Switching Sides
By mcscraic
- 978 reads
The colours of life had returned around the parks and gardens and life almost stood still for a brief moment .
It was the day all skateboard kids had been waiting for . The free style skate competition with a first prize of ten thousand dollars .
Skate boarders had come from every corner of the country to enter .
It was a beautiful Saturday morning in spring and when the crowd began to gather at the skate rink .
After entering their names on the list and paying the entry fee , each person was allocated a time for their performance .
During this time some of the skateboarders were enjoying the freedom of warm up time and the applause of the growing audience .
Suddenly a young man came running along the road shouting.
" It's a waste of time all you skateboarders coming here Go home ."
Everyone there looked at him as if he were mad . But again the young man shouted .
"Will somebody do me a favour and just leave before its too late ."
Suddenly a van drove through the gate and down towards the skate rink . As it pulled up about six heavy armed men got out .
"Quick , leave now before its too late .
"Said the young man to the crowd of skate board kids .
Most of the people were unaware of the danger and remained seated . As the eight men stood around the skate board rink they lifted their weapons and began to fire a volley of shots into the air and a few into the crowd . Some people were shot and fell to the ground .
Panic gripped the crown and they ran for cover.
One of armed men grabbed the young man who had tried to warn the crowd .
" Ok tell us where the cash is Dude. "
He said , the Dude replied ,
" I don't know . The main man isn't here yet . "
The man with the gun said ,
"It's already a little late for that don't you think . Where is he ? "
Dude pointed to an area near the Skate Park and said .
"He's over there in the park with the others ."
"Ok Dude then ,lets go . Point him out to us ."
Dude led the way as the eight followed behind .
They crossed over the road and through a concrete basketball court .
A group of three young men were doing a few hoops . They looked like street kids , rough and a little cocky of them selves .
During the one on one play the large group of intruders brushed past and interfered with the game ..
" Can't you see we playing here . So move off the court you fools ."
One of the eight pulled out his gun and shot the street baller in the kneecaps and said .
"You need to put a basket on that mouth of yours ."
That was the end of the basket ball as the other street kids ran off leaving their friend on the ground screaming in pain .
The group made their way across the basketball court to a hole in the caged fence .
Not long after that they entered through the gate of a large public park that was busy with children running and playing ball .
They marched down path way until they came to a tall tree . Around a picnic table sat a group of six men . They were sitting quietly in the sunshine .
There were some joggers were making their way through the park and also on the road were some people riding bikes .
There were about a dozen old people doing Tai Chi in an open area and some other people seemed to be asleep there on benches and on the ground in different places in the park .
The Dude took the armed men over to the table and pointed to a man sitting there with a far away look i9n his eyes .
The man stood up and looked Dude in the eyes and said ,
"Is everything all right Dude ? I was wondering where you went ."
Dude looked away and said to one of the armed men .
"That's him . He's the dealer and he has all your money ."
At once he was bundled to the ground .
A scuffle broke out between his friends and some of the armed men .
In the fight that began some shots were fired .
Some of the gang members were hurt .
"Ok that's enough . Drop your weapons "
Said a nother voice in the background .
There were a number of police dressed as joggers and bike riders now who had surrounded the gang .
"That's enough . All of you stop and put down your weapons ".
Said another of the undercover police men .
There was an authority about the way he spoke .
It had an immediate impact and when the confusion and chaos ended .
One of the police knelt down before the bleeding gang member .
He radioed for an ambulance .
Dude walked calmly over to the gang leader and said ,
"You've played on the wrong side for too long . You're out of the game now ."
"Who are you ?"
Said the gang leader .
"I am who I am . An undercover man . So now that you know me I have to disappear "
"You dirty double crosser . "
Said one of the gang .
One of the police men answered back ,
"He works for the good guys now . "
"I do ."
Dude replied .
The police officer in charge approached all the gang members and said ,
"We have everything we need to put you guys away for a long time ."
As the police handcuffed the gang and few vans arrived to take away the criminals .
Soon after that one of the police took a ball from his bag and punched it up into the air .
"Lets go and play ball ."
He shouted .
Time passed and twilight fell .
"Listen Dude , you're not a criminal now . You're with us. "
Dude replied .
"Sure , but I feel a little guilty about interfering with that skateboard competition early this morning ."
"You say guilty , well I know how that feels . Tell you what . Next week we will organize an entire day with the skateboard kids . We'll even put some money into it ourselves . How's that sound ?"
"Great "
Came the reply .
It was decided that a sports and recreation day would the following weekend .
The police would pay all costs involved on the day and a lunch was going to be provided .
The next weekend saw a large crowd of young people meet at the police station .
It wasn't long before skate boarders began to show off their moves to a large media presence that had been informed about the sports day .
It was the first inaugural competition run by the police to encourage better relations between the youth of the area and the police and so fat it was a success .
At the end of the day there was a trophy and some cash prizes awarded to some of the people who were judged to be talented .
An over all champion of the day trophy was awarded to Dude who had impressed all the judges with his whip like 360 spins on a skateboard and his and his high leaping action that sent slam dunk into a hoop on the police basket ball court .
The police station car park was buzzing with people . Part of the day also included an exhibition of one on one games from members of the police against some of the local street ballers .
A lot of new talent had been discovered and even some interest was shown by a few scouts from the major leagues who had been invited to come for the day .
The police and local community had been encouraged by the days events .
In the end it was a good result .
Some of the crooked gang members had already cracked and confessed to the shooting of a street baller and even other crimes that had been unsolved .
By Paul McCann
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