Session 6 - Cupid in the house
By Shannan
- 765 reads
Transcription of session 6 – Love and hooking up marriage, research interview conducted by Miss Sleeping Beauty. Interviewee: Cupid.
Sleeping Beauty (SB): “Good Morning Cupid, please can we confirm that you are aware your session is being recorded for research purposes?”
Cupid: “Morning, Miss Beauty, yes, we can.”
SB: “Fantastic. I am so super thrilled to have you here in my office. Pardon my lack of professionalism, but it is truly an honour to you have you here sharing your views on the situation of love in this century. There is nothing like having an immortal on board to add gusto and history to one’s research. Thanks so much for coming in.”
Cupid: “It’s great to be here for this interview, I nearly dropped my bow when Zeus agreed to it. I think he may be as frustrated as I am with regards to all you mortals and your quickly deteriorating ability to love and act in love. We know you have ALWAYS had hassles with the concept, which, honestly, really is quite simple, but because of your wars and power struggles and when you went from bartering and trade to cash and gains, it all just went more speedily downhill. Zeus knows I’ll tell it like it is as I’ve been interacting with you guys in the vapour form for millennia. He knows that I’m not much up for sentimentalising or buffing your egos; I’ve been around too long for all that rubbish. So fire with the questions Miss Beauty. ”
SB: “That’s perfect Cupid. I was telling Lime Green, another interviewee, just last week how I want honesty in this process.”
Cupid: “Indeed, I recall. I love that girl. So down-to-earth and real, but she seriously let her head get the way of so many of the great opportunities I sent her way. Still, as she waits, there is one more perfect option I have left to send her and I’m planning to shoot that arrow fairly soon, so interview her in a year’s time and, Zeus-willing, she’ll be singing a different tune. Sadly, if she passes up the next shot at love, she’s going to end up being the spinster her mother predicted her to be. We shall see, free choice and all that.”
SB: “Sounds like an interview with happiness I’d love to make. I’ll diarise it. Thanks for the tip. Ok, so questions. Here’s one to start, is it easier with the advancements in technology and so-called ‘progress of humanity’ to match up perfect couples now, or was it easier in the past when people wore togas and sandals?”
Cupid: “You’re joking right?”
SB: “Uh, no, it is a question on my list…”
Cupid: “Stupid question. But you can have my answer anyway. It has never, ever been more difficult to set you people up with each other than it is now. You lot have gone and made technology function faster than you are able to. You have created a scenario where you have now had to label a psychological illness called “decision fatigue”. Seriously! Back in the toga days life was simple. Very simple and there were way less of you. I used to have a pool of a few million to work with and hook up, along with a middle-age mortality rate, and through the Dark Ages a very high mortality rate. Now I have over 7 billion of you buzzing around, refusing to sit still for one moment so I can even get a good shot, never mind give yourselves time to prepare for the love arrow. C.S.Lewis was quite right when he wrote that cars have made you all rush everywhere and rush everything and have reduced the awesomeness of travelling slowly by foot through beautiful big spaces, now you go at 140km an hour! Yes, I know most of you do not obey the speed limits, on the road or with your bodies! You jump between modes of transport, shops, homes, countries, service providers, brands, fashion styles, hair-styles, lovers, friends and all the rest of it without taking a single moment to pause. Pause for me to shoot a real love arrow into your being. Instead you choose your: I’m-going-to-make-this-work-myself nonsense. You don’t pause to listen to the music of everything, to see the colours of everything. There is an entire spectrum of rainbow alight before you daily and what do you choose to see? Black and white or grey. 50 Shades of Grey apparently; your own joke at the sadness of current existence and what you have brought my precious Love down to. It’s depressing just thinking about it, that you are so repressed, so busy rushing that you made a best-seller of a book like that. All of us sat at Zeus’s table, looking down at you all were saying, “Are you serious?”
We knew that you had fallen further beyond love and its true meaning when you made that book your highlight of the year. I think that also may be why Zeus allowed me to take on an earthly form to speak to you today. Seriously, we have sent you songs, we have sent you nature, children of your own wombs, Scriptures, movies about the genuine nature of love and notes all around you, angels all around you to show you what LOVE is, what UNCONDITIONAL is. We thought that for sure you would get it with Jesus Christ and that sacrificial, giving and loving story, that we even made truth with exact dates and predictions and facts. What more do you people need to know what love is supposed to be? Then you have the audacity to moan up to us, to pray and be depressed that we are not looking after you; that we are causing your troubles and heartache! What rubbish!
I think all of us gods are sick and tired of you lot asking us: “Why?”, when the answer is so simple, because you have created it! You have created technology that thinks for you. You have created wars that hurt people. You are writing books that do not uplift your Souls or lead you to higher living. You abuse your bodies and wonder why they are falling apart in age, and we wonder how on earth they managed to keep going through the alcohol, the bad food, the lack of sleep, the stress, the radioactivity, the cell-phone signals, the WiFi, the Bluetooth rays and everything else you bombard your miraculous bodies with every single day! You turn around and ask us why you can’t have children? Um, have you looked at your stress levels? Have you looked at the damage you have done to your bodies, your eggs, your semen? Have you? You surround yourself with electric fences and think that that current isn’t affecting anything? You smoke that cigarette and think it’s not going to hurt anything? You better get thinking again. Seriously. AND STOP BLAMING US! We’re tired of it. You are creating your consequences daily, not us. We are trying to help. We keep perfume in flowers. We keep the rain coming. We provide the water, the land, the oceans, the food, the sunshine, all of it, we make sure you have all you need, and then you whine at us that you are depressed. Well you should be! When was the last time you said a thank-you to us? When was the last time you stopped and let your Soul chill? When did you stop rushing in your completely self-aggrandised and egotistically “advanced” world and realise that it isn’t actually all about you?
Seriously, you ask me about a more ‘advanced’ society and I’m thinking ‘advanced’ in what? Narcissism? Sometimes I can’t even get to your heart with my arrow because your phone is in the way as you never stop taking “Selfies”. Sometimes I can’t get to you because your work load is so high I can’t even see you for the paperwork you’ve built up as a ‘priority’ in your life. Other times it’s the arrow-proof fancy cars that you drive, or the alcohol in your blood stream that stops Love piercing your being. “
SB: “Oh my word. I never expected this kind of a reply. You make us sound despicable. Is there no Love you can get anywhere?”
Cupid: “You are not despicable. We all love you dearly, we really do, you are our children and we know that you are not as advanced as we are so you see your diversions from truth and love as a ‘big deal’ when they aren’t. It’s just frustrating for us that you don’t get that. That you still place your trust in irrelevant and unfulfilling things, things that you know are not fulfilling your Soul, yet you carry on, just endlessly digging yourselves a deeper pit of explainable depression, that you tell yourselves is a misconnection in your brains! So you pump yourselves with medication that is taking you further and further away from healing and living through the pain. You need to live through the pain, let your Soul feel it and know it so you can then move up and away from it. Keeping it all there by building a wall of medication around it just makes no sense to us, yet you call it ‘advancement’. You have more depressed people on your planet now than ever before in history. It’s insane! And what makes it even more insane is that you are breeding more people to deal with it like you are; more repression. You have to live it, overcome it and walk away victorious. AND YOU WILL. Have we not shown you with story after story after story that good will win and you WILL BE OK. Why don’t you believe us? No, you are not despicable, you are just naïve and self-absorbed. It frustrates us as you were made for so much more, but you still don’t get that. Still, until you believe it and practice it and slow down to let us do our jobs, then we can’t help you.
I, however, am a fighter, a persistent, stubborn and dog-headed perseverer and if I can find a way, and believe me I have found billions, then I will get my arrow into your heart in the hope that you will let your heart and Soul win and go with Love, and not let your mind and thinking override your intrinsic truth. Always act on the truth that my arrow puts in your heart. The truth of love for all others. You will always win if you do that. Look at Aladdin and Jasmine, Belle and her Beast, Maria and the Von Trappe family. Love love love, against crazy odds. Those are my kind of stories! What did they all have in common? They took the time to get to know the other person. They faced tragedy and trial together. They faced Evil of the greatest level in faith and comradery, they choose every day to love each other and work on it. Yes, they have the love, but they also realise that this is one crazy, nasty, head-spinning, distracting, narcissistic, self-absorbed and highly dysfunctional world that they are loving in. So they have to work hard, make plans, work together, communicate, practice all the good things mentioned in your Bible and other scriptural readings. They build each other up, support each other and know that there are going to be really bad days, but they will get through them because they want to. They will get through them because they are serving a higher purpose than themselves alone. If you are only serving yourself, then you can’t have a relationship with another, by definition alone it is not possible, never mind all the other facets involved in wanting everything your way and only your way. Silly silly silly. Once again, wanting everything when giving nothing, a true tragedy of this ‘advanced’ generation. Love does not work like that and you lot need to get that straight already. You’re tiring us out, never mind yourselves.”
SB: “So everyone gets a chance at getting their perfect match then?”
Cupid: “No, sadly not. Amidst all your rushing, and ridiculously unrealistic desire to ‘control everything’ in your lives, you have also gone on to believe that you ‘can make it work with anyone’. Gone is the patience of waiting for me to gauge the right time in growth for both parties to get to the perfect time for them to connect. Gone is the belief that there is a higher purpose and that there really is a “The One” for everyone. The general thinking is now that there are billions more people, there must be many for me to choose from. . . Incorrect. The factors are even more complex now. You mortals need us now more than you ever have before, yet you don’t think so and you most certainly will not have anyone telling you what to do, heaven forbid. Yes, you remind us more and more of young teenagers in rebellion than an ‘advanced’ society. We are looking at finding your supplement and compliment with regards to: Your Love Language, and ability to adapt your Love Language. Your temperament, be it melancholy, sanguine, choleric or phlegmatic, it all needs to be taken into consideration. Your respective families and their dynamics and what each of you can handle. The desire for children. Your ability to nurture if it is needed, understand, empathise, show affection, listen and talk. Your intellectual level and Myer Briggs dynamics. All of these factors are weighed into a refined equation that I know how to do; I can organise and place you with the Perfect Other considering all your idiosyncrasies. But, I can’t do any of it, and the equation changes completely, if you do not wait for time to develop who you are. If you run off and get married to whomever, then when your One is ready, s/he can’t have you because you’ve gone off and married another. Maybe you do meet and then there is divorce and mess that will hinder and disturb your relationships for years to come. Maybe there were children in the mix whose equations will now change because they are ‘from a broken home’ or ‘born of adultery’ and various other factors that you humans unnecessarily bring into an otherwise easy equation. It is beyond frustrating when I have this awesome plan of happiness and true joy for you and then you go off and destroy it bit by bit, sexual partner by sexual partner, overdose by overdose and reliance on a faulty world in more ways than can ever be healthy.”
SB: “So if you make one ‘mistake’ you mess up your life? That’s not realistic at all!”
Cupid: “No, you don’t mess up your whole life, you just make your life way more difficult than it ever needed to be, and in turn you affect the lives of others and make their lives far more difficult than they needed to be. This pattern has gone on for so long now that most of the population of the world are products of the mess of their forefathers, and instead of facing the mess one-on-one with Zeus and fixing it together without the unhelpfulness of man, you choose to avoid the problems that you know are there and just pretend they are going to go away. What makes me angry is when your faults are mirrored and magnified in your children and you get ridiculously angry with them, punish them and discipline them, when it all started with you and your predecessors in the first place. Children are a replica of their parents and ancestors, any scientist in the area of genes can verify that. On top of this, even though you know your children and yourselves are far from perfect, you keep pumping yourselves up, with no humility whatsoever; to believe you are the ‘everything’. Then you try marriage and all of a sudden truth hits and two people who thought they were perfect are being shown beyond a doubt that they are not and they freak out, demand divorce, spiral into depression and “it all his/her fault”! How is that logical? You are a being in process of creating a story, if you were perfect, there would be no point to the story! Honestly, people, you often drive me mad. Oh yes, before I forget and end up in HUGE dwang, Zeus said that I could be here on the proviso that I tell you and have you record that all of this is Cupid’s opinion and Cupid’s thoughts, and none of my words are necessarily the representation of every one of the other gods. Is that cool?”
SB: “Uh, yes, sure, that’s ‘cool’. I’m just trying to taking in all you have said, the picture just gets worse and worse. Is there any hope at all?”
Cupid: “Of course there is, you lot just have to WAKE UP!!! And act like it! Get off your backsides. Stop blaming and moaning and telling the world that you have it so bad, and realise it’s your fault and you can fix it, you need to fix it. Realise that you can have one moan a day and the rest of it must be good things. Seek the good and you shall find it. Trust Love and it will open itself up to you. Walk in trust that us gods know what we’re doing, that we have this balance equation thing down and we’re wanting to pass it on to you in incredible ways, let us. Stop desiring control and fakeness as your truth and start keeping it simple. So very many teachers and role models have told you this over and over again and you reply: The Spirit is Willing, but the Flesh is Weak. Stop letting your flesh run the show and start letting your eternity be in charge. Beep . . . Oh dear, Zeus needs me, that’s my call. Gotto go. Cheers.”
SB: “empty room. Oh dear. How do you get seven billion people to want to live in loving ways and stop hating? May the gods help us!”
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Cupid talking sense, hidden
Cupid talking sense, hidden depths to that cherub.
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