Death Under The Hood
By mcscraic
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Belfast City was a war zone with too many no go areas to mention
Every corner of the city was another zone .
Every zone had its own law maker and breaker .
The security forces could not control some of the corners around
Belfast and as hard as it was the security forces had to allow it to
happen and anarchy was the law and order of the day.
This story is about one of those corners inside a war zone where four
armies fought for control of the city . The first of these armies
geared itself up in some serious fighting for control of their turf .
In need of funds for arms smuggling had begun with a number ships and
trucks bringing everything's from Cognac to Cologne . With global
markets paying cash for cheap stock
the weapons and explosives were purchased like a child would buy sweets
from a corner shop .
In this corner of town terror was the key to control the people as men
and women were lined up for regular punishment shootings after refusing
to drive booby trapped vehicles to barracks and buildings of
Then came the second army who ran the show on their turf with
protection and hi-jacks the main items on the agenda . Regular fire
bombs saw many businesses burnt out and houses splattered with paint
bombs .
High tech electronic warfare was introduced and it wasn't long before
these two small armies united to control a bigger patch of the city
The security forces were fighting a losing battle as their jet fighters
and helicopters dropped from the sky like lead balloons into enemy
territory .
This was the first of the fast and furious intelligence hits on the
security forces around Belfast . The two armies now had a large group
of soldiers with scores of headquarters all over the city .
What once was a war for turf had become a war for wealth and power
An large group of double agents who were working for the security
forces were busy gathering intelligence from computers on the inside
and a network
of security forces were working with the two underworld armies as
bombing experts . Four armies were operating in Belfast and no one
really knew which side they were fighting on . It was all was getting
too complex now .
There were too many double agents and no one knew who was who .
In the end nobody trusted anybody if you get the drift .
Only for a handful of people it was impossible to decipher what was the
proper and correct information being passed on by the intelligence
offices in each of the four armies .
It was heating up to a explosive situation with the assassination of
one of the leaders of the second army in Belfast .
Tempers went wild with the news of the killing and it was decided
In response Belfast business district would be blown into smithereens
on the night of July 12 .
The underground intelligence network who were also double agents
relayed back the information to the security forces and in an operation
code named Mickey Finn a special death squad were enlisted to combat
the new armies mission to blow up Belfast City .
It would look just like another tribal turf dispute with security
forces dressed like terrorists in black Balaclavas running wild through
Belfast city armed to the teeth and one by one their list of names grew
shorter .
As night fell over the corners of the city mayhem awaited .
Already a series of car bombs had been activated and amid the flashing
of flames that paved the sky with a black mosaic the death squad were
busy seeking out and destroying their targets .
The air was thick with smoke and distant screaming echoed through the
city Ambulances scurried through the streets with cargos of bodies and
Medics had to be miracle workers at times .
With bombs going off everywhere panic erupted and out came the
On solitary missions to protect and destroy .
Living in a war zone is not a nice place to be but you get used to it
after a while . Gunfire is always around and so long as you hear it you
are ok . Its only when you don't hear it that you are in trouble
For a soldier life is a gamble . There is no each way bet and no one
gives you the credit to wage life or death in a war zone . A soldier
just does a job .
If you walk the street with a target on your back no one can guarantee
you safe passage home . That is why every road could be a dead end
At the intersection on the corner stood the death squad with just one
name left on their list . A car pulled up with the driver tied to the
steering wheel .
There was no warning . The bomb went off suddenly and killed the entire
Some soldiers pass through a city others turn around and find another
road . There are many roads in a war zone .
After the soldier does the job usually there is a new crew on the road
Usually a new Map is laid out and a road to peace is unearthed .
Now Belfast has a road to peace and car bombs are a thing of the past
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