Carlos and Javier - Waiting for news 2
By Parson Thru
- 488 reads
Carlos and Jose arrived at the hospital just after ten a.m.
The ward clerk waved to them both from her desk. Carlos hesitated, but she was deep in conversation with the post woman. He’d try to pump her for information later.
Javier was sitting in the chair by his bed reading El Pais. He looked almost sprightly.
“Can’t a man get any peace?” he asked them.
“You should be grateful we’ve come.” Carlos shot back. “What’s happening in the world?”
“You should know. You’re the ones who are out there doing all the damage. What do I know in here? This paper’s two days old.”
Carlos took Javier’s hand and the two men embraced.
“You’ve brought a friend.” said Javier.
“We’ve brought each other.”
Jose smiled, enjoying the banter. “We can go down to the patio if you like.”
Javier nodded. “I need some fresh air. There’s a wheelchair somewhere.”
They found a bench in the shade of a tree and drew Javier up in front of it.
He asked what they’d been up to. They talked about the bar, Merche, Paco, Rico and Juan. There was always some scandal. Merche’s sister in Galicia was seeing another man. Her sister was well into her seventies.
“One more in a sorry procession.” was Javier’s droll observation.
Eventually, the three fell silent.
“How are you feeling?” Carlos asked.
“I’m fine.”
“Jose told me what you said to him last night.”
Javier looked straight ahead. “Why?”
“Why what?”
“Not you.” He turned to look at Jose. “I thought I could trust you.”
“Dad. You can trust me. I only told Carlos because I know he cares.”
Javier exploded. “What does he care?” “What does anyone care?” “It’s nobody else’s business.” “You’re family. Don’t you understand? Don’t you know what that means?”
A baby started crying somewhere.
Carlos and Jose looked in the direction of the cries. When they looked back, Javier’s head was tilted awkwardly over the back of the wheelchair. A medic who’d been distracted by Javier’s shouting was already at his side. On the spot, he grabbed the chair and rushed Javier straight into Urgencias.
Carlos and Jose looked on, dumbfounded.
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