The 'Wand'

By monodemo
- 414 reads
I woke, my teeth chattering. I tried to slowly open my eyes, but it felt like they were taped shut. I lifted my right hand and slowly moved it across the cold, cloud like ground, lifting it towards my face. My ice-cold fingers rubbed against my eyelids. They had a crystalised feel on my almost numb digits. I rubbed the crystals off my right eye first, needing the tips of my fingers to help open the lid. I looked around and all I could see was white. I did the same with my left eye and tried to sit up.
I could feel my wet clothes, which were half buried, stick to my back. My eyes open, I could see the extent of my surroundings. There was nothing but snow, everywhere. I could have killed those guys for leaving me there, wherever there was. I was freezing and didn’t know which direction to turn towards. I knew I was in some kind of shock, but I still had my wits about me. I looked for footprints, but couldn’t see any.
I studied my watch, hoping the GPS on it could help, but it had seized at 4.45 AM. I felt around me hoping that anything I found could help in some way. My blue tinged fingers found a stick. I gripped it hard and released it from a foot of snow. I looked at it carefully before putting my two freezing hands on both ends. Something I can’t describe happened. The stick began to glow and I could feel it change shape. Once it was finished, it looked like a wand you would see in harry potter. The handle fit into my dominant right hand like it was made for it.
I watched as my whole body radiated from the wand and my clothes were suddenly dry. I took in a deep breath and let out a long, satisfactory sigh. My hands suddenly felt warm… they were pink again!
As the snow around me melted rapidly, the moisture it released turning into big blocks of ice. As quickly as they were made, they formed a small hut for shelter. I slowly got to my feet and crawled in it. Inside, I was no longer in the arctic tundra… I was back in my bedroom! With the wand still in my hand, I crawled into bed and fell asleep.
I woke to a familiar buzzing sound. It sounded like my alarm clock. I opened my eyes with ease, and smiled as I turned it off thinking it all to be a dream. As I got out of bed and stretched, I heard what sounded like wood fall onto the laminate flooring. I looked down, and what was there? only the wand. I picked it up and looked closely at it. It made me doubt whether it was a dream or not. I picked it up and pointed it towards the bed to se if it would do anything. The bed covers began to move on their own accord. The wand had made the bed.
Still holding the wooden object in my hand, I went into my best friend, and roommates bedroom. He was fast asleep. I pointed the wand at him to see what it would do.
‘Ouch!!’ I heard him say, ‘what did you do that for?’
He turned towards me nursing his right upper arm. With his eyes bulging at the sight of me pointing a stick at him, he looked at his arm. There was a tattoo after appearing. It was a picture of me, in the snow. He saw it and did a double take. He lept out of bed and ran into the bathroom to try to wipe it off… but it stayed, a lingering reminder not to mess around with a man who was on his bachelor party three days before his wedding!
No one would have believed the experience I had been through. they would have just said I fell asleep reading one of J.K. Rowlings books. The tattoo, on the other hand, was a mystery. The so called ‘wand’ had transformed back into a stick, never to be talked about again!
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great piece of flash fiction
great piece of flash fiction - thank you Mono!
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