Charlie And Midge - Chapter 3 (Part 1)
By mcscraic
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Charlie And Midge
A Novel
By Paul McCann
Chapter 3
(Part 1)
The Lost Dog
Like the dawn that comes at the end of the night , it had to happen sooner or later Charlie began to realize that Midge had a problem with hoarding things and started to read about this disorder that was a mental health issue to have a strong need to save items and to experience distress when trying to get rid of them .
Charlie wanted to help Midge with this issue in her life so he accessed some material on cognitive behavioural therapy but realised that would be too invasive to present to Midge so he came up with an idea of his own in an attempt to treat this problem with his wife . His idea was to remove Midge from her large collection of goods that were stores in sheds around the farm . Instead of trying to remove the items from her life he thought that removing her from her stored items .
It was worth a try so he started to look at homes for rent and in his searching he saw there was some homes available to buy or rent in a new housing estate being developed near the harbour which wasn’t that far away from where Midge and Charlie were living on her parents the farm .
At first he started to look for a new job in that area before discussing his plan to move with Midge . Within a week Charlie had a job offer near the harbour and took the next step to have a talk to Midge .
It was a quiet evening and they both had finished dinner .
“Isn’t that an awful thing they have over there in India Midge ?”
She replied .
“What’s that you’re saying Charlie ?”
He replied .
“There ;s an awful lot of people living there . Poor people have nowhere else to go and their children going to these slum schools with nothing in their belly to help them learn how to ready and write “
“Sure Charlie , it’s a hard world for some all right “
Midge said and she started cleaning up the dirty dishes .
“Well Midge , sure its me and you against the world now isn’t it :”
Charlie said and Midge nodded her head “
:Charlie repeated what he had just said.
‘As I was saying its me and you against the world now Midge .
“That’s how it is Charlie ”
She said
Charlie continued “
You know Midge there’s some parts of the world where nothing ever changes . Things just stay the same you know what I mean .”
Midge said ,
“It’s a bit like where we are on the farm Charlie . Same old stuff everyday .
Charlie said
“Exactly . You know Midge months pass by on the farm and there’s no change to the lifestyle . The horses and castle always need watered and fed , Eggs are collected daily and the monthly order of groceries always arrive on time with the same items on the order every time “
Midge added ,
“It’s just the way we live here Charlie . We are simple folk living a little separately to most .”
Charlie said ,
I’m thinking maybe we should try a change of lifestyle Midge ?
“Change for what reason Charlie . “Try to challenge how we are living , so we can grow in our relationship come stronger “
Midge sat down and thought for a moment and said ,
“Why try to change our lives for something different Charlie . We have everything here that we need “
Charlie said ,
“:I agree Midge we do have everything and we’re lucky to have all we have . I have been offered a new job in an office near the harbour and it could be an opportunity for a brighter future . Maybe it wouldn’t hurt to give it a try Midge .“
‘You mean we would have to move away from the farm ?”
Charlie said ,
“Now that’s going to be a hard thing I know but when we first met I said to myself , now that’s the girl I want to spend the rest of my life with . I know that whatever we do and where ever we would go , you and I could overcome anything with our love “
“Aww sure that’s a lovely thing you just said Charlie ?”
Midge said .
From that point Midge was interested and they both discussed the idea about relocating from the farm to the harbour .
The following day Charlie made a few phone calls and enquired about the availability of getting a house to live in on the new estate .
Later on that evening Charlie couldn’t wait to tell Midge about what he had found .
After dinner he said to Midge ,
“Wait until I tell you what I found out Midge . I just discovered that they are building these new houses in an estate by the Harbour and all the homes are going to have all the modern conveniences , fittings and appliances . Bathrooms with their own bathtub .”
Midge started thinking about having a real bathtub instead of the one that came down from the hook on the wall . Now she was being tempted to take the plunge and try life in a new place “
“You were saying about a new job . Is the pay any good ?
Charlie replied .
‘I would be earning twice as much as I do in the grocery store and I would get holiday pay , sick leave , superannuation and workers compensation if I would have an accident . “
Midge continued
“Well Charlie that’s a good enough reason for us to consider moving from the farm into a new home .
Charlie continued ,.
“The council have started developing streets and subdividing the village of Safe Harbour . Already some of its first residents have moved in to occupy the first of the homes that are finished. .
Midge said ,
“Charlie lets go tomorrow and have a look at the place “
Charlie said ,.
“’Me and you against the world Midge “
Midge nodded her head ,and said .
“:It’s exciting isn’t it Charlie ?”
Charlie responded n
“Nothing like a change to set the wind in our sails ?”
They decided to take the train to Safe Harbour for a first hand look and walk around before making the final decision to move house .
Midge went up to her parents farmhouse to ask her Father for a life to the railway station in the morning . She told him they were just having a day trip .
So in the new day Mr Powers took Charlie and Midge to the train station where they would get a train to the Harbour . Life on the farm is sometimes unpredictable and it was one of those busy mornings on the farm with the birth of a foal , the tractor that had a flat tyre and during the night a fox had got into the chicken coop and caused a lot of problems but Mr Powers was quite used to all of these kind of issues and kindly brought Charlie and Midge to the train station to catch their early morning train to the harbour .
When they boarded the train a few workers were also making their way to the building site at Safe Harbour . They were very friendly and were able to give some invaluable information to Charlie and Midge about the proposed development that would be put in place in the housing estate . A large shopping Mall was going to be built near the railway station and there was a serious focus on the youth of the area with three schools to be built , some sporting grounds . Al of this was encouraging to hear . It was the first time that thewy had been on the train to the harbour and as it gathered speed the sound of the train went from a clickety clack to a whoosh that flew past poles and trees like needle stitching patches upon a corduroy jacket .
At the end of the line Charlie and Midge got off the train and walked with the morning crew of workers to the new building site at Safe Harbour .
Midge looked at Charlie and said ,
“Well here we are Charlie . Safe Harbour . Isn’t it just lovely ?”
Charlie replied ,
“Suire enough Midge , it’s a place that’s going somewhere all right “
Both of them stood there looking around at all the goings on . There were trucks bringing building materials , front end loaders with buckets full of sand and cement , pallets of bricks , lengths of timber and steel , demountable buildings , tall cranes , dump trucks , diggers , traffic control people with stop and go signs . homes finished and others half finished with roofers on the top working away .
Midge looked at Charlie and asked .
Charlie where do we go to now ?
Charlie said ,
“Sure I’m not sure Midge . Like yourself , its my first time here ”
Midge replied ,
“Lets just have a walk then Charlie like we’re already living here “
“That’s a good idea Midge. “
Chalie said and off they went like two of Safe Harbour’s new residents . They walked up some streets with slabs of concrete in vacant lots and other parcels of land still areas under construction . Then to their surprise they saw a large shaggy dog , that was alone and tied up to a post in the middle of nowhere . The dog looked thirsty and hungry and Midge said ,
“Imagine somebody leaving that poor dog like that. “
Charlie replied ,
“Sure enough midge that’s a cruel thing to do “
” Charlie lets untie him and give him oner of our sandwiches in my bag. “
“If I found the owner Midge I’d tie him up for as while to that there post and see how he would like it “
Midge said,
“Now Charlie don’t be getting your self all upset for nothing “
Charlie said ,
“ I suppose your right . Give that sandwich there and I’ll untie the poor thing “
Midge took the sandwich from her bag and fed the big dog and it was devoured in seconds . Charlie untied the dog and patted hits head . The dog went over to Midge and jumped up and licked her face . She started laughing and said ,
“ Oh sure that’s enough to that now “
“How could anybody just leave you here alone >
Said Charie .
The dog walked over and looked up into Charlies face “
Midge said .
“Charlie maybe somebody left the dog here and had an accident or something and never came back . “
Chalie said
“Maybe the dog’s owner had abandoned him because he couldn’t look after
“him anymore Midge . That’s what some people do you know .“
Midge replied ,
“Well Charlie , we can look after him. “
“ That’s what I was thinking myself Midge “
Midge replied ,
“Ok then . Lets give him a name Charlie and take him home “
Charlie replied .
“What about if we call him Lucky Midge “
“Lucky it is Charlie :”
Chapter 3 (Part 1 ends )
Charlie And Midge
A Novel By Paul McCann
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