Certainly Different
By prettyrose
- 1235 reads
Marsha and Anthony Havacock, had always wanted to run their own business from home ever since They met 20 years ago,this week.Anthony who I can only describe as dirty minded but charming With it,as short brown hair and striking features considering he smokes 40 fags a day. Now Marsha Is a different story ( no punn intended) she is always swearing, and chatty to say the least, however she as two things going for her, which are her long golden curly hair which flows elegantly on to her tall slender figure,cow, which I say with a playful smile.
Anthony left the royal mail sorting office after working 20 years. He always said his talents were wasted there, what talents I want to know. Marsha on the other hand still worked nights up
until they opened their business &;quot; where I hear you asking&;quot; &;quot; on the corner of Caldmore&;quot; I hear you saying, not as far as I know but it would not of surprised me if
she was a lady of the night shall I say. She worked for speeddate.com,basically she showed single men and woman to a wine bar where tables were set out so that each person had 3 minutes to talk to another person about themselves, Ye right I hear you all shouting out.Of course I still don't believe her to this day, why else would she go home and go straight to sleep?
Marsha and Anthony had worked ever since they left school, a very very long time ago I
might had, well over the years they had saved a nice little packet,lets say, and they had decided to set up a business, they had worked out that if they could set up their business by christmas then
their morgage would be finally paid off and that would leave funds for their business.
&;quot;Where do you come into this&;quot; I hear you saying, well im coming to that be patient. It
was October 25th just 8 weeks before christmas when Marsha and Anthony Havacock walked into my office at suckinfields bank, &;quot; hello my name is Shawna Blowjob, Bank
Manager&;quot; they sat down like freightend chidren ready to be punished. The meeting went ok and their finances seemed in order, so we then went on to what business they were going
to run from their semi detached house, I could hardly contain my laughter when Marsha candidly sat up right on the edge on my John Rogers Leather chair and said &;quot; sex toys, were going to sell
sex toys and other useful items to adults&;quot; it was the way she had come out with it that amused me, and I could not hold it any longer, I was in stitches, just as I thought Marsha and Anthony were going to leave they laughed with me, we could not stop laughing for 20
minutes which annoyed my colleagues who had planned a surprise birthday party for me at 5.00pm at the local bar, but it was 5.30pm by the time Marsha and Anthony left. So that's how I came into the picture and have remained ever since, I am now their personal business adviser, which
surprised me, after all would you want to work with those two? I rest my case.Their business now consists of two sex shops and one internet business, one thing I have learned from my dramatic job change is that, it's more fun doing a job that makes me laugh then stresses
me out and with devices called &;quot; Twice up&;quot; and Always First&;quot; there are plenty of laughs to go around.
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