The Wee Ones - Foreward
By mcscraic
- 53 reads
. The Wee Ones
A novel
By Paul McCann
The stories about the wee ones have been told by many generations . The presence of little people or fairies have been documented since there was a scroll to wrote down . Stories handed down from generation to generation have been another way that the world has heard the mysterious wonders that have been going on since the beginning of time . In this book I am passing on some tales that I hope you will enjoy and if you should ever catch a wee one remember that you can ask for three wishes in return for setting him free . But be aware they are crafty and know every trick inb the book so make sure that you take your time in making your wishes .
They can wait a while to be set free .
Chapter 1 -A Purpose To It All
Chapter 2 - Sights And Wonders
Chapter 3 – The Fairy Tree
Chapter 4 - The Rainbow Bridge
Chapter 5 - First Christmas
Chapter 6 - A Wee World Of Their Own
Chapter 7 -The Bonfire
Chapter 8 -Some Old Tunes
Chapter 9 - In The Mist
Chapter10 - The Colour Of Life
Chapter11 - Secret Of The Marsh
Chapter12 - Teddys Return
Chapter13 - Switching Trains
Chapter14 - Funny Old World
The Wee Ones
Link to Chapter 1
By Paul McCann
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