Boatman's dream 16
By Parson Thru
- 854 reads
“John Buckingham.”
“Hi, John, it’s James.”
“James? Ah, James! Good to hear from you. God! Time flies. It must three weeks since the election. Are you finding you way around?”
“Yes, thanks. I’m a bit of an old hand, really. Have you got a minute?”
“Literally, yes. Is it quick?”
“I called in to see Stephen Gentry this morning.”
“Oh, yes. How did it go?”
“He started quoting the Domesday Book and invoking Joseph of Arimathea.”
“Sounds like Stephen. What’s the upshot?”
“He said title isn’t defined, but there’s a precedent for local men to use the wharf going back to William the Conqueror. It sounds like they own it.”
“Hmm. Well he hasn’t misled you, exactly, but he hasn’t given you the whole story, either.”
“Yes. The land is owned, but the title is disputed. Not disputed, as such, but not settled. Strictly, it comes under the local Manor. Lord of the Manor to be precise – that’s Gerald, Lord Bowall. But, if push came to shove, it could also be lodged under the local authority.”
“The county council?”
“Yes. Technically. Don’t get carried away, though. It’s been that way for ever.”
“What’s my best route?”
“To acquire the land?”
“Get the parties to agree on ownership. Then put up an offer – might take some smooching at County Hall. Once you acquire it, you can register it. It isn’t registered because it hasn’t changed hands since the Monmouth Rebellion.”
“Who do I need to speak to?”
“Get in touch with Gerald, if you can, and use your influence at County Hall. Generally, the Bowalls don’t divest land, but they don’t like publicity either. If it looks like there’s going to be a problem, they’ll walk away. It’s a postage stamp. Tiny. No revenue, as such. Walk the corridors at County Hall. Talk to the right people. Start with Henry. I’ve got to go, James.”
“Thanks John. I owe you.”
“Just remember the party whip. Oh, and for goodness sake, I didn’t tell you any of this. I don’t want my name all over the local press, alright?”
“Understood. Thanks John.”
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Why does he want to buy the
Why does he want to buy the land again? To build on?
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