I Lost A Friend
By Mrs_Schechter
- 431 reads
James Dewees//My Chemical Romance//OC
I sighed as I sat at the table with my mates. They were all talking about there latest girlfriends and then there was me, the only girl in the group and the one who’d just lost the best thing in there life. He was my best friend; he was the guy I always messed around with in lesson along with Ray and Gerard. He always knew how to make me smile, always knew how to make me laugh when I was crying or make me laugh when I was really down. He didn’t tell us he was leaving…his mom told me over the phone that she’d sent him to live with his grandparents as she couldn’t cope with raising him and his brothers anymore. I sighed again and rested my head on the table. I miss him so much and the worst thing about it is, no matter how many times we’ve been out, it’s always ended up with one of us saying something we don’t mean breaking us up and going back to being just friends, I now know I really do love him…and I know I can’t have him back because he’s not there to have.
“You okay sis?” I shook my head answering the question my little brother Frank had asked me. “You miss him don’t you?” he asked me. I started crying loudly. I need him; I really do, he’s my world. Gerard pulled me into a tight hug so I started sobbing hard on his shoulder. I know the guys are probably confused by all of this but I can’t help it, I really can’t.
“I-need-him-here-with-me.” I spluttered. Gerard kissed the top f my head whispering claming words into my ear.
“Someone should call him, tell him about this…” I heard Mikey whisper to the other 3, I looked up at him, my eyes all red and puffy shaking my head.
“No! No one can tell him!” I hissed. I sighed and got up, wiping my tears with my sleeve. “I need to go to Music now, bye guys.” I sighed again before walking away, down the hall, down 3 flights of stairs to the front office. Time for a bit of lying I think… i knocked on the door of the nurse’s office. She opened it and sighed when she saw me.
“Would you be wanting a pass so you can go home Miss Iero?” she asked me. I sighed and nodded slowly. “Okay, but if anyone asks, I checked you out before I gave you this but by the looks of you, your sick.” She told me as she handed me the pass. I slowly headed out of school as I took out my Ipod. Aiden-Moment started playing reminding me deeply of him…then the course kicked in making my heart break.
“Why did you have to leave me James? I need you here with me, I want you here with me…” I felt a presence behind me as I walked past his house. i could hear someone’s footsteps behind me, they were getting closer before someone tapped my shoulder. I screamed and turned around as I took out my headphones to see James stood their smiling wide at me.
“Tut-tut-tut, skiving school is a bad thing to do ya know.” He smirked before I smiled at him, tears in my eyes. “So, how’s life been treating you whilst I’ve been away for…a week I think, not sure?” he asked me. I grabbed him by the collar of his black shirt before pressing our lips together. I soon realized what I had done and pushed him away before bursting into tears.
“I’m sorry.” I sobbed before he pulled me close to him.
“Angel, you’re not sorry, you wanted me back here… I know, Bob just texted me saying you were going home and that it was all my fault you were upset…” he muttered the rest before I sighed and pulled out of his grips.
“Your right, I’m not sorry for kissing you but I am sorry for this.” I slapped him before turning to leave but he grabbed my wrist and turned me back around to face him.
“What the hell was that for!?” he asked. I just laughed lightly.
“For leaving us! You are so stupid James! You just left us! Not even a text or a phone call!” I hissed at him. He shook his head looking into my eyes.
“I told Gerard Angel, he told you all for me why I was leaving and they all came to say goodbye…he told me he was going to tell you all why I was leaving…didn’t he?” James asked me. I shook my head slowly.
“I’ll kill him!” I hissed before James smiled at me.
“Don’t…but I’m back…I’m living with my father now, my brothers are still with my grandparents but my mum’s ran off leaving my father the house. My brothers don’t like my father so they aren’t coming to live here but I am because of you and you only.” He told me as he laced his hands with mine. “I love you Angel Iero, and I don’t want to loose you ever again…” I kissed him again, this time, he kissed back smiling. This is the start of a great romance…
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