Charlie And Midge - Chapter 10

By mcscraic
- 119 reads
Charlie And Midge
A Novel
By Paul McCann
Chapter 10
The Artists Call
With no children and lots of time on their hands ,Charlie and Midge enrolled in an art school that had some evening classes for middle aged people . They enjoyed going out together and discovering how to create artworks .
The teacher was very good and was able to give instructions on how to use themes and different materials such as oil based paints and crayons , graphite pencils and metallic inks , charcoal , watercolours , natural dyes , powder pigments ,
improvising with textures and brush strokes , using movement and a focus on distance and bringing everything alive in the process .
What Charlie and Midge learned at art school , they also practised at home . They thought it might be a good idea to try to incorporate some of their meditation time as well into the art sessions to bring inspirations and space when they would create their artworks .
So they played some peaceful background music and other audio sounds to assist them in that relaxation process .
They both agreed not to show or tell one another what they were creating until the artworks were completed .
Standing face to face , behind their easels , they stood subconsciously deep in thought , almost in a trace like state , engrossed in what they were doing . There was an intensity all around the room every time they were working together .
In the silence , they both felt a presence of love and passion in what they were doing .
The art sessions lasted an hour and afterwards they cleaned up any mess and shared a glass or two of whiskey and talked about what ever was in their minds.
“ In blood , sweat and tears Midge “
He said and Midge answered .
“What is that Charlie ?”
“ This art that we’re doing Midge”
He said and she nodded her head and replied .
“ Sure enough . It’s desperate all right Charlie , but still it gives us an interest doesn’t it ? “
He lifted his glass and took a sip and said ‘
“ I can understand why some people would give their life to it Midge and it would take every minute if you let it .“
She lifted her glass and took a little sip saying .
“ You’re right there Charlie . Some of those famous painters were truly dedicated artists .“
“ I can’t begin to imagine what it must have been like to have a calling in life like that Midge. “
They both drained their glasses and Midge replied .
“Some never got the call Charlie and the ones who did were never heard at all . They were not appreciated in their time Charlie. “
He refilled their glasses and said ,
“ We should go into the city and visit the art gallery one day to appreciate some of the artworks on show “
Handing the glass over to her she said ,
“ We should do that . Let’s have a toast to those artists who suffered for the sake of their art Charlie “
Midge and Charlie raised their glasses and Charlie said ,
“ Here’s to all those who were never appreciated but persevered and kept believing in what they were doing .“
They both drained their glasses and sat there contemplating the greatness of those who left their artworks behind as a legacy for who they were and what they did and then Midge said .
“ It’s good we don’t have to suffer for the art we do Charlie ?”
He replied ,
“Maybe it’s lucky Midge we never got the call ?”
She answered “
“ They say that many are chosen but few are picked . “
Charlie poured another little drop into each glass and said ,
“ I’m wondering out of those who were picked , how many didn’t end up playing the game. “
Midge replied ,
“ It’s a hard game all right Charlie and I’m sure there would have been a lot of them who took an early exit from the game .“
“ Let’s have a toast to those who escaped from the game. Midge “
They both raised their glass and she said
“I propose a toast to those who went missing and never finished what they had begun . May they find peace now in a place where suffering is no more .”
They finished their glasses and Charlie said ,
“I want you to do a portrait of me Midge .“
Midge was overjoyed and said .
“Don’t stand there like a beggar looking for a feed then . Go over there and sit down in a chair in front of my easel “
Charlie went and took a chair that was there and took an old wooden fruit box and put his feet up .
Midge went over and took a frameless canvas and her artist palette and brushes . Then she took some colours and .went to work painting a background scene then she stopped and went over and lifted the whiskey bottle and two empty glasses gave then to Charlie saying ,
“ Pretend you’re pouring a drink for a friend “
Then she grabbed some brushes and oils and as if inspired with sudden greatness and immediately began to dab and stroke out an image unto the canvas .
“I’ll make it like you have a visitor so hold the bottle in front of the glass “
“.Like this Midge “
He said as he held it up and pretended to pour ,
“ No not like that Charlie , that’s too high hold the glass out in front of you and then bottle at the same level as if you’re pouring a drink for a friend . Yes that’s it .“
Midge continued to dab away . It was as if he was in a kind of trance .
“This portrait is going to be called the welcome glass “
I love it already Midge without even seeing it .”
He said
“Do you know what Charlie I think that a great big smile would be an asset for this portrait .“
Charlie put on a big smile
Suddenly Midge stopped painting and dropped her brush looking at Charlie .
“You’re not hiding something from me . Are you Charlie ?.”
He said .
“ What do you mean hiding something Midge ?”
She replied ,
“Like you’re about to snatch it and leave me I mean “
“What care you saying Midge ?”
He asked and she replied ,
“Like you going to hang in your notice .“
Charlie replied ,
“There’s nothing like that going on Midge . “
She replied .
“So there’s no news then about a sudden farewell then ?”
“Sure I’ve no where to go . “
He said ,
She walked around a little and said
“You haven’t seen the doctor lately then ?”
“No Midge . I’m fit as ever . Why “
“I was thinking the portrait was like you way of leaving me something to remember you by Charlie “
When he saw the concern he went over and gave her a big hug and in doing that he saw the finished work on the canvas .
He could hardly believe his eyes . The image of him sitting in a crowded bar a table , pouring whiskey into a glass for the unseen friend .
“Perfect, Midge . It’s just brilliant .“
Said Charlie .
He was so impressed by what he saw that he asked if he could take it to show everyone in art class and she said he could .
Then she said to him .’
“Now it’s my turn Charlie . Can you do a portrait of me ?”
“That’s not a problem Midge . Sit your self over there on that sofa “
He said and then went to get his paints and brushes and an empty canvas and thought for a moment .
He called Lucky who came quickly into the room . He asked
Midge to settle the dog in front of her on the floor .
Immediately he went to work .
He began to paint a woman inside
a large room beside an open window that was on the roof above her head , where moonlight shone through . There was no furniture in the room apart from a sofa and a table . There was a large dog resting at her feet . He stood at artists easel with the focus of a man inspired . He lifted his brush and started painting . His brush strokes were confident , and crisp . For the rest of the night he worked on his canvas . Each movement of his brush was intense . His concentration was fierce .
Suddenly he said ,
“Come and see I’ve finished your portrait Midge “
She’d went over and looked at the artwork and had her eyes fixed on the work . A few tears rolled down her face . It was a picture of her
sitting on a old sofa inside a farmhouse with Lucky at her feet and she said “
“ It reminds me of when I was a young girl at home on the farm on the country . It’s just right Charlie . I love it and can I also show everyone in the art class your picture ? Charlie agreed and he put his picture next to Midges .
and began to paint an image of the pig in his picture .
Charlie said
“ I’ll have tomorrow off Midge . Let’s take a train to the city and visit the art gallery. “
“Ok great idea . We’ll do as you say Charlie and start off early tomorrow morning . “
They both walked off to the bedroom together for a good nights sleep .
When morning came Charlie and Midge got up early and had breakfast before putting Lucky on the leaf and then they all made their way to the railway station .
End of Chapter 10
Charlie And Midge
A Novel By Paul McCann
Link to chapter 11
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