Diaminds Underground - Chapter 8

By mcscraic
- 444 reads
Diamonds Underground
Chapter 8
The Miracle Found
In the mystic mist of a sunrise kissed by night that had left a new day had dawned and on the road they were on it seemed a little less easier to trod, but there was no way back for them now.
Hyman and the crew made their way there on the long road through the wilderness between paths , along mountain ledges and over rocky ground to the sound of strange worried beasts calling out in vain to the strains of the wild , where the brave save their strength for the fight in survival of another day .
Palmer suddenly stopped and stood pointing the way to the destination that was now in sight and the promise of that was like sweet music to the ears of in the crew who had been kissed by the fact that’s the track was almost at journeys end .
Through the eyes of knowing this their hearts took flight and the long road that was left behind was just a memory of hard place they had to find on the way .
Palmer began to scream and chant in a strange language and one of the crew said ,
“He’s giving thanks to the ancient ones for bringing us safe to the end of our journey ‘
Hyman said , “ Although I am amazed by this place here , don’t you even dare to think about leaving me here alone .“
‘“Trust is part of the journey we’re on sir . You’re the one who has paid the way to get here and we would never abandon you .“ Came the reply. as they followed Palmer who said ,
“We must go that way “ Pointing to the right
“Lead the way Palmer“ Hymans said
They had just walked a short distance when they saw an ancient temple surrounded by statues of angels .
“All right , that looks promising . Let’s go see what we can find .“ Said Hyman
A little while later they came to the entrance of the temple and before they went inside Palmer began singing in a strange language .
“He’s asking permission from the ancient spirit here to enter .“
One of the crew said .
Hyman nodded his head and waited for the ok to go through . Palmer signalled everyone to go inside. They all approached the entrance carefully because they had never seen anything like this before . Statues of angels were everywhere as if guarding the temple .
Hyman stopped for a moment and called everyone to attention and said .
“Thank you all for your help along the way , I hope you can understand English .“
The translator was able to communicate what Hyman was saying to those who could not understand .
“ Yes at last we are here after many miles of travelling together . I want you all to know I could not have come to this place without your help . For me this is a dream come true just to be here in this place . I have seen so much along the way and I intent to do all I can to help those in need . You all deserve a big thank you for the hard work and a perseverance shown . Now as we go into this place I can feel the presence of unexplainable wonder that awaits inside . ”
They all walked in through the entrance to the temple. It was dark inside except for a beam of sunlight that streamed through a window on the roof . The golden light landed in the middle of the temple floor . Just inside the entrance of the temple was a statue of an angel playing a harp . There were colourful stones embedded all over the statue and Palmer approached Hyman and said .
“This is the place on your map where you wanted to go .“
Hyman said ., “Thank you . I’m very grateful Palmer:”’
They all looked around for a while. Hyman was looking up at the tiny window on the roof and was intrigued by the light of the sun shinning down to a spot on the floor of the temple . Palmer started dancing around under the light as if he was on the stage before an audience. Everyone laughed at his crazy antics and he lapped up the attention. Then he started to show off his acrobatic skills doing a hand sprung cartwheel followed by tumble then he landed on both of his feet with a thud . Suddenly the floor seemed to vibrate or move . Hyman had a close look and discovered a concealed trapdoor there. When he opened the trapdoor there was some steps that went down into an underground tunnel . Hyman and the crew grabbed their flashlights and went to investigate . They descended down the tunnel and what they found was a very old diamond mine .
Hyman stood there memorised at what he saw . All it took was one look . He was in a trance , hypnotised , with no chance to escape , diamonds were in his eyes . He put his hand on his torch and shone the light along the tunnel that descended down in a spiral walkway for hundreds of meters . Here and there statues and wooden carvings sat as if they were guarding the treasured walls . Diamonds encrusted in the rock faces awaiting release from their imprisonment.
Hyman’s eyes stared all around the diamond mine and he realised that the temple had been built on top of the mine to hide all of treasures that had been found . Buy what happened to those people , did their secret die with them ?
He was locked into that moment with thoughts rushing through his head about an ancient race who had once been there . He whispered to himself, I will make these rough diamonds shine for all the world to see .
There was no time to waste, he had work to do . Men and machines would have to be brought to this place. Years of work , no time to hesitate for tomorrow could be too late . From this moment in time his life would change , even though everyday he would breath in the same air , walk under the same sky , the fact was he had found paradise on earth . He was floating, glowing , dreaming , not wanting to let go of the moment . Then as he came back down to earth he remembered all the tribes in those villages who had so many needs . Now he knew he was in a position where he could help them to get water , grow crops and become self sufficient .
He told Palmer that he was a lucky man because he would receive 5% of the find which would be a sizeable amount of money .
Hyman and his men left the mine and the temple and made their way to civilisation with future plans to help those who were in need . In Hyman’s way of thinking the diamonds belonged to Africa and it was only right that the wealth should stay in Africa and help those who were in need .
His approach to life was different now and he could see what was important . He was in a position where he could change the future for many people and give them a better quality of life .
Hyman thought of Roisin with her passion for justice and civil rights , he called her told her everything and asked for her help in his project to bring resources to the people in the remote African villages . Rosin jumped at the opportunity and added a few ideas of her own . One of those was to support a young lady working in medical research in Africa . She had been sending her some donations to assist her with the work she was doing . Hyman was glad to help and they both started to look at buying some property and a place to live . They had to make a base where they could begin building dreams for a better future .
Roisin told Hyman about Brenda the young lady she had been introduced to while she was involved with humanitarian work in Africa . After hearing Brenda’s story and getting to know her personally Roisin was paying her tuition fees at university and also funding her research into vaccines for various viruses . Brenda was also close to making a breakthrough with ozone therapy and blood transfusions to cure people with terminal illness . Her recent interventions had healed many people and some doctors regarded her work as miraculous . Brenda was very gifted and Roisin realised that she would help many people in the world .
Roisin wanted Hyman to meet Brenda but before that she shared Brenda’s story with him so he would have an understanding of this special person .
Brenda had grown up in a small village in Africa with eleven others in her family . Well, although there were eleven , there were in fact , many more who would arrive to the hut where they lived , looking for food and shelter . No one was ever turned away . Even though there was barely enough food for Brenda’s family the food seemed to stretch and provide ample nutrition for one and all . Brenda’s parents went to church and prayed hard all the time to just get by . hey did all they could to with the little they had and the rest they left in God’s hands
Brenda said an angel came to the hut and spoke to her one day . She said the angel returned every now and then , like a special friend .
When she started going to school in the village the angel would sometimes accompany her making sure she arrived safely . Brenda learned to read and write long before any of the others at school . The teachers at her school recognised she was working well beyond her years . Brenda was able to absorb information and was soon translating that into other languages . She worked easily with no effort and could answer very difficult questions without studying hard . The teachers said Brenda was a genius and she soon gained special status and was invited to lectures and talks by professors in the medical research . When she was seventeen Brenda was sent overseas to speak to University students in Asia and Australia .
She could speak seven languages fluently and made a huge impression on students in medicine studying for their Bachelor Of Medicine . When Brenda’s parent died she returned to her village in Africa to look after her siblings .
It was at this point in time when Roisin first met her . Roisin was in the village as one of ten volunteers who had registered with the Stepping Stones Foundation who were building futures for some of the extraordinary talented people in remote corners of the world . Roisin remembered walking into Brenda’s small hut with the red dirt floor and immediately knew there was something special about that place , She could smell the strong aroma of roses even though there were no flowers anywhere to be seen . Roisin said Brenda welcomed her into her home and spoke with a perfect English grammar that shattered the silence between them . She said they spoke non stop for over an hour . Brenda shared her visions and hope for a world without pain or illness and in a small African hut without a mobile phones or computer, the simple surroundings brought home a message that the world needed to hear .
Brenda laughed at the thought of one day having her own laboratory in a research centre of her own , but that’s what Roisin wanted to provide for her and now with Hymans help, Roisin knew that could become a reality .
Hyman wanted to meet Brenda and asked Roisin if she could arrange that .
Brenda gave talks to the passing parade of interested investors and others who were interested in what she was doing . People started to arrive for treatment from all over the world and had received cures and healing with ozone therapy programs and the intake of what Brenda called her miracle water therapy . The one thing in common with all of her patient was they all walked away healed .
Word of mouth soon brought crowds of people to her research and recently opened medical clinic rooms . Brenda had developed new vaccines that were administered through droplet feed in IV bags . The process to 21 days and those patients were frequently monitored and medicated until their discharge . On the second floor there was a quarantine section with isolation rooms to provide assistance for those with viruses who were arriving form African villages . The slow recovery time seemed to trickle into a faster flow after the initial vaccine had been concentrated into treating the viruses with new levels of understanding that Brenda was sharing with people in the medical world who came to listen to her lectures on Bio Chemistry .
Brenda’s siblings had all become nurses and were able to assist in the medical clinic that had expanded now into a hospital . On the opening day at the new hospital Brenda spoke to everyone who had been invited . Dignitaries from all over the world were present .’
“I’d like to welcome everyone this morning for the opening of this new facility ,
with new environmental methods of health care “
As she began to speak to the large gathering of people involved in alternative approaches to health care it wasn’t long before she was given rapturous applause between sentences . Her research work had been proven and tried all over the world with great success . Her knowledge seemed beyond what most in her field had ever encountered before and yet so simple to understand .
As Brenda spoke to the people there she opened up to the academic world her dreams to capture cures with conditions like dementia and cancer and HIV . She had a vision that one day these terminal conditions would be cured . Her vison to build hospitals for the dying for young and old , rich and poor was inspiring for everyone to hear . Hymans was going to be part of that dream coming true sand the first of those hospitals was just months away from being opened . ‘
These Hope Hospitals would only accomadate the dying , young and old .
In these facilities the patients would receive special graces of healing and comfort that was not available anywhere else . Brenda had so many questions FROM those who had gathered and one by one she provided answers immediately to them .
Brenda had discovered answers no one had ever known to the treatment of viruses and disease that plagued humanity for centuries .
“Look at the leaves of the tress and the nuts and the berries that I will now show you on this presentation “ She saiid ,
The overhead projector displayed a short video that presented wild flowers and plants she had discovered that held the key to her on going research in terminal illnesses . After the video she spoke again ,
“The cures to dementia and cancer and present viruses of great concern in the world are now within our reach . just open your eyes and you will see. These plants have been given to us for a reason . We have natural cures all around us on our mountains and in our oceans . What I have discovered so far is just the beginning . My research in laboratories has recently started a process of breaking down certain chemicals and cell structures of plants and berries to combat sickness and disease in humans” .
On a whiteboard she that was projected by a camera to a screen the audience gazed to the genius at work as she mapped out the way to achieve the results she had found . It was as if she given the power and knowledge required to create new medicines for the world . Brenda was very clear in her instructions of what had to be dome . She the pathway to finding cures and had begun to put up signposts for others to follow . The large gatherings of people could now appreciate her alternative approaches to primary health delivery . It wasn’t long before her methods were globally accepted .
In the months that followed her documents were used to teach professors how to formulate new innovative medicines for the world . Brenda’s experiments with pigs and mice were successful and the new vaccines were now being used to stop new viruses from killing humans .
Her dream had become real . Her interventions with a chemical replacements to the brain had brought cures in dementia and enabled a restoration to the balance and regrown of brain cells and tissues that before seemed impossible .
Brenda continued to thank her benefactor Hyman Goodman for funding her experiments and for building the research centres , clinics and hospitals that enabled her to achieve her dream.
Hymans diamonds had been a miracle for many and after he passed away he left the world a living legacy in the private investigation of health .
The End
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