Allin,GG-Rock n roll terrorist...
By microchrist
- 1110 reads
It was going to be the most spectacular and terrifying rock n roll
show of all time...
GG Allin always maintained that he would commit suicide onstage,
promising to take as many of his fans with him as he could! A
'typical' GG show could be likened to a war zone, with GG brawling with
fans, bashing himself senseless and knocking out his own teeth
with the microphone, and both eating his own shit and throwing it at
the audience. In fact, GG was arrested over 50 times
over the course of his career for such crimes as indecent exposure,
assault and battery and endangering the lives of his audience He
a lot of time in jail cells and of course in hospital emergency rooms.
However his death was to be least spectacular thing about his life
punk rock excess.
GG Allin's final performance was at the Gas Station club, New York in
1993,and the rumor is that he'd already taken a shed load of
drugs before the actual show commenced. As things got under way, GG
took a few swings at members of the audience and the show
seemed to be going (typically) well. However, having completed the
second song, the power was switched off and the show came to an
abrupt end. Not being the most reasonable person in the world, GG went
a little nuts and started to smash the place up, he crashed his head
through a French window and generally abused and punched anyone that
came close to hand. He soon tired
of this and decided to leave the club in order to go and party at
Johnny Puke's apartment. He left the club and walked through the
of New York, naked and covered in shit and blood. As he marched through
the street, his fans followed along behind him, overturning
trashcans and throwing bottles at cop cars... A mini riot ensued, with
cars screeching to a halt as GG and his entourage staggered out
traffic. Finally, after some half an hour of this street theatre of the
bizarre, GG and friends managed to hail a cab and get to Johnny
Puke's apartment to carry on with the festivities.
Back at Johnny's Place, the party was in full swing with drugs and
booze flowing freely in all directions. GG was in a buoyant mood
again and was snorting heroin with abandon... As he passed out, people
were grabbing him and posing for pictures with
him, propped up with his arms around them. As the night wore on, people
were tiring and crashing out, but GG Allin was already too far
gone and died surrounded by the oblivious sleeping bodies of his
friends. He was 36 years old. At first, people refused to believe that
Allin could be dead...after all, he'd survived drug overdoses in the
past...he'd also endured beatings, stabbings, blood poisoning
times and had always bounced back. But the truth sank in as the police
came and then the ambulance took him away.
After all the promises of the ultimate sacrifice for Rock N Roll, GG
Allin died the usual junkie's death. I am sure that he would have
been real angry at himself for dying in that way.
G.G.'s funeral took place on July 3rd 1993 in his native New Hampshire,
at the St. Rose Cemetery, Littleton.
His wake was attended by his band mates, (including his brother, Merle)
and various friends and hangers on. GG was laid out in an open
casket, wearing his trademark leather jacket, dog collar, jockstrap,
sneakers and a pair of "George Jetson" socks! He was not the
sweetest smelling man in life, but in death, he had a strange scent,
mixing flowers, feces, sweat, piss and whiskey. On his brother's
instructions, the funeral director did not wash or put make up on the
corpse. As he was in life, so he was in death.
G.G.'s wake turned into quite a party with people putting drugs into
his mouth and washing them down with slugs of Jim Beam... Once
again, people were having their pictures taken with the lifeless GG and
pulling his jockstrap down to gawp at his incredibly small
penis...and of course, to take pictures of it!
The last studio album that GG recorded with his band The Murder
Junkies, was playing all the while in the background. Finally, as
casket was closed for the last time, his brother put a pair of
headphones on GG playing some loud and tuneless music known as "the
sessions", that he'd recorded a few years previously. A fitting
showstopper for a man that so desperately wanted to die!
His gravesite has become a place of pilgrimage for many of his fans
where they come to get drunk and leave drugs and various bodily
fluids in memory of the filthiest pervert that ever hit the Rock n Roll
stage! I am sure that we shall not see the like of GG Allin
The void left in the wake of his death will never be filled.
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