When a bad woman does the housework

By philipsidneynoo
- 773 reads
“A little water clears us of this deed” – Lady Macbeth
I was fair of face
a washing of my linen o
with all the week to dry
All white, House white
My castle is a pure place, an orderly place. No husband, he’s away at war. No children either, so I can keep my household clean.
Sort garments stained by life into mounds. Separate delicate from coarse. Light from dark.
I was full of grace
a hanging out my linen o
and not so much awry
Dimity, Off white, Mizzle
One day, I hope to have children and I’ll make sweet little dimity coverlets for their cots. But is this all there is? Sitting by the fire while I’m waited on? Watching the horizon to see when he’s returning?
Ah Dunsinane. Home sweet home.
Feel the slap, slap, slap of wet cloth in a stiff breeze sting across cheeks.
I was full of woe
a starching of my linen o
and not so much to blame
Savage ground, Pale Hound, Yellowcake, Churlish green
He’s sent me a letter and he’s got a plan. To kill the king, to become the king. But will we dare? I don’t think he’s got the balls to do it. Not without my permission, not without my persuasion. Coward.
When I look at the power given to men - to the idiots they are, my vision goes so green, I can hardly see.
Bleach out the splashes and splatterings , the overspill of overindulgence. There, there, all gone now.
I had far to go,
an ironing of my linen o
for now I know
I wash for shame
New white, Shaded white
Maybe my purity’s slipping. I wonder whether I’ve ever really had it, whether I was always somewhat off white.
Judge me not on what I wear for I look upon myself with chagrin.
I was loving and giving
a folding of my linen o
a wash in need, the deed
Mouse’s back, Mole’s breath, Incarnadine
In the midnight moment when we’re waiting to kill the king, I see my mouse of a husband become a hunter. Afterwards, we start at every sound. Every tiny, sudden, insignificant sound.
We’re both covered in blood, dressed in it and dancing. We look so stylish in our red!
Raw hands, time soaked up and poured down the drain with the scum and grey slime.
This is what I have become.
I worked hard for my living
an airing of my linen o
a slut indeed
Blackened, Dead Salmon, Arsenic, Pelt
It’s incredible to see how quickly his flesh changes, how quickly it becomes grey. My thoughts are poisoned and I see the old man everywhere, in his regal robes. Dressed in another man's fur, my husband in his borrowed robes.
The chance remark, lightly meant. Cut, cut, cut. You bleed, you bleed.
I was fair and wise
and good in every way
a wearing of my linen o
Bone, Black Blue, Pitch Black
I need to wash my hands of his blood and his gristle. Darkness is a colour, so out damned spot.
God at the washboard scrubbing out sins. Can’t live life without getting dirty.
(Thanks to Farrow and Ball for their paint names)
Domestic Detail in the House of Dreams
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Wow! A fresh look at Fife's
Wow! A fresh look at Fife's most famous bad bitch! Good mix of verse and prose and creative use of colour, I like the dead salmon, I often have this for my tea.
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Hi Helen
Hi Helen
I was sure I commented on this one yesterday, and that it was part 2 of the previous one. But my memory does funny things these days. Anyway, another very good piece of work. Much enjoyed.
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