Bush Knocked Down The Towers-911 *Snippet*
By pinda
Sat, 20 Jun 2009
- 1374 reads
I pledge no alliance.
Screw the ex-presdients speeches.
I'm baptized by America.
yet covered in leeches.
The dirty water that preaches,
Your soul and facial features.
Drown you in propaganda.
The media feeds through the speakers.
They say the rebels in Iraq.
Still fight for Saddam.
Well, I'll tell you why that wrong.
Because if any other country.
Invaded the hood tonight.
There would be warfare.
Through Harlem and Cali heights.
Of course Saddam had chemical weapons.
We sold it to him.
After the judgmental elections.
Bush gave the tools to 911.
No wonder.
He isn't ever going to heaven.
Bin Laden didn't blow up the towers
It was you fool!
(Bush knocked down the towers)
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I suppose Obama bowing to
I suppose Obama bowing to the King of Saudi Arabia is ok then ? Bush, is definitely not the worst president but in that club. It's funny how people forget that back in 1993 when Bush was not in the White House the terrorists attacked the World Trade Center. Thanks in part to Clinton's oblivious, careless, and incompetant actions and to Bush not following up what could have been prevented we had the tragedy of 9/11. When you get into the conspiracy theories you can get lost in the fog that they create. I am no way supporting Bush and what happened, he handled it as good as he could for what happened and his abilities. As for the media, it is leaning to the left on TV and to the right on the radio. Now as far as this poem, apart from spelling errors there are some nice lines in there, they do get lost in the anger you express and how easily you run right into the predictable in the conspiracy theories in this piece. Why not take a different angle, like the USA offerring up weapons and advisors when Iraq and Iran had their eight year war ? ( 1980 - 1988 ) Or how Sudan wanted the USA to tell them hold Bin Laden at their airport ? ( 1994 ) I know you hate Bush think he's responsible, but he is only one of way too many that are part of the 9/11 events.
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Clinton??? As an inveterate
Clinton??? As an inveterate womanizer possibly quite a hero to the African-American male?
You need 'that's' in line three stanza 2.
Whilst I feel your view is simplistic: you have expressed it quite well.
Bush armed the Iraqis with chemical weapons? Probably not, his predecessor, Ron 'let's do it for the Gipper' Reagan maybe, but not Bush junior or senior. George Herbert declared the first Iraq war after Saddam invaded Kuwait.
Resign?? He'd served two terms. Constitutionally a US president can only serve two terms.
Read some books, not the internet.
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" Clinton was the best " If
" Clinton was the best " If you ae serious about this then you really DO NOT understand. Sorry we have to go back to Ford then Carter for the arming of the Middle East but under Reagan it continued and increased. Please do not forget that the Twin Towers were attacked in 1993 way before Bush. To think that Obama(nov) is given a free pass for bowing to Saudi Royalty ? Yet, the same conspiracy theorists are hell-bent to say Bush was in league with them to make the Twin Towers fall. The Sudan and at least eleven ( yes 11 ) other times Clinton had a chance to detain Bin Laden and he didn't. Wake up, reality says who was really to blame and Bush comes in dead last every time as a footnote. Not supporting Bush just the REALITY of what happened thank you.
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