To bodies which no longer exist
By PilgermannBM
- 479 reads
the sharpened edge of a dull knife slices through the day
and spring drowns in a sea of red
opens the horror
flesh strung
joints bent far beyond their natural flex
cuts of meat
mangled beneath the stamp of iron feet and mechanised tracks
indeterminate sex
within whose dissected bowels Death roosts savage
songs praising itself
for being Death
for delivering Death
for providing relief in Death for those rooted in this cursed earth
living yet dead
slowly wilfully forced marched into a deepening grave,
blood skies heavy above,
sides slick with broken glass,
the world’s eyes banked
lens blanked
watching bodies which no longer exist,
ghosts of ghosts springing from ghosts,
but within those ghosts seedlings of a gathering transubstantiant nation,
reaching beyond the pitiless parade of power,
the voyeuristic sympathetic apps and NFTS,
rising resistant, rooted in the truth, bearing hope.
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