Elder Earth: The Fight for Freedom
By Rekuo Mehra
- 1488 reads
Elder Earth: The Fight for Freedom
Foreign Races (Ruled)
Dark Elves (Land of Kah’runi)
Titans (Land of Olikos)
Goblins (Land of Kilin)
Devilish Gnomes (Land of Takhali)
Ogres (Land of Yitma)
Native Races (Ruled)
Flameborn (Red Lands)
Tribal Men (Land of Kikihoko)
Paladins (Land of Guntahar)
Nordic (Land of Blatmore)
Giants (Land of Okulu)
Native Races (Free)
Human (Land of Catimore)
Sun Elves (Land of Kah’arun)
Dwarves (Land of Junghar Mines)
Gnomes (Land of Rukh)
In a world of many races across the hundred cities of Elder Earth, some which are free and some which are ruled. Ruled by a Wizard, the last of his race. The Wizards were a mighty race, powerful and feared by the world, until the were wiped out in the greatest war Elder Earth has ever seen, a war against the corrupted horde of the foreign races. Wizards were a proud race, so proud that they always fought without the help of their fellow allies, they thought that they could do anything and everything other races could, and better too. The fight went on for 3 winters and 4 summers eventually wiping out millions of Wizards except one. Ralean Mont Talon. He prayed from dawn to dusk, asking his wizard Gods for a path to follow. A winter later Ralean was approached by the Gods who granted him one wish for his endless prayers, and he asked for the one thing that he always wanted, death to the races that banished his race, the Gods could not kill millions so they granted him the rule over the foreign races instead. He now sits on the golden throne with the biggest army, ruling races out of hatred and jealousy. However, he was not powerful enough to acquire the lands of all races and this made King Ralean angry. The anger led him to become corrupt and start wars with free lands, but they will not just sit there and watch. They will fight back!
The free land of Kah’arun was the land of the Sun Elves. They were called the Sun Elves because of their golden hair, it was said that they were blessed by the shining sun unlike the Dark Elves whose hair was black as night. Sun Elves were gifted in combat, they used their magical weapons made out of elven crystal it was believed that the crystal fell from the Sun God himself. The magical crystal could create swords as big as a titan and it would only require a childs strength to carry. The bow would be as sharp as sword but it would not cut the elves hand so it could be used as a close and long range weapon. Kah’arun was the most beautiful land in Elder Earth with glittering trees and flowers that could heal any wound. A small castle yet the most beautiful for the commander and his lady. For the people of Kah’arun were huts made out golden hay and the sound of River Inqo flowing throughout the city.
The land of Junghar Mines, home of the dwarven race. A race of loyal but greedy imps. All the dwarves craved for was gold and they had it all, many ores of coal, bronze, iron and steel yet they all wanted the infamous adamant. Being rarest resource in Junghar Mines the adamant armour was worn only by Lord Ront Carto the commander of Junghar Mines. The dwarven lands was basically the biggest mining field in Elder Earth and dwarves lived in mud huts, some dwarves even lived inside the holes in the mining fields. Dwarves were imps but they were strong. Wielding axes twice their size and created with heavy iron, they had the sharpest weapons in the west. Forged by the greatest smelts who created the perfect size and shape and put together by the greatest smiths who sharpened the blade more than a dragon's tooth.
Gnomes were also imps, who lived in the green land of Rukh. The land of Rukh had no ruler, everybody lived their independent lives happily and together. Rukh was a peaceful city with the greatest food and the greatest drinks. Gnomes were unlike Dwarves, they were generous and loving. Gnomes were gifted archers but they avoided conflict as much as possible. Every gnome wore the same outfit, a brown top hat, a brown vest and brown leggings as well as having white sandals. They cleverly wore brown so they could be spotted far, far away as their size was flaw for them. Gnomes lived in small houses that can barely fit a man but it was comfortable and cosy just how they liked it.
The last and biggest of the free lands was the land of Catimore. The land was of humans. Known as protectors of the south they were looked up to by other races in their surrounding whom were under the rule of the Wizard Kind. Humans drank ale, wrestled and gambled not forgetting their endless nights in brothels. They were rich traders who would ship resources to other cities while they grew more. The south had a lot of empty land which was used for mass production unlike any of the other cities. Humans were strong and used spears and swords along with their heavy shields to protect themselves. Many lived in well built houses, few lived in one of the ten castles of Catimore and the ones which were left had to live in the slums with the poor salesmen and slaves.
The rest of the cities were ruled by the one wizard King Ralean. wanting to take control of everything his madness led to another great war. Although he ruled cities of many races, the cities would not fight for him as they did not want to betray their great allies. Then started the fight for freedom.
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Epic fantasy? I love fantasy.
Prologues, though, are more than not a waste. Whatever is in the prologue is likely able to be weaved into the chapters or omitted. I would recommend--as many authors, editors and agents do--that you jump right into the story.
Anyway, welcome.:)
Keep writing,
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