Our Community ( Edit )
By prettyrose
- 387 reads
It's terrible when so much,
Pain, fear and destruction
Lies along our bruised streets.
The ones we walk along with
Our tired, blind feet.
So it's wonderful too see
People helping each other,
It surely does Warm a beaten
But then I take a peek
In my sisters paper she brought
Along with her, on her once a
A week catch up visit we have
Done since we were kids,and
Read about little Johnny smith,
Who had been found abandoned
On these very streets a week earlier,
His mother and father Couldn't
Care for him, not teenagers like the
Picture some of us imagine, but a couple
In their early 40's once hard workers
Home owners, Now jobless and
Homeless, victims of our recession.
What makes me really sad,
Is that it takes a mountain,
Full of hurt, for some of us too take,
Notice of the wider decay,
That sleeps beneath our towns
And cities, floors waiting to rot
The surface, worse than before.
Lets just for one night, think
About others, like the
Neighbor who Cannot
Walk because of an illness
Who needs help with daily chores,
Or our emergency services that
Need more money,to run an
Efficient service, maybe its your
Brother who has no idea how to
Rid his addiction, a stranger we
Wouldn't normally smile at,
Who ever it is, why don't we,
Think about them for just one night,
Rather than ourselves, because
Without regular Support or thought
For our community, the trilogy of
Damage will continue.
Some people will not want help,
Or will never listen, some to
Proud to except, and thats ok,
But for the one's who do, lets
Show them, we care, and do not
Give in, because its easy. or is
Inconvienent to spend and our
Or two, No, lets start too fill
The green wheelbarrow of neglect,
Not just with recyclable materiels,
But with unconditional help,
kindness and hope, so we can
Once again bring togeather each other
For a better, safe happier place.
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