honey sauce on my tongue. I slide her knickers all the way down past her knees so she can step out of them and, moaning at the separation, however brief, I lift my mouth from her and kiss my way up towards Heaven, pausing on the way only to admire her navel, to raise her jumper, to unpluck her brassiere, to pay attention to her glorious nipples, to kiss her throat, to breathe-in the smell of her neck and finally to find her mouth.
I kiss as gently as I am able though I want to open my jaws as wide as the ocean and devour her in one gulp. She stops me with a shushing finger. I realise my wrists are entangled behind me and my, naked, torso is falling to the cushions. She parts my legs with a swish of her hands and dives on my cock, pulling gently down on my balls with one hand whilst gripping my shaft and swallowing the head, then half the shaft, then the whole damn kit and caboodle. She brings me to a climax that she denies me by removing all contact at the last viable second. Hungry now and crooning for release, I accept the cusp of her mound that she rams onto my gaping jaws, so wet that I am swallowing greedily between the tongue fucks I'm giving. She comes once, twice, three times...
I'm still swallowing her fountains as she impales herself on me, her cunt soothing my shaft right the way down. My hands are freed again and I slide them around her to play. One finger gently rests its tip on her sodden arsehole, threatening to penetrate it every time we ruck; the other wraps around her back, holding her in place so I can take aim and wrestle.
Again, in real life I would have succumbed to her the moment she sat on my dick but here, in this insanely beautiful moment, I am able to thrust, to pierce, to piston my engorged penis deep within her till she is ready to come again and again. And then we burst, I grow larger and wider as the semen floods my bulb and floods her in turn, she is adding her own juices to my cum as we slide together a few rides more and then it ceases. Her panting mouth is mine. Her sweaty breasts are being sucked. Her hair is tangled and, her ears are hot to the touch. My legs are sore from the effort. I can hardly catch my breath. My eyes are half closed from the salt that stings them and I am laughing with her; we are laughing with each other's passionate embrace.
I go to sleep and I dream. The hunger subsides.
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