From Here to There
By Richard L. Provencher
- 375 reads
Inside our world of rings a balance
must endure of past and present
generational flow where an earthly
contrast takes us to the brink.
The lives of poet Chaucer to Margaret
Laurence -- compressed
into poems and short stories --
connects us from past to present
like literary bookends
providing litanies of daring
an absorption -- during slices of life
innocence and betrayal -- love
and forgiveness
activated by creative thoughts:
Within the slant of life and Bible ways
Old and New Testaments present
the past up to now – such emotion
with wars that lasted with Godly
forces righting wrongs in Crusades.
He climbs a hill of sober reflection
passing bystanders
who shout
derision and lack of respect –
the accomplishments from such a Man.
He strides between two pillars
overcoming a line unknown to mortal men
transcends pain and betrayal --.
our Saviour suffered for sinners and saints
created bookends as choices in living.
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