Eternity Awaits - Part 1
By mcscraic
- 126 reads
Eternity Awaits
A Musical
By Paul McCann
Part 1
Scene 1
The garden park
Twilight time in the early spring and people were out walking together appreciating the colours of life that had returned in some of the gardens .
It was a moment in time when everything stood still .
A young man appeared from nowhere and rushed among the crowd screaming aloud .
“Does anybody really know the truth ? .“
Most of the people were avoiding him and staying out of his way . Everyone looked at him as if he was mad . Again the young man shouted .
“Will someone answer me . What is the truth ?”
All the overhead lights are turned off ,as a song begins the lights slowly return on stage to reveal a figure kneeling down . He was holding a single rose
Gethsemanes Rose -
Once I was the deepest kind of red that you’ve ever seen , in a garden so green but you left me out in the cold for too many years how time disappears for a dying old rose left alone and exposed .
Did you never think I need water to drink or where your eyes closed to the deep red rose in the heat of the day how time passes away and each season goes for a dying rose that nobody knows .
All the gardeners that I’ never had they might feel sad that a fragrance has gone from somewhere on the lawn in a space where I grew and nobody knew where the sunshine would hide all day there at my side .
In the dark of night , when the moons out of sight there’s a silence that grows like an invisible rose that no one’s ever seen in a garden so green where the fragrance is sweet and time stands still for the rose at his feet , that grew when he cried .. I’m Gethsemane’s rose.
The figure gets up to his feet as several police arrived and approached him . The police were all heavily armed . The officer in charge approached the young man and took the rose from his hands and crushed it under his feet . Another one of the policemen grabbed him and shook him .
A few people came to see what was going on but they were instructed to move along . The officer in charge informed the crowd who had gathered that there was nothing to worry about and that everything was under control . The crowd dispersed and the police officer looked at the young man and said .
“ You have been well paid for the information we need . Now tell us where is the Dude we’re looking for ? “
The young man replied ,
“ I don’t know if I am doing the right thing anymore . “
The police officer replied ,
“It’s a little late for that don’t you think . You’ve already been paid , So where is he ? “
The young man pointed to an area and said
“He’s over in there , in the skate park with some of his friends .
“Ok lets go and when we get there you’re going to point him out to us .“
As they made their way over to that place the police made sure no one interfered as they went about their duty . As they entered the skate park a group of street kids ran off . The police were not interested in any of them . The person they were after was pointed out by the paid informer , he was sitting underneath a tree in the middle of the skaters domain . Around the concrete play area was a public park with a few park benches . As the police all marched over on the path they encircled the tall tree where the man was sitting there alone by the tree . He seemed to be talking to someone but no one was there . Nearby there was a band stand with a few musicians playing instruments and singing , there were about a dozen men there . Some of them were asleep and no one had noticed the police as they cordoned off that area of the park . The informer walked over to the man under the tree and pointed his finger into the mans face . +
“That’s him . He’s the ringleader .“
The police surrounded him and started questioning him . One of the policemen handcuffed him and some of the lads in the bandstand rushed over and a scuffle began as they tried to protect their friend who was being arrested . The police took out their weapons and tasered one or two who had started to fight with the police . Some of the police were injured . The informed disappeared and ran away unnoticed during the commotion .
The ringleader of the gang was calling his friends to stop . There was an authority about the way he spoke . It had an immediate impact on the situation and the confusion and chaos ended . The leader of the gang helped one of the police men to his feet . One of them was bleeding from the side of his head . As soon as the ringleader placed his hand over the wound it stopped bleeding . The police man was astonished and said .
“Who are you ?“
“I am who I am . but tell me who are you . Do you speak with truth or do you listen to those who gossip and tell lies .”
The police officer in charge approached and said ,
“Can you show me some ID .“
“No .so what crime have I committed ?.”
Came the answer .
The police officer then said ,
“Have you a drivers license or a credit card ?
“No John I have no need for those things ”.”
“How do you know my name . I need to see some identification .“
The police officer said and the ringleader replied ,
“What is it that identifies you with anything . Is it a name or is it the place you come from ? Is it what you believe in ?
The police officer started to scream aloud acted like a bully
“Listen we have a report that you are a criminal and a troublemaker so don’t try to lecture me on ethics .”
“You say I am a criminal but where is your proof . You need to have something stronger that a report , you need to stop and just calm down. “
Two police men man grabbed him and marched him off “
“You are under arrest for starting a riot and for assaulting police who were protecting the public .“
“Ýou know that’s not the truth “
Said the ringleader
‘ We are in charge and you have the right to remain silent “:
“You cannot hide the truth and you can never silence what you know in your heart and it’s you not I who have broken the law here today The truth always wins out in the end . “
The police officer took out his baton and bashed him around the head and body . Again the ringleader of the gang fell to the ground . As he got up again he smiled and said .
“So violence is what is in your heart . You have just shown that by your action and those who live violence shall also perish the same way . “
The police office stepped back and seemed frightened then he shouted back a barrage of insults before saying .
‘You have the right to remain silent if you wish . You have the right to an attorney . You are under arrest for organizing a revolt and initiating an unlawful gathering with intent to create a riot against the authorities “.
The innocent man replied
“I was peace3fully sitting under a tree saying prayers until you came with violence and it’s you who are the trouble makers in this place .” .
We are going to teach you a lesson for making plans to destroy a public place and interfering with the police in their duty . We have information that you are recruiting an army to stage a coup . We have an eye witnesses who saw you smashing tables in a local church . We. have evidence of you tampering with wine at a local wedding and you are going to pay for all your crimes “
The innocent man replied
“What lessons are you speaking of , for you teach violence and destruction and injustice . Are they the lesson’s you speak of .?”
The police officer seemed lost for words . He turned to his men and said ,
“Take him away and lock him up in the cell at the station until his court hearing . Arrest any of his gang that are not out of here in the next fibe minutes .“
The ringleader said with a firm gentle tone .
“What you don’t understand is I know the reason I have been put under your law and what awaits for me after this night is through “
The police officer laughed aloud and said to his friends .
“So who are you some time traveller of physic that can tell the future “
The friends of the innocent man had all ran away in fear of being arrested as well . The moon in the sky begam to glow brighter that ever before . A silence fell down as they took away the innocent man in handcuffs to jail ..
Scene 2
The Prison Cell
The police took him to a cell and stripped him of his clothes . They gave him a prison uniform but refused to wear it. He said to them ,
‘” I am not a criminal and even though you can manufacture information that makes me look guilty of a crime . I am innocent . I will nit wear your prison clothes “
The guards on duty ordered some fancy dress clothes and alcohol and after they were delivered they dressed their prisoner in a clowns suit and made fun of him taking photos of him then uploading them on the internet . He was bashed up before they locked him up inside a small holding cell that would be his home until his court hearing .
He lay there in the dark cell , hungry and alone. Another guard approached
He walked with a lazy shuffle over to the cell , making his way slowly step by step . when he came to the door of the cell he said ,
“Teacher , Let me help you . I’m going to open the door to your cell and you’re free to go from this place . I’ve heard stories about you . Is it true you can do magic ?
“Magic , is that what they call it ?”
The prisoner said
“Yeah teacher , they said you can heal people . Have you got a real name “
The jailer said ;
“ My name is not important but call me Saviour if you want . I have special gifts but its not magic ..“
“Saviour can you heal me, I have no sight “
Reaching out his hand he touched the jailers eyes and said .
“Open your eyes and see the light . Some people are blinded to the truth but you my friend are now able to see .
The jailer opened the door of the cell and said .
“You must go now Saviour , before the morning shift arrive . The guards were all drunk last night so they will just think that they must have left the door open”
As He walked out from the cell he said to the jailer ,.
‘Can I borrow that key for a few moments Peter?”
The jailer handed over the key and asked.
“How do you know my name Saviour
“I know many things .”
He took the key and walked around opening up all the cells in the prison,
The night jailer in the prison was screaming .
“Saviour what are you doing . I’m going to loose my job ?”
He looked at the jailer and smiled saying .
“ Don’t you worry about a thing . Look at me Peter , I have come to set the prisoners free ,that is why I am here .”
As each of the cell doors were opened the prisoners inside all ran out from their cells and made there way to the prison gate . Already the front gate of the prison had been opened allowing the prisoners to escape into the streets of the town . As soon as the jailer was handed back his keys he immediately place handcuffs on the inmate who had released all the prisoners . The jailer looked angry and upset and said.,
“ I called you Saviour and tried to help you why did you do this to me , How can I explain to the authorities what has happened , You’ve got me in trouble “
The inmate replied ,
“Peter I gave you back your sight so you can see . I would never put you in trouble . There is a reason I did what I did and you will see why this very day because eternity awaits and I will be there with you ... ”
Song Of Freedom -
Let us sing a song of joy and freedom and break the chains of sorrow in our hearts and tomorrow we will follow in the footsteps very few have trod .
Let us sing a song of strength and courage and carry the heavy cross that we bear and together we will share in the answer of a loving God .
Bring out the message once again , sing out in the suffering and pain, we will find a new start and understand just why Jesus came .
Let us sing a song of love together, to bring us hope everywhere we go
and the love that we know it will grow and give thanks in the name of ..
Jesus we sing and praise your name, Almighty King we sing to you again
Jesus Lord you saved us and the word you gave us , reminds us that love is why you came .
Let us sing a song of understanding that you came to set the prisoner free , the key in your hands demands we’re set free in your name .
Sing a song of praise and bless his name, sing a song to Jesus once again ,
we agreed you freed us , God speed us now and lead us back home to your love again .
When the morning shift arrived there was chaos . The guards went scyrrying around everywhere checking all the cells . Thewy saw all the prisoners were missing except for the one who had just come the night before . They spoke to the night guard who had hand cuffed the prisoner . The night guard made up a story that he had been tricked and over powered by the new inmate who stole his master key and set the prisoners free . By the time he had recovered his keys all the inmates had escaped .
That morning there was a hearing and investigation into the events . After the hearing that had finished a decision was made about punishing the prisoner for the events that had occurred during the night . The prisoner was taken away to receive what was coming for him . Later that morning they put the prisoner into a harness like an animal and he was tied to a cart , Inside the cart the night jailer sat on board with a whip to use when necessary .
Like a beast of burden the prisoner had to pull the cart through the streets in full view of all the people in the town . It was a hot day outside and the prisoner was taken to the prison gate and off he went pulling the cart through town . All the local people who saw him pulling the cart began to laugh . They assumed it was some kind of circus show promotion . Sometimes the man pulling the cart couldn’t walk . He was so exhausted . He fell unconscious on his feet and hung over the ropes that hid him tied to the cart . He couldn’t fall to the ground and lay limp and lifeless . The prison authorities told the jailer on the cart to whip the prisoner until he regained consciousness .
One of the local people went to help the prisoner but the police on duty told him not to interfere . Some of the women on the streets felt sorry for the poor man being cruelly treated and started to call out for the police to stop wehat they were doing . Some women were crying in sympathy for the man who was being whipped
The prisoner regained consciousness and spoke to the women in the crowd .
“Crying cannot save me from the cruelty of others . You all need to be aware of the future because crying cannot stop what is coming after this day is over” .
Scene 3
The road through town
Falling In Love With Jesus –
He carried the cross and three times did fall, He rose to his feet no more he could stall and when he looked around there were no friends at all .
Falling in love with Jesus, I’m falling in love with Him , I love Him because He loves me too ‘and He sets me free from sin .
His body was sore and so very weak And no words of hatred did He ever speak ,his Mother was there and him she did seek, she looked at his face so kind and so meek .
I'm falling in love with Jesu,, I’m falling in love with him , I love Him because He loves me too ‘and sets me free from sin .
They just did not know that He could not die , all they could do was to just crucify . when three days has passed in the tomb He did lie , He rose up from death, to glory on high .
I'm falling in love with Jesus, I’m falling in love with him , I love Him because He loves me too ‘and He sets me free from sin .
End Part 1
Link to Part 2
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