Summer Isles
By Melkur
- 473 reads
I: Summer Isles
The mouth of Loch Broom
Sweeps all before it, curving
In sharp sandy grin
Butcher knife, gripping
The neck of Bottle Island
So fragile, glassy
The salmon fish farm
Feeds blood of Tanera Mor
Hook, line and sinker
Horse Island’s dead mares
Still canter out at night-time,
So white in the moon
The Isle of Martin
Rings the bell in the ruins
Marking the hour
Death of Priest Island
Stone circles ground to a halt
Dark granite toadstools
When the dark stones walk
They leave traces of their path
Through heath and heather
From Tanera Beag
Glass-water as a mirror,
The shimmering depths
Tides of Isle Ristol
Treacherous in turning their
Coats King’s Evidence
Eilean Dubh, blacker
Than original sins of
Samite-handed sand
II: Fodderty
The air of longships
Sailing down the firth towards
The pyre of the sea
How the wind slices
No matter the time of year,
Exposed to the cold
Harrowing the hill,
Teeth of the tractor tearing
Soft dark brown ribbons
Hill Difficulty
Like the Interpreter’s House,
A place of dreaming
Close to the spa town,
Strathpeffer, the derelict
Railway shrouded green
The Norse hills lour,
Reach to Scandinavia
With sounds of thunder
On jaded grey days
Mounds of granite raise their heads
Proud against the storm
The fresh field waiting
For me with open arms, where
I will rise again
Wave upon wave of
Memories cut in stone, where
Time will wash away
Their soft green blanket
Amiable in the sun,
Moss-covered relics
III: Solstice
The finger pointing
South-west in the Clava Cairns:
Writing on the wall
The light the rough draft:
Pencil on the longest day
Breaks on the worn stone
Solace in solstice,
The longest day hurls its spear
In hunting the dark
The dance of the stones
Moves in the clockwise rumba,
Tango in the night
Living in the light,
The dead hand of Callanish
Rises from the ground
Bright Ring of Brodgar
Welcomes softer spears of rain
Than the Dark Age told
Clock at burial,
Broken outstretched stone channels
Forever on time
Burial chambers
Empty now of kith and kin
All is passed away
Outward circle the
Praetorian Guard to the
Sleepers in the howe
The road goes ever
Onward through the way of stones,
Dividing moonlight
IV: Mitchell Hill
Polished pink granite
Holds letters like broken teeth
Smiling in the rain
Flies at funeral
Gorge the sweat of the mourners
Spreading as locusts
Monument rising,
In the skirt of its shadows
Grieving pleats of stone
Living stone ages
In Morpheus arms of moss,
That decadent green
Hazy haymakers
Grind neighbouring fields gravely
For the chaff and wheat
Door of the Tower
Black mouth yawning through the rain,
The tears of others
Hearse driving hairpin
Like a black lozenge, slowly
Towards the summit
Sort of homecoming,
Everyone is coming
Home here in the end
Circle unbroken
Ranged so around the coffin
As the rising sun
The grass is growing
High over the stones, sprawling
In sharp shape of scythe
V: Somerled
Sea-lord of the Isles,
Dead hand of the boar still cresting
Blood-red shifting wake
Children of Donald,
Many more of the west still
Claim shares in his blood
Kingdom of the Isles
Hammered beneath the flat of
His fist, new order
New on Iona
St Oran’s Chapel, its roots
Soaked in the sea-salt
Lively currents still
Chased in his Viking blood, his
Prow set to the sea
Warrior buried
In peace, long among the rows
Setting with the sun
His children fostered
Changes in the church, ringing
Out the last old Celts
Lordship of the Isles
A long-retreating shadow
Western sundial
March of the longships
Sculling between the slipways
Unstoppable beat
Echoes of fighting
Now long laid to rest still
Sound across the Minch
VI: Cromarty East Churchyard
Leprous with lichen
The stones ponder the long days
Rolling before them
Restored, the ruin
Lowers long over the graves
Belltower silent
Carpet of the dead
Growing long in the summer
Thriving in the rain
Stones hold up their signs
Proud to know their departed,
Those they stand over
Moss-covered tables
A lasting communion,
Spread before the Lord
Dark pours the gutter
Onto the sharp shingly path
The day of the rain
Sharp the scythe-sun smiles
On the flourishing grass, the
Life soon to wilt
Windows of the church
Slant towards Jerusalem
With the first red rays
Service of the dead
Committed by the living
Watching for their time
A brighter curtain
Bridges friends apart from this
Side of paradise
VII: Sandcastles
All seasons crumble:
Decadent Demerara
Into winter’s sea
Such a house of cards,
The highest turret cannot
Save from its decline
The coming of the
Dog days, darker nights, August
Leading autumn’s path
Last thermos spilling
River of water of life
The final picnic
Lighthouse looms over
Broken shell of sinking sand,
Its dying sister
King Canute never
Could stop the tide, no royal
Hand upraised would work
Blood-moon breathes over
Changing tides, struggling shipwrecks
Doomed to reach the shore
The ramparts falling
To the coming of the rain
Softer than the sea
The moat is flooding,
Drowning all inside, those who
Cannot run in time
The light is failing,
Holiday season over
Until the spring tides
VIII: St Regulus
One body further
Easter to the east than his
Neighbour, when he wakes
The cool of the crypt
In the heat of the day, the
Lasting stone silence
The peacock feathers
Fastened by the headstone, all
Vanity passes
How long the logs lie
Over the road, on the slope
So still, like the dead
Still the dead bell rings
From sunken Spanish galleon,
High in the Courthouse
Halfway between states,
Out of the town, now rising
Up towards the wood
Bowling green below
Like an Aztec sport, heads roll
Past tenpin shinbones
View to the Sutors
Oilrigs standing like spiders
Spinning silent webs
Road to South Sutor
Running, rambling, rough below
Pointing to the Firth
Still the stones slumber,
Turning in their broken sleep,
The grumbling grey men
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some beautful imagery in
some beautful imagery in these!
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