Between Shakey’s And Home
By mcscraic
- 127 reads
Between Shakey’s And Home
By Paul McCann
Jake was always a little adventurous and decided one day to go for trip to a place he had never gone before . It was part of him wanting to experience life somewhere between isolation in the wilderness and home . The challenge for him was if he could survive the trip without family of friends around .
So after the plane landed in Manil he exchanged some money to the local currency and bought a sim card and some upload for his mobile phone that the sales people team installed for him . Then with no idea where he was going or what to do next ,
He walked out and stood on the pavement . There were lots of taxis there waiting so he decided to grab one and asked the driver to take him to a cheap accommodation hotel anywhere that the driver could recommend .
An hour later somewhere between the airport and where they were going, Jake asked the driver
“Is the hotel far from here?
The driver responded , .
“Not too far , see it’s always the same here in this place . The traffic moves very slowly in this city “
Outside it was late at night and its started raining . It looked strange and very dark with unfamiliar people and places all around .
“Well at least no one is going to die from speeding on this highway”
Jake said and the driver replied ,
“The only killer’s on these roads are the gang of the neon signs ?”
“Who are they ?”
Jake asked and the driver responded .
“ They mostly drive around and never stop to think . Too much time to kill and never enough money. They can’t stop what they’re doing ?”
“So what’s the connection with the neon signs?”
Jake asked ,
“Oh , they like the bright lights “
“Oh I see “
Jake replied and the driver asked
“Are you hungry ?
“Yeah just a little. “
The taxi driver pulled into a place called San Antonio . There was a fast food joint that the driver said had good burgers and went to grab some food .
Jake sat there and watched the driver disappear into a queue that was six feet deep with people waiting for a feed .
There was music in the air and people everywhere . There seemed to be some kind of festival going on . He wondered what the occasion was .
A girl passed by and she smiled at him so he rolled down his window and asked .
“What’s happening ?” He asked
“ It’s Mothers Day here , Don’t you have a mother ?”
He nodded and said ,
“Oh yeah , its just different where I come from ?
He replied and the girl said
“I can see you’re not from here ?”
“I’m on a holiday here for the first time. “
Jake replied ,
“Do you love your mother ?”
She asked and he replied ,
“Yeah but she passed away recently and I miss her so much . “
Then she looked at him with empathy and concern then she said ,.
“Get home safely and pay the fare. “
Jake looed worried and said ,
“What are you trying to tell me ?”
She wrote down something on a scrap of paper and handed it to him saying ,
“Here’s my number . Ring me if you need help .“
Then she walked away into the crowd .
The taxi driver got back in the car and handed over a burger and soft drink to Jake who thanked him for his trouble . The driver then drove through St Francis Square where the Malls were full . Then as they approached Shangri-La , by the gates of
Lourdes Girls school there were some cars making their way to Market Market .
The driver said ,
“That hotel I know is just around here , I’m just looking for a place to park ?
All the traffic almost stopped in front of the taxi ,because a small tricycle had lost some of its load from the roof and the driver was picking it up from the road .
Jake said ,
“Bad luck for that guy . “
The taxi driver said ,
“There’s always something going on here . It should only take a few moments to clear this up”
The summer heat was draining as street sellers began walking among the traffic selling bottled water for the thirsty . The taxi drivers reached some coins and bought a bottle of water as Jake drank his soft drink and finished his burger .
The drivers phone rang and he took the call but couldn’t understand a word that was being said . He looked at the scrap of paper the girl had given him and apart from her number she had written ,
You are In Danger . The Taxi Driver works for the gang .
Get out of the Taxi as soon as you can . Pay the fare and just go
Jake was feeling scared he just acted on impulse and said ,
“How much do I owe you so far driver ?
“One thousand peso”
Came the reply ,
Jake took some money from his wallet and handed it to the driver then grabbed him grip bag and got out of the taxi .
“Thank you driver , I know my own way from here:”
He said
Jake crossed over the busy road trying to avoid being hit by the traffic and stood there on the junction of a road , far away from home wondering why he had decided to travel to such a far away country without knowing anyone . He should have listened to his friends who told him not to make any rush decisions after this mothers death . Now here he was in some corner of the world feeling lost and alone .
He wandered around for a while trying to look as if he was local who knew his way around . Then he saw a place called Shakey’s and feeling all shook up he went inside and took a seat .
It was another fast-food joint . He ordered another burger and rang the number the girl had given him and the voice on the phone answered
“Hello can I help you “
“ Hello remember me, I’m the guy who love’s his Mother , you gave me your number”
“Oh thank God , you are ok . You are very lucky as that taxi is well known to the street people here . You would not have got to your destination sir “
“Can you help me ?“
He asked and she said
“What do you need ?”
“A place to stay “
He said and she responded
“I sleep on the floor of a bar , My job is to talk to the clientele and get them to buy me drinks .So I have nowhere for you to stay “\
“Can you book me a room in a hotel and I’ll pay for it “
“Where are you now “
‘She asked
“A place called Shakey’s “
“Ok that’s one near where I spoke to you ?
“He answered .
“Sort of opposite across the road , yeah “
“ Because you love your Mother I’m going to help you. Wait there until I can get back as I’ve just returned to the bar and I’ll have to make some excuse to leave “
“Ok thank you .“
Jake replied and he sat there for a while . Some of the customers in Shakey’s were looking at him and talking . He tried to remain calm . Then in she walked through the door and sat down opposite him saying .
“So between you and me , its just as well you love your Mother . I’ve booked you a room near where I work . So I guess now you’re with me ? “
He looked at her and said ,
“Thank you , I owe you , my name is Jake ‘
“Lets go , I’m Charlie , “
She walked him to a placed where they took a Jeepney bus and then a tricycle to a hotel . A guard stood at the door and nodded to her as if he knew her and then she went over to reception and soke with the lady there who gave her a key and room number .
Charlie took Jake into the lift and then to the room where he would be staying ,
She handed him the key to the door and he opened it up and went inside .
Then he looked at her and said ,
“I don’t know what to say . I’m so grateful for your help “
She replied ,
“I’ve got the night off so can I stay here with you ?”
They say al talked all night about their lives and he offered to pay her ten times what she was earning at the bar if she would show him around Manila . She seemed a little worried about accepting his offer at first but explained that it was the people she worked for who might not ne happy with her taking time off work .
He assured her that he would continue to pay her wage regardless and told her to leave that job , Jake felt that was the least he could do as she had saved his life .
Charlie accepted the offer and informed her boss she had found a better job and that she wouldn’t be back to the bar .
Well call it fate or whatever you like but during the time Jake was in Manila he fell in love and asked Charlie to come back home with him .
She agreed and applied for a tourist visa ., After a month her application was approved and the both of them returned to Australia where they got married and before much longer she was granted residence with a spouse visa .
One mans step out into the unknown and one kind lady’s concern changed two lives in a magic minute in Manila on Mothers day .
The End
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