Rove House- chapter 1
By Sally H
- 688 reads
chapter 1
She got out the car and looked around, the house looked beautiful. Roses hugged the faded white walls, and the pale pink petals opened looking at the emerald green lawn. To Kimberley the house was perfect she felt like she could run the gravel driveway in a child's delight. Kimberley took off her sunglasses and rested them on top of her head pushing back her long golden hair out of her face. “wow, it's... it's gorgeous” she gushed. She slammed the door shut and half ran over to the door, she pushed it open and fell into the big hallway. At the top of the ceiling there was a big glass window that shone light down into the hall making it seem lighter and bigger. The stairs wound up the side of the room, and they wore a worn out brown rug that had seen better days. Kimberley ran back toward the door toward Amy, her step mum, “have you seen the size of this place, it's massive” Kimberley shrieked making her voice all high pitched and she started to bounce up and down grabbing Amy's hands. For a few minutes both of them were jumping up and down in the hallway screaming at each other. Amy grabbed Kimberley's hand and dragged her upstairs. “you just have to see your room, it's amazing” Amy said panting, her New York accent made her words slur slightly. They stopped at the third and last landing, the attic, there was only one door. The door was very old and made of oak, inside the room was a primrose cream colour that made the light bounce off the walls. There was a four post bed in the middle of the room and pushed up against the walls just below the window was an old desk had been coated in the same shiny varnish as the bed. In the corner of the room was a new wardrobe and a chest of drawers designed to look old but when put next to the real thing it was easy for Kimberley to tell. “It's perfect” Kimberley said hugging Amy. Kimberley always felt like a child when she hugged someone because of her height. She was only five foot, three inches and against Amy's six foot she really had to strain her neck to make sure she didn't have her head in Amy's breasts. “Come on lets get your bags” Amy said laughing.
Kimberley was unpacking her clothes and assorting them into the wardrobe and chest of drawers. She heard a crash that made her jump, she laughed at herself. “it must've been Amy” Kimberley thought to herself. Kimberley got out a dress and put it on a coat hanger and hung it on the rail. A cool breeze swept through the room and made Kimberley shiver, she turned around to close the window but none of them were open, she stood there speechless not knowing what to do.
She turned back to her clothes, she hung up a pair of jeans when she noticed her dress was gone, she was so sure she put it in their. She rummaged around in her bag but it was defiantly not in there. Kimberley looked around the room, she was feeling a little spooked so she walked out the room. “Amy, are you there Amy” she called down, but there was no reply. She ran down the stairs and searched the massive house. She looked in all seven bedrooms but Amy wasn't there. Kimberley ran downstairs and went into the dinning room and followed it through to the kitchen, but Amy was no where to be seen. Kimberley ran into the living room where there was a vase smashed on the floor. Kimberley looked around Amy wasn't there, she'd probably gone to replace the vase before Dad found out.
Half an hour later Kimberley heard a car drive up and she got off the stairway where she had been sitting to freaked to do anything. Kimberley saw to her relief through the window on the door that it was Amy. Kimberley yanked the door open and ran to grabbed her in a tight hug.
After Kimberley had explained her tale to Amy, she had found out that Amy didn't break the vase and she had been out shopping for about two hours and couldn't have broke it. “it's an old house, honey, there is probably a vent or something in your room” Amy said. Taking her cup and putting it into the sink. “or you never know it could be a ghost!” Amy teased and then laughed giving Kimberley a kiss on her forehead. She got up and started to unpack her shopping.
Kimberley walked slowly upstairs to her bedroom and she carried on with unpacking her things put very cautiously now.
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