Chapter 26 Cyber Soul
By rayjones
- 654 reads
Chapter 26
Cyber Soul
Try as he might Kian could not bring his self to look away from Kia. She was stunning. A silvery gown loosely draped her perfect petite frame. It actually glistened in the diffused fire lit crystals protruding up the curving wall. Cunningly, skilled stonemasons had expertly chiseled rough quartz into delicate flower shaped sconces. Hundreds of them blossomed from the massive cylinder wall every several feet.
Their flawless light gently kissed Kia’s pale creamy skin, making it glow. Her violet eyes twinkled like stars as her shining golden hair tumbled about her delicate angelic face like wavy bands of sunlight. Kian heart began to crumble in his chest. It reached for her and his body lifted from the floor, swerved up just as Alexander stepped from the parapet twenty feet above Kia.
Kian dropped to the floor, his feet suddenly concrete anchors. Biting his lip, he stiffened his spine. “Kia,” he said, looking up as he spoke, purposely acknowledging Alexander, “We have much to discuss.”
She stepped from behind the stone stair casing walked toward Kian, her gown dragging the floor not unlike a wedding dress and reached out to take his hand. He kept his hands by his side.
Shaking his head, he whispered, “Not that, not now,” then spoke aloud motioning for Alex to join them.
Alex hearing some urgency in Kian’s voice did not bother traversing the wide curving steps but simply flung his himself over the stair casing and spun right down to Kian like a falling leaf.
“Is something wrong,” he asked taking Kian’s hand by way of greeting while at the same time welcoming him into their new home.
“No,” Kian said struggling to keep his eyes on Alex, “actually things are rather perfect, if there is such a thing. Tyndale and Peter tell me you all consider yourselves Lunan.”
“Well,” Kia said, inching toward Kian even as he shied away from her, “Alex and I have never been to the Moon, but we know what you mean. In many ways, Chimera is no more. Her people, what is left of them, want to make new home. The Lunans must be a part of that.”
“And the Terrans,” Kian asked, finally able to turn toward her without longing, “What of them, are they too welcome to rebuild Chimera with you?”
Kia smiled, Kian was looking at her. His eyes were soft, despite the coldness in his voice. “Of course, they have been here all along,” She said, smiling ever so slightly at him, “Even before the Chimerans. They called this world Earth, just as you once did Kian. You could well call them your family.”
“No Kia much better to call us all family.”
Alex nodded his approval, not noticing Kia’s smiling eyes.
“Well” said Kian, “then you will all be happy to hear Exodus ships will be flying overhead sometime tomorrow morning. They will be settling somewhere on the eastern prairies. Unless either of you have a better place.”
“They can’t settle nearer,” Kia asked, sensing an odd energy about Kian she assumed he acquired from his last incarnation.
“I suppose,” He said, “but they don’t want to crowd anyone, or cause disruption. They have their Lunan ways,” he drew in a deep breath, not knowing how he was about to say might affect Alex. He was once an Eagleman.” They ah, they have poultry and livestock aboard their ships, many of them are ranchers, that will a problem, I’m sure.”
“Animals are animals people are people,” Alex said boldly, “I know the difference far more keenly than you ever will. Still any egg collection or slaughtering should be done well out of our sight. It would prove confusing and disturbing to many of our people. That is our only stipulation.”
“Done,” Kian said reaching out to shake Alex’s hand to seal the agreement.
Kian released Alex’s hand started to turn and walk away then realized he was slighting Kia.
He turned toward her. She clasped his right hand in both of hers. “Thank Kian, they call you their God now. Did you know that?”
“Yes, Queen Kia,” he said through a smile, “So I’ve heard. I’m their God and the both of you are their royalty. You both sure look the part,” he said admiring Alex’s white double -breasted gold-buttoned short coat, matching gold trimmed pants, and black boots.
Kia laughed, “These were waiting for us when we arrived. They want us to dress appropriately.”
“You’re, ah its beautiful, breath taking,” Kian could no longer blush, but he still red and hot as fire coal. “I, I need to get back to Penny. She wanted wings. I giving her,” he stopped himself just before saying, ‘I’m giving her yours’, “I’m giving her another life, since I can never give her back the one she lost.”
“Then we can go see her,” Kia asked.
“Not yet Kia,” Kian said, “but in a few days she’ll fly here all on her own. I promise.”
“We’ll be waiting,” Said Alex. “And thank you, things, well you know. Thank you Kian, you’re a most gracious man.”
“Yeah, a real God,” Kian quipped. They laughed but he didn’t…
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Kia in a silvery gown loosly
Kia in a silvery gown loosly draped her perfect petite frame. It actually glistened in the diffused fire lit crystals protruding up the curving wall. Yet another fantastic description ray.
I love the idea that Kia and Alex are royalty and will soon be joined by the new Penny.
Another good read ray.
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Good, I like twists and turns
Good, I like twists and turns. Good luck with the rest of the story ray.
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