Running Away To Find A New Reason To Live
By mcscraic
- 39 reads
Running Away To Find A New Reason To Live
By Paul McCann
Alice was a loner at school . She didn’t mix very well the other students . The teachers observed she showed no interest in learning . She sat at the back of the classroom as if in a daydream all day . She often had cuts on her arms and face and also bruising , when people asked her what happened she made excuses about tripping or a door being opened and banging into her face .
The day Alice stopped coming to school was the day the truth came out . She had run away from home . Stories emerged from neighbours who had witnessed her parents bashing her and throwing her out of the home .
The neighbours in the street just stood there and watched the senseless abuse . Alice ran away from the village and no one knew where she was .
Jackie was a social worker in the community who had experienced similar situations with other young people . He took on Alices case with the hope of finding her and bringing her back into the fold with the protection of child service groups .
Jackie was able to get some photos from the school and he was given a good description of her from her teacher and other students in the class . He began by walked the streets ,showing her photograph to people there . He visited many of the homeless refuges and started putting posters of her around the place . .Weeks passed without any success and Jackie sat there thinking how he could find her . The winter was on its way and he had an idea of starting a soup run in an old van that wasn’t being used by the department where he worked .
Every night Jackie drove around the areas where the homeless would sleep . Most of those who came were older people but he noticed a girl in the crowd one night who had gathered around a fire that burned in a steel drum.
From a distance he called out
‘Alice “
When she turned around, he knew it must be her .Immediately he left the van and ran to her . Most of those there watched as he ran and reached out to her . There was an audience of were women and men who cheered when Alice went to him .
Jackie started talking , encouraging her not to be afraid and talking about what he knew . Her abusive parents who had thrown her out of home and how the department would protect her from them and that justice would be served .
Alice seemed to like what Jackie had said was watching a movie that suddenly slowed down when it happened .
At last people spoke of an equality .
No one was in minority and no longer would anyone be manipulated and
trodden underfoot . No longer would people turn away in fear .
A new breed with a new culture emerged from the rubbles a city street
being blown apart . They had a new blend of music and new batch of
songs .They had attitude and grudges and found a hardness not many had
known or experienced before . Jackie opened up an escape hatch to re-enter back to society again . It all happened quickly . Alice was happy about all that a new life was awaiting half of her wasn't sure if she wanted to go but the better part of her was eager to try . Alice had been found and now she has a reason to live because somebody cared enough to find her . A stranger who left his job and work commitments in a mission to save someone he didn’t even know .
Jackie told Alice about how many young people had just slipped away from life which gave him the determination he had not top let this same thing happen to Alice .
Alice was given shelter in a protected home where young people who were in danger
could at no cost . Their meals were provided and they could avail the therapy sessions if they wanted build new relationships with others were trust and understanding were the keys to moving on with life again ,
Everyone told Alice how lucky she was to be found and after a while she started to return back to life . Jackie was always available if she needed to talk about anything .
Each day was a new beginning for Alice and her thought for the day was always the same I found someone who cared and that gave her the reason to carry on .
The dagger of abuse had been removed from her heart and now in her heart she felt secure about who she was . Her parents had lost the right to have Alice in their home and were facing the court on charges of assault and abusive restraint .
Alice was brave enough to face them and give her account of what had been done to her parents who were known to have drug and alcohol dependence .
Alice too one last look at her parents in the and it was like a great weight had been taken off her shoulders when they were each given three years in prison for what they had done to Alice who was placed in the care of Jackie and his wife who had applied to be her Foster parents .
Alice returned to school and was confident about who she was and where she 3wanated to go . Her new life had only just begun . She studied hard and achieved credits in her exams and went straight to college .
She wanted to become like Jackie and work as a social worker in mental health . If ever she could help someone the way Jackie had helped her then her dream could come true .
The End
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