Crazy Summer

By Pickcha1
- 493 reads
When this summer started, I was still living in Maryland. I had a whole plan for how i was going to spend my summer -- hang out with my friends, read a few books, avoid thinking abou tschool. And then they put my dad in charge of a naval base in San Diego. So much for my plans. And if you hought summer in San Diego was all sun and fun, you can forget about it.
Just last week, my Sunday school teacher was killed. the poilce said it was a random murder, but i couldn't just leave it alone. I tracked down his killer, a homeless man with mental problems living in a tent on the beach. I sovled a real-life mystery. Suzy Cambridge, girl detective. But it wasn't like those mysteries mom and I love so much. It was a lot scarier, for one thing...
"Suzy?" Mom calling out to me from my bedroom door. " You're not just going to sit in you room all day, are you? Wouldn't you rather be outside, playing with your freinds?
"I don't have any friends, Mom." i replied.
"What about that girl you told us about? The one you met. What was her name again? Charity? Faith?
"Mercy, Mom. Her name is Mercy." I stated. "And i haven't seen her seen last week."
"Well, maybe you hsould call her up and.."
"What is that noise?" Mom asked.
We looked out my bedroom window in time to see a mushroom cloud in the distance. Before i knew it i was already on my bike heading towards the scene.
Why did he have to die? Mr. Wilson was a nice guy, a good teacher, my friend. One minute he was here, and the next he was gone. And his death didn't mean anything. A terrible, confused man came along and took him away from me. Just like that. it makes you wonder.
I arrived to the scene to see a plane in a big blaze of fire that had crashed into a few buildings.
How can there be a God when terrible things like that can happen? When good people die for no reason at all? I want to believe there's a god up there, looking out for us. But life keeps giving me reason not to believe in HIM. Every night on the news, I see terrible things happening all ovr the world. War. Disasters. People dying, everywhere you turn. How can HE just let that happen? Wouldn't HE stop it if HE could? Turn up and tell everyone to knock it off? Does HE just like seeing us suffer? HE's the One with the power. Doesn't HE want to help?
"I'll have to call you back." Said Williams as Admiral Cambridge opens the door. "I'm a little busy right now, Admiral Cambridge. Maybe you cold come back later.
"I don't know who you mysterious benefactors are, Williams, but i don't like you being here." The Admiral started. "I want nothing to do with whatever you and your little cabal are up to."
"I believe you've made you feeling perfectly clear, Admiral." said Williams. "Fortunately, I don't answer to you. My orders come frm the very tops of the food chain, not some washed-up sailor stuck behind a desk. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have something important to deal with.
"The plane crash..." said Admiral Cambridge.
"That's above you pay grade, Admiral. Now go back to your budget reports. I'm sure there's a decimal point thats needs to be put in its place."
"Just remember, Williams...If you and your team of scientists had anything to do with that crash...Ther's nothing your cigaretter-smoking friends can do to protect you." said Admiral Cambridge.
You're plaing a very dangerous game, Admiral." said Williams as Admiral Cambridge begins to leave the office.
"So are you, Captain."
"Farrell? Get Keene and Cooper in here. We have a problem"
As i walk back into my house i could hear the new on the T.V.
Thanks, Ronda. I'm here at the site of this unimaginable tragedy-- The death toll id being estimated at more than 120, including the passengers of flight 1013. And now were learning that there was a seond plane involved in this incident....a plane from nearby Miramar Naval Air Station.......They can't tell us any information abou the plane, citing national security, but they have released the name of the pilot.....Gary Devore..who was believed to have been killed in the crash.
It was him. The man from the beach. The man who killed Mr. Wilson. How could he have been the pilot of the plane? He's Locked up, waiting to go on trial......isn't he? First, that man at the crash site. The same man mt dad was talking to last week. And now this. I know it sounds insane, but it was definitely him. I'll never forget those eyes.
I don't know why anyone would clean him up and put him in a navy uniform...but whatever's going on here, one thing's for sure...this carzy summer just got a whole lot crazier...
Closing my journal in time to see Military Choppers fly pass my window heading towards the crash site.
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Is this going to be followed
Is this going to be followed up, or is it for throwing up possibilities and suspicions?!
As for God, he makes clear that this world/ this life isn't the end. We aren't aware of how often he does intervene to prevent, or to help those caught up in trouble and death. Also, he has promised he'll get rid of all those troubles soon, but is giving people time to get ready, be sorry for turning away from him and not wanting his help, and forgiveness. Rhiannon
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