The Storyteller -Chapter 13

By mcscraic
- 120 reads
The Storyteller
A Novel
By Paul McCann
Chapter 13
The Hidden Ones
It was the twilight of a summers evening and he sat in a treehouse that was built in the middle of circle of tall oak trees on the edge of Fir Bowden Forest .
Over the years the storyteller had become well known to the clansmen around the country and they told him of the many places where he could take shelter .
There were treehouses and huts scattered around the forests all over the land that were built by huntsmen and warriors who went to battle and to hunt .
The forest shelters is where the clansmen lived while hunting deer and other forest animals for food and fur for their tribe. It was also a place of spiritual revival for some who were searching for something within .
As he sat there listening to birds chirping in the trees he was in a state of peace .. There was no other sound to be heard . He never had fear form wild beasts because
He had the ability to speak with them and the power to render them into a deep sleep with his hypnotic voice and thought commands . The dark forces had no power over him because he was protected by the guardians of the fourth dimension .
The storyteller was free to go where he wanted without hinderance or fear .
In the long twilight hours he became one with the environment and the creator of life
A light shone down around him and at that moment the amulet around his neck began to glow which was an indication that a portal between dimensions was about to occur . Suddenly a pillar of light fell down from the sky and landed on the ground just a short distance from where he sat .
He always enjoyed the visits from the dwellers of the fourth dimension who would give him instructions about his mission .
He made his way out of the treehouse and climbed down through the branches to the ground where he waited for the inter-dimensional visitor to appear .
Out from the doorway at the bottom of the pillar of light she came .
Her tall and slender shape was shinning brightly with an ethereal energy that translated thoughts into visible images and unspoken words understood .
Being telepathic he was able to communicate with her .
He began to receive instructions of what he was to do on his mission .
He was to enter into the fourth dimension with his guide who would take him to a time portal in the third dimension which was in the year 1943 .
His instructions were to share some stories and food with seven children who were locked inside a secret room in the underground cellar of a building in Europe .
These children were Jews from Poland who had taken away by the some guardians for their own protection to live safely and quietly until the war finished .
These children were all telepathic and gifted with visions that would help future of the planet after the war . The children were of great importance and had to be protected at all costs . It was already to late to save their parents who had been killed when a bomb exploded in the building where the were working . The seven children were now orphans and in need of help .
The guardians of the earth had already out a plan in order to take the children from where they were and put them into hiding from those who would seek their lives.
With the war machine now already in motion the seven children were placed into an underground cellar of a convent with enough food and supplies to last out the war/
The only thing they didn’t have was activities to stimulate their gifted minds.
They had to continue to use their special abilities and so the storyteller was to engage them into a world filled with mystic and wonder with stories and images that they were able to see and appreciate . It was hoped that during his visit the children would be able to grow in their telepathic abilities which would help them in the future years with their mission to build a better world for all the human race .
The storyteller was given access to 1943 and entered through that time portal at the door of the underground cellar . He was given the golden key to unlock the secret door to their hidden room . His time there with them would be non existent because he was travelling in between dimensions of time and space .
In reality his presence there would become almost ethereal having an awesome effect on them .
It was late in the afternoon when he placed the key into the lock and turned it slowly clockwise to open the huge door that slid sidewards on rollers .
The room was entirely soundproofed and well constructed into separate living areas .
The children all jumped to their feet when he walked into the room ;
He spoke with a whisper that reached into the depths of their minds setting them at ease with who he was and what he had come to do
“ I am going to tell you three stories , one from the past , one form the present and the other form the future . The first story of mine is from the mists of time when everyone had the gift of telepathy and the birds rested upon our shoulders . We lived with one another in harmony and shared our gifts with one another . The telepathy we had was able to paint pictures with words and everyone could see the thoughts we had . We lived in a garden on the earth as a family where the trees fed the fairy folk and the forest creatures planted seeds that brought fruit and colour of every shape and size across all the earth . We lived as we were created to be . One family on earth . Now little children the next story is from our present time after we had lost the gifts we had been given because we had misused them and we abused one another and the planet . Today on earth we are at war . Killing each other because of greed and fear . Controlled by those who believe they have the right to take life and not make life easier or better Little children open your minds because I want to show you a glimpse of the world today as it is . Look at the faces of those before you who
are screaming and dying in their millions at the hands of cruel soldiers . See the innocent women , men and children from a different culture and creed suffering because of hatred and crime . Never forget what you have seen and may it inspire you all never to let this happen to the earth again . Finally my last story is of a time to come . I want you to see yourselves in this world because little children you are going to be the hope for this future world . What you are going to start will become the foundations of a new world and with the help of the guardians of time and space new frameworks will be constructed to build a better world and a brighter future where no one will ever have to live with hatred or discrimination . There will be no segregation or fear in this world and we will receive back the gifts that we had lost .
In this future world we will see telepathy and kindness a living reality once again
You are going to be part of the initial teaching of telepathic schools on the earth .At first there will only be a few that will receive the gifts but those few will grow and eventually all of the earth will be renewed and restored to what is once was .
.With imagery and great storytelling ability he created images that left an imprint on their minds . Then he took a flute from the pouch on his belt and began to play ancient tunes from another time and another place that brought thoughts of love and peace with the music he played . He introduced birds and animals into the room from the music and stories of a world where people lived together in harmony .
Then as he finished playing the flute he softly whispered ,
See the world now as it will become little children of the universe. You are the hope of that world because what you will do will bring change to the world forever and there are many who will help you from other places in time and space . You will soon be visited by these guardians of the earth who will show you how to begin building a new world and a brighter future .
At that moment the amulet around his neck started to glow .
“ I must go now little children . I have somewhere else to go .”
He left the hidden room and locked the door behind him . On the other side of the door a pillar of light appeared and the lady from the fourth dimension called to him .
“Come back now . The mission is complete , There is nothing to hold you here “
Then as he entered through the doorway he saw the forest and the treehouse he had left and he knew how lucky he was to live in a place of peace where he could talk to the animals and birds and live a life in harmony with creation and the creator of life . When the doorway to the third dimension opened she said ,
“Go now storyteller until the next time be happy and stay safe . Enjoy life as you do with who you are . I have to leave you here .“
‘The storyteller returned to his treehouse and fell fast asleep from exhaustion .
In the morning he awoke with the sound of the birds singing in his ear and a few little treats left there by his friends of the forest . There were some grapes and berries , juice from coconuts that had been opened up so delicately with what could only be the sharpest teeth in the forest . He was always grateful for those little treats that reassured him he was a welcome there in their midst and for him life is as good as it ever could be .
End chapter 13
The Storyteller
Link to chapter 14
by Paul McCann
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