The Dice Acquiring Jacqui part 2

By monodemo
- 256 reads
George once again took out his knife from its ankle holster. The girl recoiled and pulled herself into a ball rocking back and forth, tears reeling down her face and onto her wound making it sting which just made her cry harder. George pointed the knife at the girl’s neck.
‘I’m gonna get some alcohol to pour on your wound’ he explained with a grin.
He went to the cooler behind the driver’s seat and took out a beer. He took a long hard pull from it and poured the rest on her face. The girl shrieked in agony, ‘oh yeah, I forgot to tell you that it’s gonna sting.’ George feigned an apology.
‘Now’ he explained once she was quiet once more, ‘I’m going to take off the duct tape,’ he paused, ‘but you can’t scream or I’ll slit your throat,’ he threatened. ‘Understand?’
The girls quivering head nodded with fear in agreement. Knife at the ready, George took off the duct tape. To his surprise she stayed quiet, well almost; there was a barely audible whimper which George let her have. He noticed that the duct tape left a mark on and around her mouth. Dots of blood oozed out of the girl’s top lip. George just smiled.
The girl had mucus flying from every orifice; tears came from her eyes, snot from her nose and drool from her mouth. Plus, she had already pissed herself, so George waited for the shit to hit the fan so to speak.
George felt the terrain beneath the wheels shift again; he knew he didn’t have long.
‘What’s your name?’ he asked, haste in his tone.
‘Jacqui’ replied a broken soft, shaky voice. She was petrified.
‘Well Jacqui I’m George,’ he introduced himself formally, ‘and that lunatic in the front is Lenny’ George pointed.
Lenny was too busy in his attempt to navigate the dirt roads to do or say anything. He hated to drive but George was better at subduing the girls. Besides, it made George feel important. Everyone who had ever known them knew Lenny was the boss and that George, like a puppet, did everything that was asked of him.
‘Are you going to kill me?’ asked the frightened Jacqui, staring at the knife George unbeknownst to himself still had pointed at her. He looked into her deep brown eyes with pinpoint pupils and following her gaze he said, ‘oh yeah,’ and put the knife away. Jacqui’s eyes closed in relief; a tear fell onto her cut making her wince.
A sudden surge of bravado filled her body. ‘Answer me!’ she screamed.
‘Hey, hey, hey!’ George scolded grabbing her by the hair once again. ‘I’m in charge here!’ he snarled. As she looked at him, she could see the whites of his eyes, his nostrils flared.
George blinked slowly and stopped to take a deep breath. ‘Do I need to take out the knife again?’ he asked calmly.
‘No sir, sorry sir’ she shook. She looked at her feet after he had let her go.
‘Good!’ replied George with authority. ‘now,’ he started, after he looked out the window and saw the undulating hills in the background, he knew full well that they were nearly there and that he only had a few more minutes alone left with Jacqui. He wanted to frighten the shit out of her but the moon dancing on the lake was in view which indicated the enclosure. He did the only thing that came to mind. George quickly pulled on Jacqui’s legs and straightened her out.
‘What are you …….?’ Jacqui started to say before…. ‘D, D, D, D, D, D!’ George stopped her and put his finger on her lips.
George lay down beside Jacqui who once again was crying. He had his face right beside hers. She looked at the ceiling as he brushed a piece of her hair off her face and moved it behind her right ear. Her eyes bulged in terror. George need not do any more to her. The fear that exuded from her body was enough for him.
‘Just there now!’ Lenny shouted back.
‘Saved, just in the nick of time!’ George whispered to the quivering Jacqui, his face almost touching hers. He could see sweat emerge from her pores. ‘Now, however, is when the fun part begins’ he started to explain, ‘you see, now, well now, you belong to me!’
Jacqui shrieked and George laughed as the car pulled up beside a great big red wooden barn. Lenny got out of the car and opened the side door to get his hands on the new blood.
‘George’ said Lenny after he opened the car’s rear sliding door.
‘Yes’ replied George not taking his eyes off his Jacqui.
‘Any chance you could open the barn door please?’ Lenny asked politely.
George reluctantly got up from beside her and let Lenny have his turn. She had her eyes closed as she felt movement around her.
‘Eyes open!’ barked a now excited Lenny as George exited the vehicle.
‘Yes sir,’ Jacqui replied now wishing George was back. She didn’t like authoritative figures in general, but she got the vibe that Lenny was the boss. She was right too. She saw a clean-shaven man who looked her over with disgust. She was not what he had pictured at all from afar.
Lenny grabbed her wrists and barked at her ‘sit up there 'til I get a good look at you!’. He took one look at her cheek and sighed, ‘Georgey boy this job takes the biscuit.’ He commented of course at George’s handy work.
‘Are you Lenny?’ Jacqui asked to which she got a fist to the nose, a loud crack filled the small space.
‘How dare you speak without being spoken to!’ Lenny screamed, saliva issuing from his mouth.
Jacqui was trying to remain conscious, white spots clouded her vision; Lenny's face came in and out of focus. She could taste the blood gushing from her nostrils and down the back of her throat. Then she saw the same drenched bloody rag George had used on her cheek come towards her face. Lenny put it in her mouth. She had been screaming to herself obliviously.
After George opened the heavy, red, wooden barn doors he was back in the front seat of the car.
‘What happened there?’ George gestured towards Jacqui’s clearly displaced nose.
‘insubordinance’ Lenny replied in a monotonous tone. That was the one thing Lenny couldn’t abide, he had had it from George all day and didn’t need it from the new girl as well. George could tell Lenny was tired and cranky.
George reversed the vehicle into the barn, got out and reclosed the barn doors. He locked them with the keys he carried on a lanyard under his shirt, from the inside. The well-lit barn wasn’t as big inside as it looked on the outside. George opened the car door and leaned in so that he was facing the other pair.
‘Do you think you should reset her nose Lenny?’ George asked concerned about the girl’s airflow.
‘No!’ Lenny snapped swatting the girls face with his hands. ‘Just get her to the dungeon’ he ordered.
‘Will you open the door please?’ George asked politely.
Lenny had his keys on a lanyard under his shirt also. He took them out and exited the vehicle as George maneuvered himself inside once more. He dragged the semi conscious Jacqui out of the car, and dropped her on the ground so he could stand up to stretch. Lenny could hear the crack Georges back made as he did so. Once ready, George picked the subdued Jacqui up and threw her over his shoulder.
George was tired and moaned as he carried Jacqui to the door of the dungeon, which Lenny had gone ahead to open. He descended eighteen concrete steps.
‘Just throw her in!’ Lenny ordered from above.
George did literally that, he threw her into the third cell on the right. Before he left her however, he cut off the cable ties.
When George reunited with Lenny, they both locked the dungeons door, high fived each other, and went out the door which brought them back to the main barn. They looked at each other and nodded to a job well done.
George took out his keys from under his shirt to open the main barn door when Lenny said ‘wait.’
George rolled his eyes. ‘What now,’ he thought to himself.
‘The car!’ Lenny remembered his left palm on his forehead.
They looked at each other, then at the car and together they said ‘shit!’ They wanted so badly to play with their new captive but the car would land them in jail if they were raided, not that they were planning on being raided any time soon.
‘Will it do ‘til tomorrow?' ?’ George asked knowing the answer before he asked the question.
He got a stare as an answer. ‘In August 1975 police attempted to stop Bundy for a driving violation. When he was finally stopped his Volkswagen was searched, and police found handcuffs, an ice pick, crowbar, pantyhose with eye holes cut out along with other questionable items. They also saw that the front seat on the passenger side of his car was missing. Police arrested Ted Bundy on suspicion of burglary. Bundy was arrested for not stopping his car when ordered to by a police officer.’ Lenny recited. This was the speech he constantly gave to George when he acted sloppily.
‘Do you want us to be like Ted Bundy George?’ Lenny asked.
George shook his head no.
‘Do you want us to have done all this work just to be arrested for sloppiness?’ he snarled as he approached George, his right index finger pointing at George’s temple, signaling him to think.
‘No sir’ replied George as he took a step backwards.
‘After all it was a stretch leaving the extra seats over there.’ Lenny pointed to the corner where there were bits and pieces lying around; the ordinary kind of stuff you would find in a barn; lawn chairs, tools, gardening accessories.
George sighed, shook his head and rubbed his temples. He was tired. He just wanted something to eat and to play with his new toys mind. As he was doing this he made his way over to the corner and got a bucket, filled it with some water and put washing up liquid into it. He grabbed a couple of pairs of latex gloves and a couple of nail brushes and returned to Lenny.
‘Why did you bring two nail brushes?’ Lenny asked him puzzled. ‘I hope you don’t think I’m going to help you clean this up?’ he gestured towards the car.
George looked at him open mouthed then to the car and back to Lenny again.
‘It’s your mess,’ Lenny started, jealousy in his tone. ‘I wasn’t the one who decided to go and put a hole in that poor girls face IN THE CAR!’ he screamed and left without uttering another word through the barn door, locking it behind him.
George looked at the bucket and back to the car again and let out a groan as his shoulders fell. He was in no mood to be scrubbing blood out of fabric but he would do it anyway. He was a proud man who wasn’t going to be responsible for them to be caught over a silly mistake.
An hour and a half later, all the blood was scrubbed away to George’s best ability. With the seats back in the people carrier, George went to the corner of the barn, took out his keys from under his now sweat soaked shirt and opened the side door. A waft of fresh air hit his filthy face drying the sweat beads that had accumulated on his forehead.
The door led to a big metal rubbish bin ten feet away from the barn. He threw all the utensils he used, bar the bucket, into the bin and poured lighter fluid into it. He took out a cigarette packet from his back pocket which concealed a lighter. Lenny didn’t like him smoking but he needed something to ignite the contents.
There was a big rock to the left of the bin which George sat on and lit up. George inhaled deeply and once he felt the nicotine soar through his body and got that sense of relaxation for the first time that day he smiled. ‘Nicotine my friend,’ he uttered to the cigarette as he exhaled, his whole body feeling regenerated. He took another drag and looked up. It was a full moon.
Both George and the moon were staring at each other and he pondered a very philosophical question; did man actually walk on it? Before his thoughts were too deep he felt his middle finger burn, he had come to the end of the cigarette. He flicked it into the bin which made a whooshing sound as flames danced from the top of it. George was still enjoying the nicotine in his system, so much so that he felt lightheaded.
‘George!’ barked a voice from inside the barn.
George curiously went to see where it came from.
‘George!’ it barked again.
George looked at the blinking red light in the corner of the barn. He had forgotten that Lenny could watch, listen, and speak, with the entirety of the farm and all who inhabited it. George had been in his own little world whilst cleaning the car’s interior.
‘Yes Lenny,’ George answered monotonously.
‘I’ve made us a fry up!’ he said in a softer tone. In truth, Lenny felt guilty, presuming he could feel guilt, because he made George clean the car on his own. He knew George would be hungry and that they were going to have a long night ahead of them so Lenny took the initiative to get George where he knew would work – through his stomach.
When all the doors were locked, George hurried to the house where they lived. In a room within it with five mismatched desks along a wall full of computer screens. There were 10 screens in total, nine of which connected to cameras on the property. There was one screen for each of the 6 cells, one for the wet room, one for the group room, and one for just inside the barn; the last monitor was hooked up to a computer. Each and every camera was accompanied with a microphone and speaker.
George was curious as to how the new girl was doing so he immediately went to look at her corresponding monitor as Lenny plated up the grub.
Lenny presented George with five sausages, three hash browns, six rashers, black and white pudding and beans and fried mushrooms. Lenny had the same. They ate in the screen room, the room opposite the ‘warm room’, in silence like a pair of school kids watching their favorite TV program.
They both sat in their luxurious office chairs and stared at monitor number seven, the monitor Jacqui corresponded with. Of course they could hear everything each of the six girls uttered through the microphone that accompanied the camera. At first she started to scream, and then she gradually started to kick and hold the bars in the door and shook them. They watched her as she went ballistic.
They high fived each other, grease going everywhere. They loved torturing things, especially teenage girls. This to them was better than any soap opera. They looked at the monitors to see the other inmates who were all cringing because they knew George and Lenny were seriously going to torture this new girl if she didn’t calm down, and quick. They also knew that a punishment for her was a punishment for them all.
Once the food was gone, and the plates in the kitchen, Lenny grabbed the microphone that was connected to all the speakers in the dungeon.
'Quiet down inmate!' he ordered Jacqui who was in the middle of a hissy fit.
'You are violating my right to freedom' Jacqui replied and shook the door even harder.
'She’s a feisty one' George said as he rubbed his hands together. 'Can I?' he asked Lenny, his grin as wide as a child’s on Christmas morning.
'Oh go on then' Lenny smiled back. He couldn't wait to see this little bitch suffer.
With his belly full, George made his way to the barn once more. He felt a real chill in the air but the adrenaline that surged through his blood would not let it register. He took out his lanyard and opened the barn door, locked it behind him and hurried to the dungeon. He ran down the eighteen stone steps and to the third door on the right.
He doubled back to see what the other girls were doing through the bars in the doors window. Three of them had their notebooks and pens out and the other two were curled up in the fetal position, their soft toys being hugged to death. When he looked into Jacqui’s door he was met with a much different sight. She was right up at the window, 'let me out' she screamed at him and shook the bars once again.
George smiled and started to open the steel door which screeched as it moved.
'Lenny, hey Lenny' George shouted.
'What?' Lenny sighed through the speakers.
'Would you get the wd40 for this door, it's driving me mad?' George asked.
'George' Lenny shouted 'this is not the time'.
And true enough it wasn't because as he opened the door Jacqui tried to escape, she hurtled towards him like a rugby player and tackled her opponent. She made George hit his head off the door. If he wasn't as big or as experienced as he was she would have probably gotten two feet farther than she did. One foot out of the door, that's how close she got from freedom because George body blocked her and pushed her back into the cell. He took out cable ties from his back pocket, something which he never went without, that were destined for her wrists and ankles.
'Calm down you little bitch' he said trying to overpower her. She was kicking and screaming and tried to scratch his eyes out, but because he was twice her size, he was able to overpower her. He entered her cell and closed the door behind him, before he wrestled her to the ground where he tied her wrists and ankles together once more.
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