By seannelson
- 1703 reads
This morning in my junk e-mail, I found a letter from a girl I wrote
on alt.com, a site for people with unusual sexuality. She's a fellow
SOU student and advertised herself as being sexually submissive. After
a little repartee, I asked her if she wanted to hang out tonight. I
sent that not long ago and I'm waiting for the response. Also, I have
to prepare a speech on Howard Dean. It's going to be difficult because
I don't have a terribly good memory and I'm not used to applying myself
the way some of these college professors seem to expect. I mean... I
see myself as more of an idea person. I like to think about things and
make decisions. I don't like to give 5 minute speeches on topics that
anyone can look up for themselves. But I'll do my best.
Today has had ups and downs and more downs than ups. The downs were
that I went to the pool and was only to swim for about ten minutes
because... someone got into my lane. Now, my coordination is poor
enough that I really need to have a lane to myself or I can't swim.
Otherwise, I run into the ropes. There's nothing I like more than
swimming. I always feel somehow... empowered. There's no gravity in
water and you can move much more freely. And everything looks so
different underwater... somehow, more alive. When I'm lap swimming,
there's nothing to occupy my mind and so it wanders... and re-organizes
itself. It's something like conscious REM, really.
And then, while I was in the library, I half shit myself. I think it
was caused by the coffee and the Pepsi I had in the morning. But I have
never had very good bodily control, as a general thing. I try to cut
down on caffeine but it never seems to work. The main problem with it
is that without it, I sleep way too much. And once I've had my morning
cup of coffee, the caffeine is in my blood and it helps it brothers
into me. But I don't drink any ridiculous amount, probably an average
of two large cups of coffee a day.
The thing that made me happy today is that I spent the last of my
spending money on some fish oil tablets for Kitty to take. I think
they'll be good for the baby. My intuition tells me that pregnancy is
probably the most important part of development. I was tempted to buy
some frill groceries but I didn't. I have the basics and that's
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