The Right Combination
By mcscraic
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The Right Combination
By Paul McCann
Introduction : A nurse carrying out her
duties notices there are two patients with the same name and date of birth .
They even look the same . During the shift a number of mix ups occur and one
could have been serious due to the fact that a blank minded doctor made a mistake
before performing an operation to one of the two almost identical patients. Luckily nobody got hurt apart from the over
inflated ego of the doctor who could not accept the fact that he had made a
mistake ..
Setting: It is early morning in a hospital ward and a nurse is introducing
herself to two patients scheduled for surgery . The first patient is meditating
as nurse Baxter walks into the room . After a brief hello she realises he is
deaf as well as being in a deep trance
meditating , so she reads his medical history and places a wrist band on him
before leaving the room , as he continues to meditate .
Dialogue Begins
Nurse Rose – “Good morning Mr Smythe .
My name is Rose How are you this morning
Mr Smythe – (Eyes closed and hands
out in front of him)“Ahhhh Umm Mmmm .“
Nurse Rose -“ So you’ve been fasting
since 2am for surgery at ten past eight this morning . So no breakfast until
you come out of surgery . ”
Mr Smythe – (Never heard a word )
“Ahhhh Umm Mmmm .“
Nurse Rose -“ Ok then lets have a look
at your charts . (She places a wrist band
on Mr Smythe as he continues to mediate . He is still unaware of her presence . So Mr Ron Smyth is see your date of
birth is September 6th 1945 and you have a wife as well as some allergies
Mr Smythe – (No response ) “Ahhhh Umm
Mmmm .“
Nurse Rose –: ”Ok Mr Smythe I’ll come
back later .“
Enter Mr Smith
Mr Smith : - Good morning Nurse could I have my BSL done before breakfast ?
Nurse Rose – Good morning . I’m Rose
and you must be ..(looking at her ipad) .“
Mr Smith : - Smith is my name Ron Smith .(He
reaches out his hand . Lifts a finger)
Nurse Rose – (She begins to get his
BSL ) “ Ron Smith . Mmm that’s
interesting you look just like that other guy Ron Smith . That’s weird your
date of birth is also September 6th 1945
Mr Smith : -“How do you mean weird Rose ?”
Nurse Rose – “ Well not weird weird
Ron just a coincidence . Another patient
has the same name and date of birth as you that’s all .. You’re BSL is 5 but it
says here you’re fasting since midnight so I need to check your BSL before
surgery at 8am . You can have something
to eat after Ron .
Mr Smith : -“Ok see you later Rose ?”
Nurse Rose – “ Try to relax now it
won’t be long until you’re going into theatre.”
Mr Smith : -“Ok , I will . Thanks and bye Rose ?”
Nurse Rose – “ That is very strange .
Two Ron Smiths , one with a Y and the
other with an I .” ( She makes a note
about the similarities between the two patients )
Enter Mr Smythe
Mr Smythe : Hello and excused me nurse , could you help me with my hearing aids please
. “
“Nurse Rose : (She places them into his ears ) Is that better Ron ?. “
Mr Smythe : “Yes thank you Nurse , can you tell me what is this wrist band doing
on my wrist ?”
Nurse Rose – “ Yes well Mr Smythe , I came in earlier on but you were out “ .
Mr Smythe : I don’t know what you mean I’ve been here all night . Never left
once. “
Nurse Rose – “ Well I mean you were
like deep in a trance “ .
Mr Smythe : “ Its transcendental Nurse ,
I’m a buddist and often meditate . It helps me with my pain . I can channel
into the positive energy and maybe it looked as if I was far away to you . “
Nurse Rose – “ Oh that explains a lot Mr
Smythe . I placed the wrist band to
alert the doctors and nurses about your allergy to Cephalexin and also not to
administer any pain killer as you requested “
Mr Smythe : “Thank you for that Nurse as I said I mediate through the pain .
You must try it yourself . If ever you want your Kundalini opened I can help
you with that I’ve been here all night .
Never left once. “
Nurse Rose – “Well I’m not sure about
that Ron “ .
Mr Smythe – “The kundalini energy is the form of life force, lying dormant in your body
. It has self-healing abilities .“
Nurse Rose – “ Oh I don’t mean any
disrespect but I have to say no . You must excuse me now as I have to do some
checks before surgery which is going to happen very soon “
Mr Smythe : “ You must try to find
the path to enlightenment . Its nor too
far from here . Peace and joy to you
“ (He bows slightly and walks away
Exit Mr Smythe
Nurse Rose is looking through her duty list and sniggers .. “ Now
that is weird , I’ve never had anyone
wanting to open my kundalini before . I’ll have to google that when I go home
tonight .”
Enter Doctor Herron
Doctor Herron :” Are you the nurse on duty this morning ?”
Nurse Rose – “Yes Doctor my name is
Rose Baxter . Just graduated and now enrolled in my first year here .”“ “r
Doctor Herron –“ “Wow what a pretty girly you are . I’m Doc Herron , the legend
around here and let me ask you something . What about dinner later tonight . I
know this great little Sushi Train place in the city . You’ll love it . Trust me . What do you say ?
Nurse Rose – ::” Excuse me ? “
Doctor Herron “If you’re too busy tonight
there’s always the weekend . We’re having a party if you’re interested . Lots
of stuff there uppers , downers , mixers and fixers . So what do you say . Are
you coming or not “
Nurse Rose – “ Get lost .“
Doctor Herron “Ok suit yourself . Your loss
. I could have made your dreams come true .“
Nurse Rose – “Keep dreaming “
Doctor Herron “ Here then . Take this . It’s
a pathology test for Mr Smith and also
ther medications order for him as well . I want him in theatre like now .
Nurse Rose – “Sit on it .”
Doctor Herron “ What did you say “
Nurse Rose – Did you say right away ?”
Doctor Herron “ Just do it “
Nurse Rose – (She looks at the order)
You’ve got to be kidding Doctor Merrin
Doctor Herron . ‘Its Herron not Merrin “
Nurse Rose – So you want me to get Mr
Smythe with a Y down to theatre and
you’re going to remover polyps from his bowel . Is that correct Doctor Herron ?
Doctor Herron-:”Just do your job Nurse and
don’t get on your high horse asking me questions . I’ve give you the pathology
slip for a swab from the skin lesions and his medication order for IV
antibiotics of Cephalexin . Now
do your job . ‘
Nurse Rose -“ I may be just a new
recruit and just an enrolled nurse however if you would have checked the
patients medical history and looked at the other patients having surgery this
morning you would have seen there are two Mr Smiths with the same name and date
of birth .“
Doctor Herron .“ What are you talking about . Of course I know there are two Mr
Smiths due for surgery ., Do you think I’m stupid ?” .
Nurse Rose -“ Well Mr Doc Legend ,
then you should have seen that Mr Smythe with a Y is allergic to Cephalexin and
has requested that no medication be given to him during his procedures due to
his cultural beliefs ,. “
Doctor Herron ‘(Mumbling) Ah um .. there
must be some mix up here let me see that order “
Nurse Rose “ I’m sorry Doctor Legend
but I need to show this to the RN and make an incident report . This could have
been very serious maybe even fatal for Mr Smythe with a Y , if I had carried out your request before
theatre .”
Doctor Herron “I knew all the time , I was
just testing your diligence “
Nurse Rose . “This is just to inform you , (Holding up her mobile phone ) I
have recorded this conversation from the moment you asked me out to dinner and
I will be playing the recording to my supervisor . “ ´
Doctor Herron “ You don’t know who I am “
Nurse Rose –“ In fact I do and
its time everyone else knows exactly who you are . “
The End
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An interesting read which goes to show how important nurses really are. I was so glad she recorded Doctor Herron's conversation.
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