"The Trouble with Magical Beings" (A Fantasy) Chapter 7

By Penny4athought
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“Okay, does anything below look familiar to you Shale?” Naia asked the little robot.
Shale looked down but all he could see were tree tops. “No. How big is this forest?” He asked in awe.
No one knew the answer to that question. Magic had created this world and Magic hadn’t provided any of them with a map.
“I don’t know but I wish we had a compass,” Daniel told him.
Naia smiled and wished for one and she was completely surprised when one actually appeared in her hand.
“Here’s a compass,” she said proudly as she handed it to Daniel.
“Does it work?” he asked, surprised at the normal size of it. It wasn’t a teeny tiny compass at all.
“It’s pointing north what else should it do?” Naia asked him seriously, she wasn’t upset by the question, she understood the concern he had for her magical ability.
“No, that’s all it’s supposed to do. Thank you, Naia,” Daniel smiled and looked down at the arrow’s direction.
“Okay, follow me,” he said as he turned his horse to the northern direction, “First, we’ll find the end of the forest going North and if North isn’t where your home is, then we’ll turn back and try going South,” Daniel told Shale.
“Then we’ll go East and then we’ll go West,” singsonged Jenny thinking this was so much fun.
The little group soon came to the end of the tree covered forest having gone due north but what they found there was not robot world. Beyond the forest going north, were tropical palm trees and a coastline of sand and beyond the beach was a massive ocean.
“That doesn’t look like where my home is,” Shale told them sadly.
“Don’t worry, we’ll just turn around and go southward,” Daniel told him but, as he said this, heavy storm clouds appeared all around them.
Lightning flashed near the horses and lion spooking them and they quickly descended downward.
Daniel knew they needed to find protection from the storm and couldn’t land on the open beach so he told them to fly as close to the tree line as possible, while he looked for a safe place to shelter until the storm blew over.
“Over there, that building. Let’s go there,” Daniel yelled to them over the now torrential rain and the squalls of wind slapping at them.
“I’m scared,” the little robot said shaking in his, hopefully, rust proof body.
“Don’t be scared, we’re going to be safe,” Daniel promised him. Then he flew behind the group making sure they all made it safely to the building ahead.
The building turned out to be a little band shell off the beach. It didn’t give much cover to them on the stage but they found it had a trap door in the center. Daniel opened it and saw it led down to an area below the stage that appeared to be big enough to comfortably fit them all.
“Its dark in here,” Jenny complained, not liking the dark but Boots was next to her so she hugged him tightly to feel safe.
“Can we have light?” Naia wished out loud but again her wish was only partially granted. One very tiny lantern appeared in her hand, giving only minimal light. She wished three more times and passed out the tiny lanterns to the others. The lanterns lit up only their faces, but at least it broke the darkness.
The sound of the rain hitting the stage was not comforting so when it began to die down they started to relax.
The rain slowed to a pitter patter on the stage floor above them and they waited patiently until it grew softer, until it sounded like it had stopped.
“I don’t think it’s raining anymore,” Naia said and volunteered to go up and check the weather conditions.
When she opened the trap door and peeked outside her eyes widened at what she saw.
“Oh no,” she whispered worriedly.
“What’s wrong?” Daniel asked her.
Being curious by nature, Jenny scooted past her brother and went up the ladder to the trap door and squeezed herself out next to Naia.
“Oh my goodness,” Jenny’s tone showed her astonishment.
“What is it?” Daniel demanded, as there was no more room for him to see for himself.
“There’s no more forest,” Naia told him.
“Yes, it’s all beach and water, everywhere you look,” Jenny agreed with her.
Daniel had to see what they were seeing.
“Can you both go up onto the stage so we can all come up there to see?” Daniel asked.
Naia and Jenny climbed out onto the still wet stage to make room for Daniel and Shale to climb out. The ponies, stallion and lion quickly flew up after them.
Everyone stood on the small stage staring out at the changed world around them and the new landscape made them all unsure of what was in store for them.
“Magic will change without reason or warrant just because it is magic,” Daniel mumbled, “That’s rule number-”
“Yes I know,” Naia cut him off and slanted him an exasperated look, “I am magic too…or at least part magic,” she mumbled.
Yes, she was very much aware how magic could change; he didn’t need to tell her.
“How will I get home from here?” Shale asked sadly and began to cry.
Jenny knelt down and put her arm around his little shoulders telling him not to worry. They’d find their way out of here and get him home.
Daniel was proud his little sister was being so thoughtful but he wished he knew how to make what she’d said come true.
“So what do you think we can do to get out off of this island?” Daniel asked Naia.
“I don’t see any land out there, no telling how far we’d have to fly to find some, but we can try,” she told him.
“We’d need a boat,” Daniel said but with little hope that Naia’s weak magic could create one. He felt defeated and sank down onto the stage.
“I can help,” Shale spoke up, “I can be a boat. I can’t be a jet but I am equipped to be a boat. I can be your boat and we can sail me home!” he said proudly.
Daniel smiled thinking he’d be a pretty small boat, if he really could change at all.
“Thanks Shale, but I think we’d need a bigger boat for all of us to fit on,” Daniel told him kindly.
Shale jumped off the stage and walked to the ocean.
“Where’s he going?” Naia asked Daniel.
“Shale come back,” Daniel called to him, thinking he’d hurt his feelings, but Shale didn’t turn back.
“We’d better go after him,” Daniel said but just as they all jumped down from the stage Shale had reached the water.
“Come on board when you’re ready,” he yelled to them just before he turned into a large yacht that could comfortably fit them all.
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I SO want to be these
I SO want to be these children and have this adventure!
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brilliant. I would buy this
brilliant. I want to give this to my nieces :0)
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Hi Penny,
Hi Penny,
your imagination is astounding and I'm so glad I can share this adventure.
Thank you for sharing.
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