A Georgetown Mystery
By ScribbleScribe
- 1012 reads
I was on the Metro in D.C., trying to escape from a long week at school, when a girl sat beside me in the train-car. She had on a partly zipped up hoodie emblazoned with the words Georgetown University, and her dirty blonde hair was pulled back into a messy bun. I thought to myself "she's pretty, no, stunningly beautiful." but I didnt say anything seeing as I was a stranger and strange people are well...strange.
The whole ride I intermittantly kept my eye on her, watching her put her ipod headphones in and casually listen to music (probably trying to unwind from a long day). My stop came, the unknown beauty politely stood up and let me outof the bench seat we had been sharing for the last 3 stops. Reluctantly I left her, wishing that there had been an opportunity to speak with her and exchange pleasantries. I got off and slowly followed the swelling crowds out of the underground subway station.
Picking up a station-map of the surrounding area, I proceeded to try and figure out where the national museum of Natural history was. A police officer pointed to a green dome across the National Mall to which I then walked. Ascending the stairs I emerged into the main atrium half of which was taken up by an immense African elephant. The map held in my hand was upside down. I laughed at myself and righted it, heading towards an exhibit I had to go see for a class.
Animal bones stared at me as I passed the glass cases in the exhibit. Click. click. I took pictures of their frozen poses. I needed to make sure I got them all so I could write a good paper. There werent many people there because I had chosen to procrastinate until the last minute, near the time when the museum would close.
"You like animal bones?"
I jumped and dropped my phone.
I turned and felt lips on my own, and hands which pressed my back against the museum-case glass.
A whisper in my ear "I saw you watching me."
Something pressed into the palm of my hand.
Bewildered I felt myself being let go. Saw a mischevious smile, the partly zipped up hoodie, Georgetown. The figure turned, I saw the messy bun.
I looked down at my hand. There was a folded piece of paper in it. My fingertips opened it and into my eyes spilled the name Heather along with 3 sets of digits that made up an unknown phone number.
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