Then Fancies Flee Away! - Episode 13

By philwhiteland
- 731 reads
Gwladys pounded around the small room, collecting items and muttering to herself, as she shoved them into the various bags. Aefelthrith sat, miserably, staring into the distance, not offering to help.
“If yer gets the urge to lend an ‘and at any time, just let me know, won’t yer?” Gwladys snapped.
Aefelthrith sighed and tugged absent-mindedly at the sleeve of her shirt.
“You know…” She began, still tugging at her sleeve, “when you said we were to leave on the next ship? What did you mean?”
“Werl, I thought that were pretty straightforward meself”
“Yes, but, how do you know that there will be a ship?” Aefelthrith frowned.
Gwladys sighed and ceased her bustling for a moment.
“Look, lovey,” She sat down next to Aefelthrith and patted her hand, “ever since we got ‘ere I’ve been kinda…keepin’ an eye on things, as yer might say. I’ve been watchin’ what boats come in and when, and when they leave an’ all”
“Why would you do that?”
“Because, I allus reckoned that a day like today would crop up. ‘Oped not, of course, but yer can’t just be livin’ on ‘ope.” Gwladys shook her head, sadly, “So, I thought if I knew which ships went out of ‘ere and when, then if we did have to…make an escape, style of thing, we’d be ready
“And you think there’s a ship leaving today?”
“I knows there is, missy! Goes out on this afternoon’s High Tide. So, we’ve got to get ourselves down the ‘arbour sharpish and we stand a better chance of doin’ that if there’s two of us packin’, instead of one of us moonin’ around, if yer get my drift?”
“Oh yes, of course. I’ll get my things together” Aefelthrith stood up and tidied her skirt, “you know, I agree it’s hardly a home from home but…I will miss this place”
“Yeah, I know what yer mean” Gwladys nodded, “but, there’ll be other places and other times. You mark my words!”
Soon, all that could realistically be packed away, had been. Aefelthrith and Gwladys grabbed hold of the quantity of bags, took one last look at their former living space, and then headed out of the door.
Their journey to the harbour was far from straightforward. Gwladys insisted on taking a circuitous route, diving first down this alley, then the next. Just as they seemed to be on the home straight, with just one alley to go before they arrived at the harbour, Gwladys suddenly stopped in her tracks and threw herself into a doorway, dragging Aefelthrith with her.
“What are you doing?”
“Just down there, missy” Gwladys hissed, “there’s a couple of them watchmen”
“Surely they won’t trouble us now?” Aefelthrith questioned, “not after the Captain gave them his word?”
“Ah, that was fine when ‘e was there, and ‘ad a sword pointin’ toward that Sergeant of their’s wedding tackle, but it might be a different matter now. We’re goin’ to ‘ave to go back on ourselves and go another way. Come on!”
Gwaldys and Aefelthrith started back up the alley, walking as swiftly and silently as they could. Unfortunately, not as swiftly or silently as they should have been, as one of the watchmen looked up, spotted them and shouted,
“Oi, you two, get yerselves back ‘ere!”
Swift walking became a full-on pelt to the end of the alley, with Aefelthrith in the lead. She took a frightened glance behind her, only to see the watchmen gaining on them. She flung herself into the main street, hoping the presence of others might deter their pursuers, but regrettably not noticing the horse and carriage making swift progress toward them, down the main road.
Aefelthrith cannoned into the side of the horse, causing it to rear and whinny. She dropped to the floor in a heap. Gwladys was with her in a moment.
“Oh, lovey, are you alright?”
The door of the carriage opened and a gentleman stepped out, wearing the dark, sober uniform of a priest. His face was obscured by the wide brim of his hat.
“ the young lady injured?” He asked, hesitantly.
“I dunno. ‘ope not!” Gwladys had pulled Aefelthrith out of the immediate danger of the horse’s hooves and was checking her for any obvious injuries. The watchmen seemed to have decided not to continue their pursuit, now that others were involved, and had melted away.
“Is my Lord back from battle yet?” Aeflethrith asked, groggily.
“Ah, she’s not quite with it just yet” Gwladys explained.
“She must have taken a n..n..nasty” The clergyman observed, “forgive me, I should introduce myself, I am Parson Brown”
“That right?” Gwladys peered at him and then went back to studying Aefelthrith, “come on, lovey, yer’ll soon be alright”
There was a moan from the carriage.
“Did somebody get theirselves ‘urt in there, an’ all?” Gwladys asked the Parson.
“N..n..not that I’m aware” He shook his head.
“Only, I thought I ‘eard someone cry out, style of thing?”
“P..p..possibly a p..p..passing seagull?” Parson Brown suggested.
There was another cry, somewhat on the lines of “OooooAARRGH!”
“’Eck of a seagull, that!” Gwladys observed, dryly, “reckon I’ll go an’ take a look”
“There’s really n..n..need” Parson Brown began, but Gwladys had already made her way through the carriage door. The Parson crouched down, took Aefelthrith’s hand and patted it, absent-mindedly. Aefelthrith struggled to open her eyes and focus on her new carer,
“Do I know you?” She asked.
“I think n..n..not, dear lady” The Parson smiled, “I do hope you are on the m..m..mend. Your companion has seen fit to leave you but I’m sure she will be back in a m..m..moment”
Gwladys reappeared.
“Yer know this, of course, but there’s a young woman in there what’s ‘eavily pregnant”
“ wife” Parson Brown confirmed.
“Yeah, thought as much. Only it looks like that bit of a bump just now ‘as started things off, as yer might say. We need to get ‘er somewhere where she’ll be comfortable. Can yer get this carriage of yorn to go ‘round to our place?”
“Oh, yes, I suppose so!” Parson Brown was clearly flustered.
“Right, you tell the driver, I’ll get Ethel ‘ere in the carriage”
Getting Aefelthrith to negotiate the steps into the carriage was no mean feat. Within, even in her groggy state, she saw a well-dressed, young woman, hunched in the corner of the carriage and clearly in some discomfort. Gwladys sat beside the young woman and put a companionable arm around her shoulders.
“Now, now, lovey” She said, “nice deep breaths. It won’t be long afore we ‘ave yer a bit more comfortable”
The door to the carriage opened again. Parson Brown climbed in and sat beside Aefelthrith.
“I..I..I’ve the driver” He announced.
“That’s good of yer, lovey” Gwladys nodded and cuddled the young lady, “just as a matter of interest though, ‘ow did yer know where to tell ‘im to go?” She grinned and raised an eyebrow. It was difficult to tell, under the brow of the hat, but Parson Brown appeared to be blushing deeply.
“Reckon Dolly ‘ere’s got quite the dressing up box, hasn’t she?” Gwladys grinned broadly.
“OooooAARRGH!” Dolly commented.
You can catch up with the rest of this ongoing story via the collection, right here on ABCtales:
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I hope they don't regret
I hope they don't regret getting in the carriage, they're going to miss the ship. Can't wait to find out what happens next.
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