Chapter 16 Conquest of Chimera
By rayjones
- 2492 reads
Chapter 16
Conquest of Chimera
Upon returning to the ship, Kia fluttered down toward the Captain. He looked up smiled, then looked away. Kian seeing Penny bobbing like a cork near the ship darted toward her. Even from a distance, he could see she was angry.
“I know,” Kian yelled down hovering above her like a helicopter and blowing her hair so violently about she sank lower in the water to cover herself, “we stayed too long. We’re sorry but…” She sank from sight, maybe out of modesty, maybe out of anger, more likely both.
Kian slid off toward the ship, landed on the deck then marched toward the net ladder and rolled it off the side. He barely noticed the Captain and Kia as he climbed down to the water.
“Penny,” he yelled scanning the sea for any sign of her, “we’re sorry. Please let me know if you can hear me.”
Her hands gently gliding over Sweet Lady’s glassy hull Penny eased toward him from the ship’s aft. “Why,” she asked, “why did you make us worry and fear. You hurt me.”
“I know,” Kian said, turning toward her delicate flute like voice, “we did not mean to, but something happened to us. It, they spoke to us, took us, went inside somehow. It was so strange, like a dream. I can’t remember much of it now. They were so sad and now they’re not. That’s all I know. That’s all that matters. That’s all I can remember.”
“We were sad too. We thought you dead.” Penny’s chin was trembling, “how can strangers from the sky make me feel so sad?” She murmured, but not so quietly Kian could not hear, “Never do that again, promise!”
“Of course, but only if you give me one of your sweet smiles.”
Penny bowed her head and pressed her lips together, teasing him just before tossing him a great big toothy grin, “I must tell my family what happened.”
“No need,” A new voice boomed from behind Kian.
“Father,” Penny darted passed Kian. His eyes followed her coming to rest on a middle -aged barreled chested man that somehow managed to stand stone still in the sloshing waves like a concrete pylon. His dark green eyes were narrow and penetrating set like jewels in a stern yet handsome face. His features were sharp and severe as if hewn from turquoise. His long hair was a shimmering silver cape that draped majestically over his broad scale crested shoulders, giving him a regal air.
“William is my name,” He said staring directly at Kian as he lifted his right arm to cradle his adoring daughter. “You fell from the sky, yet the sea embraces you, and now you and your mate enter Older's Bed unsanctioned; audacious, reckless!”
“We did not know, the Captain…”Kian could see William was not happy with him or Kia. “We meant no harm. They were sad. We helped them, sir, that’s all.”
“Yes” William nodded giving his daughter a quick smile, “Penelope has told us much, none of it seems possible. Yet here you are full grown but new as an unwashed babe. Penelope’s heart longs for more, longs for new. You gave her that. Thank you. But what else will you give?” His words were more a demand than a question.
“Only life, sir, we gave it to the fading Olders. We left them in cocoons. We left them happy and peaceful. They are changing, for the better, I’m certain.”
“You cannot be certain. You are not them. You gave them life. What sort of life you cannot know. You gave life to your lifeless mate; doing the work of a God. That is dangerous. My daughter says you refuse worship. She does not always obey me but she never lies,” he sighed, “directly. You are welcome to Chimera, but do not imagine yourselves Gods, today or tomorrow.”
“Yes sir, of course.”
“We cannot enter the Older’s Bed Kian. From now on, it will be your responsibility. You and your mate have changed things. Only time will show us if it be for the better or for the worse. I do see compassion in your eyes, but that is not enough. Show us wisdom and we will love you, Foolishness, however will not be tolerated.”
“I understand, but sir there is much I do not know about how I came to be here. I only seek the truth, not foolishness, help me seek it properly.”
“I fear you have already waited too long to seek my help. The days will show it. I will hold you responsible or give you credit. The days will show it. Remember my words new one. Come Penelope your Mother is anxious.”
Penelope shrugged giving him a quick little smile then sliced below the waves with her Father.
“So that’s Penny’s Father,” Kian mumbled as he made his way back up. “He’s right…”
“Who is right,” Kia asked as she and the Captain walked over to him.
Kian shielded his eyes from the bright sunlight as he looked up saw a surprisingly deflated Captain slumped by Kia’s side.
“Is something wrong,” he asked, “Captain I know you’re angry….”
“Angry, Kian me dear lad, tis ye that should be angry, I left ye dare, the both ah ye in that dread darkness, but brave souls dat ye are you saved yourself and the Olders azwell, ya both be worthy ah more thina’ coward that won’t run into de’ dark save his charges. I thought me self bold, but tis weaklin’ I be.”
“The open sea is your domain Captain, your place,” Kian said grabbing the Captain’s slack right arm. “Not even William will go into the Older’s Bed and much of it is water! It’s no more his domain than it is yours. That’s why you couldn’t go all the way in to get us. We went deep, really deep all the way to quartz cavern. We belong there now. It’s our responsibility, our domain, not yours.”
“It is,” Kia asked, “who told you that. Who have you been talking to?”
“William, Penny’s father,” Kian replied.
“William came to my ship,” The Captain straightened a bit, “me old friend. He’s not much for the sunlight ye’ know, getting older…”
“He’s still bright as new penny,” Kian said.
The Captain cocked his head.
“How ‘bout a polished emerald,” Kian said, “anyway I told him what we did. He wasn’t too pleased.”
“Aye he be a cautious sort, old for his age, always has been.” The Captain appeared a bit more upbeat.
“He said something about not being sanctioned,” Kian looked up into the Captain’s eyes.
“There be some contention about the Narrows ’specially Older’s Bed. Some of the Merfolk had rather we not enter there at all. But they have their grottos, the Ferrin have no proper place like that. Their Fading Olders swim off to die alone in their secret places. There be a vast network ah submerged caves they can go ta’”
“And the Ferrins,” Kia asked.
“They claim Older's Bed, ‘ein’ though it be a grotto. Thoug it be unsanctioned most ah the Merfolk don’t mind the Ferrin’s use ah de place, but William be not one of them. The two ah you spent the night dare, you well know tis a strange place, some say cursed, all say old and I say,” He snorted and sniffed the air, “possessed. I be so glad you went and freed our dear Olders from its dark embrace. I dare ask what evil can come from that?”
“Peace and joy was all we felt when we flew out,” Kia said, “That is all I feel now. We did no harm.”
“We didn’t really learn much though.” Kian added.
“I don’t know about that Kian,” Kia replied, “somethings there, something new embedded in the back of my mind. You don’t feel it?”
He looked at her and jerked his head, “Something more happened, I feel that. Like William said, the days will show it.”
“Aye, dat they will.”
“You sound better Captain,” Kia said, “We need you sir. I need you.”
He reared back, threw out his chest, “Hard about,” he bellowed, “we be takin’ our new crew members ta Wayferra the east beckons and we much introducin’ to do.” He said as he reached out, and drew Kia close to his chest.
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They are learning more about
They are learning more about this strange place and how to behave in it. More great characters here.
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Yes, some wonderful
Yes, some wonderful characterisation here, Ray. Much enjoyed.
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Glad that we've met William,
Glad that we've met William, he seems very wise. I'm also warming to the Captain, I could just picture him as a lion, sticking out his chest proudly.
Brilliant and still enjoying.
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Thanks ray, I'll take a look
Thanks ray, I'll take a look at your other work.
Please don't worry about rushing your story, you take your time and I'll look out for it.
There's always so much on here to read, which is why I so appreciate you reading my story.
Thanks again.
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