'THE ROOM!' Chapter 1

By Pickcha1
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"3,2,1 GO!" Shouts N.E.D as he kicked in an old wooden door.
"Was that nessasary?" Chris asked"
"Yes..Yes it was" N.E.D replied as he steps over the fallen door and into the abandoned home.
"You're fucking crazy dude." said Chris as he follows N.E.D into the house.
The two would then walk only about 3 steps in when the door behind them shuts close causing the two to jump in fright.
"....you wanna know something funny" N.E.D asked.
"What?" Chris Replied.
"W...W...Wasn't the door on the floor?"
" H...H...How is that funny?" Chris asked.
The two would then turn around only to see the door completely closed and unbroken as if it was never kicked in.
"MAN FUCK THIS SHIT, IM OUT THIS BITCH!" shouted chris as he move towards the door.
"Oh no you don't Christina" N.E.D said as he pulls Chris "yo ass is staying right here"
"First off my name isn't Christina" Chris asked "And second of all, why should i?"
"Beacuse 1..." N.E.D started while pointing at the blank wall where the door use to be. " The fucking door is gone and 2 if we go back out there we have a higher chance of getting caught by 'HIM' and sent to 'THE ROOM!' and i DO NOT want to go there!.
"Alright Ned's Declassified, calm you're tits and what is this 'ROOM' everyone keeps talking about?" Chris asked
"NO, it's 'THE ROOM!' " N.E.D answered
"No one knows.." N.E.D started off as he starts off down the long and dark hallway "...But from what i heard it's about a 10x10 room with no windows, a small ass desk with no chair, and a spring bed with no mattress.......or pillow."
" Well Shit..." Chirs said
The two would continue down the hallway until they come across a room on the right and entered it with giving it a 2nd thought....or a 1st one. Immediately after entering the room the boys would stop suddenly cutting thier conversation short. They look around and noticed there weren't any windows, a single lightbulb haning from the ceiling, and a lonely chair in the corner on it back as if it was kicked over.
"Dude im starting to feel weird." Chris said.
"Yea me too, so let make like dryer sheets and bounce."
Chris was about to make a comment on the lame joke but decided not to because he almost forgot N.E.D was a dumbass.
As the two turned to exit the room and random gust of wind would come and hit them across the face cause thier entire bodies to get a chilling sensation.
"......S...So i can leave now right?" Chris asked shaking.
" W.....What, N...No we're to far into the house now to leave and plus the door is gone remember." N.E.D answered, also shaking.
" BITCH, i'm not sure if you noticed but wind just came out of fucking nowhere" Chris snapped back.
"M..Maybe there was a crack in the wall" N.E.D said back.
- - - - - - - - - - - WILL CONTINUE IN CHAPTER 2 - - - - - - - - - -
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