The Adventures Of Little Sham - Chapter 6 (Part 2)

By mcscraic
- 133 reads
The Adventures Of Little Sham
A Novel
by Paul McCann
Chapter Six
The Dream Merchant Of Nod
Part 2
Part 2
‘Who might you be and what is it you’re after and why are you here at the dream merchants door, Tell me where did you come from and when was it that we met before . ?
The Dream merchant smiled and Sham replied ,
“My name is Sham and I’m after a dream I guess if you have one . I come from another world much different to this and I’m told that I am a seventh son of a seventh son .”
The dream merchant said ,
‘Well then that explains everything that I need to know , so say no more Sham . Come in and close the door, you’re welcome here . My name is Jaffa and I’m the
dream merchant here on the high hill of Oddity in the land of Nod “.
The dream merchant was busy opening the lids of jars and cutting bits of material from rolls of cloth . He opened up books and read through notes . Sham asked ,
‘What do you do here Jaffa ?”
“Oh well lots of things actually , can I pour you a glass of nectar ?”
‘That would be just lovely’
Sham replied .
Jaffa put some pears , apples and strawberries in the top of a little barrel that had a wheel on the side of it . He put the lid on top of the barrel and began to turn the wheel on the barrel and the mechanism started to squeeze out the juice from all the fruits and out from a tap he poured the nectar into a glass .
He handed the glass to Sham and said ,
‘If you want take a seat over there at the table by the window and take a look at the view . You can see all the land of Nod there which not many have ever seen . I hop[e enjoy view. “
Sham watched with intrigue everything that Jaffa was doing but still was baffled by his antics .Outside the window he saw some trucks making there way up the road to the hill to Jaffas place .
“What is it that you do here Jaffa ?”
Sham asked ,
‘”Oh so many things to do. The trucks will be here soon so I’ll show you after they bring the delivery I’m waiting for .Tell me Sham what size sleepwear are you . “
Jaffa asked and Sham replied .
“ Well its my birthday today and I’m nine “,
‘That’s good , size nine is a perfect size and have you a favourite colour ?
Sham replied
‘Green “
Jaffa write everything down in a notebook just as the trucks arrived . Two strange looking drivers dressed in rubber suits walked inside the hut carrying boxes to the place where Jaffa was working . They handed over a delivery invoice and Jaffa thanked them as they left the hut .
Jaffa immediately started opening up the boxes and unpacking the items inside.
There was sleepwear items in all different colours and sizes . So Jaffa began to stack them into piles that corresponded to their size . He took a pair of green pyjamas from one of the piles and held it up .
Then he took it over to Sham and asked him to stand up .Jaffa measured up the pyjamas to Shams body to make sure they were the perfect size , then he said
‘Well now Sham, let me explain the goings on here . I make the perfect schemes that are stitched up in threads of my cotton that I make here in the hut . So these threads are my dreams that then become the dreams of everyone who wears my sleepwear.
All around the land of nod when I finish the garments they are delivered to everyone so that’s what I do Sham . I am the maker of dreams . It has taken me a long time to perfect the threads of many colours that stitch together the schemes . Some of the dreams are sweet and peaceful dreams and others are secret and discreet . It’s all part of the work I do depending on why they are for . My business has always been one of constant demand . Now if you give me a few moments I’ll stitch up the schemes for your pyjamas that will be my birthday gift to you .
After a little while Jaffa brought the finished garment to Sham who was delighted with the gift .
“Thank you Jaffa I love them “
Sham said
Jaffa pointed to the corner of the room and said
“Go and try them on there in that fitting room Sham . “
As soon as Sham tried on the pyjamas he instantly fell into the fluffy soft cotton clouds of dreamland . There was a knock on the front door of the dream merchants hut . Jaffa went to open up the door thinking it was another delivery but when he opened it up to his surprise standing there before his very eyes was the green eyed serpent of Caverock , In a matter of seconds the serpent coiled itself around Jaffa and slithered out the door and away down the hill along the road to the Yellow Sea . Coming up the road was another truck with a delivery for Jaffa and the driver was just in time to see the green eyed serpent with Jaffa in its grip slide into the Yellow and start to make its way across to Caverock . Straight away the truck driver called Tom called all the people from the land of nod together for a meeting on the village green . As all the people of Nod gathered there everyone was wondering what was going on .
Tom began to talk and people listened to what he had to say .
He told them how he seen the green eyed serpent swim over the yellow sea with Jaffa in his grip . Everyone there was upset and they all started to put together rescue plan for Jaffa . Some of the Nod folk where not really sure what to do and asked for ideas .
Some there were a little hesitant and said ‘
“The thing is Tom we have our families to think of and work commitments. “
Another comment came.
‘”That place Caverock is too far away . It’s just not possible for all of us to get there “
Tom responded immediately.
“Don’t be like that now . Jaffa has worked hard all his life to bring you and you and your families peaceful dreams and good sleeps . The least we could do for him now is show him how much we care . So come on , who is coming with me across the Yellow Sea . Be brave for now it’s time for us to show courage . Lift your hands .“
A tiny voice broke the silence .
“The ferry has been sunk Tom. How can we cross the sea ?” said Olac .
That’s not a good excuse Olac . We can swim, it’s not that far .“ Replied Tom .
There was a tension in the air .
Tom looked around at all the faces filled with fear written all over them .
The he took a some of Jaffa magic threads with a bit of his and put a flame to it .
As it burnt there before their eyes the wind rushed over the flames and Tom explained .
“The secret to his weakness is fire , The serpent cannot stand fire .So all we have to do is to dig a deep pit and fill it with wood and anything that will burn . Then we can draw out the serpent from its cave and lead it to the pit where we are going to be waiting .Then we will start throwing in our lighted torches into the pit as the serpent lies there in a sea of flames . I know this plan will work but I cannot do it alone . So, who among you will help .“
The first person to put up their hand was Tora .
“I have a boat.” She said .
Another hand was raised.
“Me too” said Ry .
One by one hands now were going up all around .
Tom said.
‘Now that what I’m talking about .Right then what are we waiting for, let’s go.”
They carried the two boats from their sheds into water and a group of men from Nod loaded in some tools and spades . Then they waved goodbye to their families and got into the boats and began to paddle .
In a short while they had made it across to Caverock . After they moored their small boats , they walked over the sand on the shore to the path that made its way up the mountain to Caverock .
“Well now Tom what do we do “
Asked Naffy.
“Follow me “ Said Tom .
He led them up along the path to a grassy clearing near the entrance of the Green-Eyed Serpents Cave .
“Everyone start digging here a deep wide hole . Once it dug fill it with kindle and driftwood and some of the fuels we brought . After that place long palms over the hole to disguise the pit . Make a blanket of palm leaves as natural looking as possible . While you are digging the hole I will start cutting down some branches and with scraps of cloth dipped in paraffin .These will be our torches “
As soon as wall the work was completed it was time for action .
Ton explained to all the group .
“I’m going into the Cave to draw out the Serpent when he comes after me I’m going to run this way jumping over the hole . If the Serpent follows and falls into the pit , light your torches throw them in . So, make yourselves invisible .“
“Good luck Tom “ Tora said.
Tom went up to the Cave and started to call the serpents attention,
“Hey Cross Eyes . What’s happening ? Has the fork got your tongue or something . Come on yellow belly , are you a snake or a chicken.”
Tom began to bang and hammer a hollow bamboo trunk . The pitch of that noise was enough to bring out the Green-Eyed Serpent who went after Tom .
Over rocks and craggy edges Tom ran like the wind with the Serpent behind .
When Tom reached the place where the trap was, he took a huge leap over the blanket and as snakes don’t jump it fell in . All the men from Nod rushed to throw light their torches and one by one they threw them into the pit .
Flames engulfed the serpent who was cooked like a roast dinner
Everyone danced and sang . The victory was sweet .
Tom went back into the cave and found Jaffa who was tied up in tangles of a strange web . Jaffa was so happy to see everyone and shouted for joy .
“ Thank you for coming to my rescue everyone. The green eyed Serpent wanted me to make him a suit of colours that would bring him and only him all of the dreams from all the schemes from the land of Nod.”
“ Don’t worry Jaffa The serpent is dead . Time for un now to go home .“
Said Tom .
Everyone cheered and shouted.
“Goodbye green eyes , gone for evermore “
On the way back in the boat Jaffa said ,
‘I am so grateful that you rescued me that I will make you all a promise .
You and your families will never have to pay for any garments I make.. “
Back on the land of Nod , in the hut on the high hill , Sham awoke from his dream in the dream merchants hut .He stretched and said ,
“So was all that just a dream Jaffa “
‘That it was and it was yours and yours alone . Happy Birthday Sham . “
Sham said goodbye and went out the door that took him back to the ladder under the storytellers cottage in Chapters End . He checked his watch and saw time had not passed while he was there with the dream merchant . He climbed up the ladder and through the trapdoor into the room in the cottage . Putting back the treasure chest he went out of the cottage and back to the guest house . Making his way quietly up the stairs and into his bedroom he got into bed and fell asleep
End Of Chapter 6
Chapter 7
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