Mr Fingerton’s Eyes - Chapter 12

By mcscraic
- 123 reads
Mr Fingerton’s Eyes
A Novel
By Paul McCann
Chapter 12
The Proposal
He went to the shopping mall to look for some new clothes and saw her briefly on the escalator staircase . Then they both went their separate ways . Him through the door of the lift and her vanishing into thin air before his eyes . She had looked so beautiful in her wedding dress and it reminded him of Margaret . Then he had the thought of proposing to her . They had already been together for a while now and inside his heart he felt maybe she was the one . He had always dreamt about getting married and now there was a possibility that it just might happen .
He had never imagined in a million years it could happen to him .
Somehow love had found a way to bring Margaret and him together in life .
Somethings in life are worth waiting for and sometimes dreams do come true .
Everything that we see in our dreams and everywhere that we go in our dreams can be like a message .
He had always visions , that came to him through unseen doors in his mind that opened up to him another world . Whatever he saw was meant for him in that place between two worlds .
He never really understood why it happened but he never once questioned it . For him it was a process of being caught up in the flow of an energy that transported him from reality to a strange magical fantasy where he walked hand in hand with others who came there to be with him . Some would say he was a dreamer but then what would they know anyway ?
After all who can really say what is real and what is not ?
For him the things that he saw were real . If only other people could see the things he saw , then they would understand a lot more about the others .
During the next few days all he could think about was Margaret and him getting married however the hardest part for him now was asking her to marry him .
He wrote down a script and
day after day he rehearsed the lines over and over .
He looked around the jewellers for an engagement ring and found one he thought would suit her .
He took a chance bought it .
The jeweller had assured him that they would resize the ring to fit if required .
Then he asked Margaret out for dinner at their favourite restaurant . After dinner he looked at her and smiled
“ What are you smiling about ?”
she asked and he presented the small box from his pocket and opened it to show her the engagement ring saying .
“Margaret I’ve fallen in love with you . Ever since we met, I soon realised that you are the new owner of my heart and there can be no other woman for me but you . Would you join me on the adventure of a lifetime , I want to spend the rest of my life with you . Margaret, would you marry me ?”
She let out a squeal of joy and without hesitation she screamed ,
“Yes, I love you, Charlie . Ooops , did I say that , well then it must be true . I do love you and want to spend all my life with you .“
All of the people sitting nearby had overheard the marriage proposal and they stood on their feet and applauded while he
placed the ring upon her finger . Then he looked into her eyes and they kissed . The waiter brought a complimentary bottle of wine to the table and opened it . Pouring two glasses of wine , Charlie and Margaret asked the waiter if they could share the bottle with some of the other people seated nearby . A toast was made to Charlie and Margaret and everyone seated responded
and took a drink
on the table .
Mr Fingerton noticed some couples walking in the door and once inside they disappeared .
A few musicians also arrived with instruments but never played a note because they also vanished p after a while as well .
They stayed until the restaurant was ready to close and made their way to the car .
He noticed a man riding a penny farthing bicycle on the other side of the road and behind him came a parade of people also dressed up in fashions from yesterday .
They were there for a moment and then they were gone out of sight . They got to the car and Mr Fingerton opened the door and Margaret got inside followed by Charlie who looked at her a few times .
“Why do you keep looking at me like that “
“Like what ?”
He asked .
“Like you’re going to say something ?”
He took a deep breath and replied .
“There’s something I need to tell you .“
He said .
“ You mean like a secret “?
“Kind of a secret . Margaret , I often have visions and see other people who I don’t know. “
“ Like ghosts ?”
She asked .
“”Kind off”
He replied and she laughed.
“What’s so funny ‘
he said and she replied .
“.I’ve” been wanting to share something with you for a long time .“
She answered and continued
“I often hear things other people can’t “
“Secret things ?”
He asked and she said ,
“Music and other sounds like radio frequencies . Then singing choirs but no one else hears what I do . The sounds come and go and during that time I feel at peace and almost like I’m
not part of this world “
He yelled out .
“Wow that’s amazing Margaret “
She cried and said .
“I was frightened to tell
you about this in case you would think I’m crazy “
He also responded .
“ I thought if I told you about my visions, I would never see you again .“
They both cried and laughed at the same time .
He started the car and drove away into the night with the woman he loved .
The End
Link Back to the foreword
Mr Fingerton’s Eyes
A Novel
By Paul McCann
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