The Safe Houses Of Scrabbatap
By mcscraic
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The Safe Houses Of Scrabbatap
By Paul McCann
Little Hippi Hop the new easter bunny of Scrabbatap was sitting among the buttercups that were scattered all through Mellow Meadow . She was checking out the job description send by Tippie Toes who had recently retired from her Easter Bunny job . Tippie Toes getting too slow now at her age to continue with delivering all of the easter eggs in Scrabbatap . Last year she was almost caught several times by some of the dogs in the village and after the frightening experience she put in her retirement request to the Big Bunny Boss at Choctop Manufacturing Company.
Tippie toes was happy now to be living a leisure able life as a retired bunny . She had been allocated a small comfortable underground bunny home in Burrowtown .
Tippie toes had a rocking chair and comfortable single bed with a meadow hay mattress , there was underground heating and filtered light from mirrored panels installed in the tunnels around Scrabbatap .
This year the new Little Hippi Hop was just starting out on her career as the Easter Bunny for Scrabbatop and had been allocated several modern Burrow Homes with pantries filled with meadow hay , rabbit pellets , leafy greens , long life milk and carrots . She was a little nervous but still eager to get started in her role .
The job description was straight forward with a list of eggs to be delivered for each home . There was also a map and some information about the safe houses that could be used as slumber stops , dining spots and storage drops for eggs .
The safe houses were unknown to humans but mat one time they had been used as underground cellars and thunderboxes and in more recent times renovated to be used by Easter Bunnies in their They were all linked into a network of tunnels with shortcuts from street to street which made the job of delivering Easter eggs much safer and easier .
Little Hippie Hop was excited about the week ahead as this year’s new season of chocolate eggs would arrive from the Choctop Manufacturing Company .
She had allocated several safe houses for storage and an made out an inventory of where and who got what kind of egg and how many of them would be getting .
There were hundreds of houses with thousands of eggs to be delivered and as well as that she had hundreds of eggs to be left around in different places for the annual easter egg hunts .
The number of eggs this year was much higher than previous years .
The local government had also built a new primary school that brought many new residents to the village . There were also some new streets and houses as well . So as each of the storage areas in the safe houses began to fill up little Hippie hop waited and watched from the hidden places around the village to get a better understanding of what kind of people lived there . There were many young families and a small community of old people who lived in a nursing home . The churches were getting busy with Easter time activities and more and more people on and about having picnics and walks because of the spring weather . Everything weas gearing up for the Easter break and little Hippie Hop was now ready to begin his delivery of eggs .
He began at the church because it was the closest to the biggest safe and there were many of the first homes that had been built in Scrabbatap were built around the church . The night before Easter Sunday while everyone was fast asleep little Hippie Hop was hopping about with baskets of eggs . In the quiet she went from house to house opening doors and windows , tip toeing in and out and leaving the eggs that were allocated for that home .
Now and then a few of the older people would be still awake but bunny rabbit have a special sense about when and where to go without being seen . They also have an ability to work in the dark due to all the underground work they do every day .
From all of the safe houses little Hippie Hop went from house to house all around the village . Once or twice during the night a few threats of harm had been presented with stray dogs on the street but Hippie Hop was much too fast and smart for them .
When Easter Sunday arrived Hippie Hop was in a deep slumber in her little burrow in Scrabbatap .
The End .
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