To my imaginary child

By onemorething
- 8850 reads
The photo is of Obaysch who was a few days old hippo taken from the White Nile and shipped to London Zoo in 1849. At first he was very popular, but eventually, due to being placid and just swimming and sleeping a lot, he became a disappointment. Again, I picked up on the story from David Attenborough and then did some reading about what happened to this lovely hippo. Somehow what I've written turned into something personal so I give it approximately 2 hours before I freak out and delete it!
Obaysch was just a baby hippopotamus,
days old when stolen, torn from the womb of the waters
of his birth, mother shot, the traumas scalded
to retinas - after he would attach to the nearest keeper,
loving anyone, in want of love.
I am always seeking a depository for it -
I would have loved you too much,
too fearfully, and really now, I think
there has only ever been room for fear and me.
Obaysch put up a fight,
scarred by boat hook, but
you can only resist an empire for so long
before you drink its unnatural milk
mixed with maize and domination.
I would have taught you the names
of our own universe, would have tried
to hold in the shame and sadness,
I would have held your smaller hand in mine
so that we could marvel at it all together.
Obaysch was God's gift to conquerors,
an entitlement to haul him from his White Nile
to confinement, coaxed to enchant bored crowds,
to end up a zoological disappointment.
To love blindly is a kind of slavery
of the soul, I have always been untethered
as if I was a kite, once held, let go, but
I would have fed you mangoes and bravery,
I would have returned that little calf to home.
Image is from wikimedia commons:
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Please don't delete- your
Please don't delete- your words here are heartfelt and compelling. I was compelled to cry in outrage for this little brutally orphaned hippo and your kind interspersed endearments and encouragement weaved through the sad facts- and felt natural -and right in their condemnation of the wrongfulness of trapping a born free animal. I think, If the world were flipped around and we were no longer at the top of the chain - more would suddenly see the cruelty then.
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Please don't delete this. I
Please don't delete this. I didn't know the story so thank you for that - but it's also one of the most moving pieces I've read for a long time (and another thing - it's probably not too late) xx
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It's beautiful - a love poem
It's beautiful - a love poem for a hippo shouldn't work but it does and manages to say so much more - about you, and us, and Empire. Drew
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Your poem left me quite
Your poem left me quite tearful. The fact that Obaysch tried so hard to be loved and accepted, yet this was seen as a weakness. Very sad indeed.
Your writing held a lot of strong emotion.
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This lovely piece is our
This lovely piece is our Facebook and Twitter Pick of the Day
Please share/retweet if you enjoy it as much as I did
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Really adore this poem. It
Really adore this poem. It stirred emotions in me and you really dazzle me with words.
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I'm glad you didn't delete it
I'm glad you didn't delete it, onemorething.
I do know that feeling, though, and sympathise.
That "critic" word: "juxtaposition". Lovely word, but this poem shows a very human lateral connection to something deep and, I'm guessing, real.
The knack is getting it down, which you've done in a simple and satisfying way.
Parson Thru
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A very lovely and informative poem
I really admire the way you subtley demonise the arrogance of imperialism and colonialism. It reminded me of the twinge of shame I felt the first time I saw The Gateway to India monument in Mumbai.
However, I think the outstanding gem of this poem is in the last stanza:
To love blindly is a kind of slavery
of the soul, I have always been untethered
as if I was a kite, once held, let go,
Such powerful words .....
BTW I'm not sure mangoes would be good for a little Hippo, a bit rich maybe. :)
Thanks for this terrific piece
This deserves diamond embossed gold cherries!
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This is our Poem of the Week
This is our Poem of the Week - congratulations!
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That's great! Obaysch touched
That's great! Obaysch touched my heart.
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Dear Rachel,
Dear Rachel,
having read all other comments I am going to add my two-penny worth. I find it incomprehensible that a talented writer as yourself should be so self-doubting as to contemplate to delete such a sensitive piece as this even though it may feel very personal. You should have more belief in your ability to convey every kind of emotion. I am, as always, the most ardent admirer of your poetic skill.
Luigi x
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This is just beautiful. We
This is just beautiful. We know creatures other than ourselves have a heart and feelings - you have proved it so.
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Great piece. How would you
Great piece. How would you feel about reading this or maybe something else at our reading night on the 27th? If you think it's something you might like to do, could you drop me an email at
No probs if not!
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Ah, Rachel - gotcha.
Ah, Rachel - gotcha.
I'd be a terrible detective.
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