The Traveller - Chapter 7

By mcscraic
- 121 reads
The Traveller
A Novel
By Paul McCann
Chapter 7
The Miracle Cure
Bucko always thought there was more he could do with the gifts he had been given to change the world and some of the travellers who visited often encouraged him to do what nobody else could ever dream of doing .
So from that point of view, he started to explore the world teleporting to places like Calcutta to walk amid the conflict and chaos that people lived with every day . As he walked through the muddy streets unseen by others he had an ability to absorb the need to prevent an explosion of infectious diseases and how he might be able to assist .
He liked the fact that he was able to help in ways that no one could see which gave him a desire to change the word without anyone even knowing he was the person responsible for the change , His decided to leave many of his herbs and medicines in places where others could find them and start using them in their research with malaria, scrub typhus, and the prevent threats of Nipah virus in many regions There were also emerging and re-emerging diseases that posed a threat of spreading into adjacent communities .
.The hospitals in Calcutta were always overfull with many people dying from day to day and so he took an interest there as an unseen , unknown benefactors with cures not yet found . On his visits to the hospitals, he noticed one young medical student who was frequently absorbed in her research to find vaccines for some of the new viruses emerging . Then the thought came to him that possibly in the past there were other doctors of chemists or even medical students who were looking for cures that no one had found .
People such as Doctor Jenner in the 16th century who discovered a vaccine to prevent smallpox and Louis Pastor the French chemist who in1881 who discovered a vaccine for anthrax and later his findings to prevent people dying from rabies . In other recent decades the research to protect people against polio by Jonas Salk and Isabel Morgan ended up saving the lives of many.
Bucko decided to start leaving some of his natural cures and medicines for this young student to find and he hoped that she might experiment with the natural medicines he had discovered .
The young student was intrigued when she first noticed the bottles with tags and a description of how it should be used . Bucko was so happy when she never threw them out but instead began an investigation with some rodents to see then effect it would have on the prevention of the infection .
Bucko continued to make visits teleporting once a week to see the progress she was making with his medicines .
One humid day in 2019 on the streets of Calcutta , Bocko walked with the young student who was making her way to the University to present her findings with her naturopathic vaccine to help stop the COVID virus from spreading . Bucko was proud of her progress and watched as she made a detour on the way to the University to administer her vaccine to a man who had the COVID virus .
He was one of many who had been locked up inside a large quarantine area where thousands of little red brick buildings had been built around the outside perimeter at the University .
The student noted the name of the man and his observations before giving him the vaccine . Then making a note of the cell he was in she left and made her way to the main University building .
She opened her presentation by saying ,
“How sad it is that we have thousands of people with COVID who are thrown into these squalors to prevent the virus from spreading “.
She continued to present her positive findings to a large group of intelligent men and women who worked in the medical field . As she spoke and presented the fact that she had found a vaccine she called , Telstop that would prevent the virus from spreading and she also started the positive results with rodents who had recovered after the vaccine was administered .
Some of the well-dressed long bearded men in the audience scoffed at the young student while other doctors and chemists just walked out of the room .
Bucko stood beside her as they laughed unable to assist . He was disgusted with the way she had been treated.
The young student stood there alongside Buko who was seen by everyone stunned and shattered in the silence for a few moments
Some of those who were left quietly applauded her as she was gathering her composure . A few mobile phones started to ring and the students thanked everyone for coming .
Bucko suspected that there was another agenda behind this virus that no one ever realised . The more he thought about it , it was revealed to him that the vaccine had already been made and in fact the virus itself was made in some laboratory to begin a worldwide panic and address the over population of the world .
In the weeks ahead Nicko continued to Teleport back to 2019 to see what was happening with COVID and the young student .
He was happy to find out that the first person who received the vaccine he and the student made had made a full recovery and was home again with his family .Meanwhile all around the world people were dying with the virus .
How senseless and cruel it was to have the vaccine that could prevent the virus spreading but no one was able to get it . People were dying in thousands every hour from the disease and their coffins were piled up on hilltops waiting incineration . Deep trenches were bring dug in places around the city to place the corpses of thousands who had died .
It was a global pandemic with borders being closed and travel restrictions put in place .
All of the other vaccines that were being prescribed by doctors had no effect on the virus so further boosters were introduced that also had no effect on the disease .There were over seven million people who had dies from COVID already since the outbreak began in 2019 however that number would have been much higher were it not for Bucko and the young student’s intervention with administering their miracle cure that had been rejected by those in control of the use of vaccines .
The student with the help of many who believed in her miracle cure made a great impact on the number of people dying from the disease . Bucko was involved in an unseen way with many visits to quarantine areas and other isolation wards full of those infected with the disease ..
The world had never known about Bucko and the large medical team who had saved so many lives . No accolades were given for those who had saved so many but none were needed , It’s the good things done in secret that really matter .
Bucko was returned to his home on the mountain top to continue his work with natural herbal medicines.
End Of Chapter 7
Link to chapter 8
The Traveller
A Novel
By Paul McCann
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