Justifiable Suicide
By Silver Spun Sand
Wed, 14 Oct 2009
- 2962 reads
Which of us, in all honesty,
can admit we’re au fait
with the vagaries,
the mysteries,
the portals of the mind?
And yet, I’d be obliged
if someone could enlighten me,
why lemmings
leapt into mine.
Near legendary creatures,
that scurry in their hundreds,
inanely, insanely
to commit mass suicide.
Dire overcrowding,
lack of sheltered housing;
mass hysteria
or just downright lunacy?
Lemmings self-destruct -
much like humanity.
When push
comes to shove.
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New Silver-spun-sand This is
Permalink Submitted by Cavalcader on
New Silver-spun-sand
This is a whacko!cracko! brilliant
poem intricately put and true
just looked up word lemmings.
Love it all;
4th on The mysteries
the portals of the mind??
And yet I'd be obliged
if someone could enlighten me,
Why lemmings
Leapt into mine
reminds me hubby playing machine
Bognor Pac-Man gobble each other up? loads children gathered highest scorer him
No one knows mysteries of the Mind
good,bad,love,grief,friendship,hate, fear,homeless
can all change in a second.?Rich poor,
in all circumstances.look at the sea
turbulent,calm,rages,frothy still.
julie xx cavalcader (:-
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Silver-spun-sand lost 2nd
Permalink Submitted by Cavalcader on
Silver-spun-sand lost
2nd comment to you
thankyou great comment. No I only
"Scribbled" out bored in coffe book shop
after saw Name "Scribbles" here on ABCtales
hence "Angel Face" 1st Cherry mag; photo.and reading all
your wonderful works.
who knows the working of anyone's minds in a split 2nd alters kindness, love, hope,charity,forgive,hate,
friendship.families homeless.
I bought last "Big Issue from seller" disabled don't like that word and left extra 50p tea, my goodness!! called me back Kissed my hand?for
T.Cook GUEST EDITOR of "The Big Issue" 0CT 12TH 18TH NO868. brilliantly done and displayed poems and stories Authors and sketch photos real photo been better I think. all mentioned cover not quite so good had look at twice. Sometimes our Writing Group 4 years nothing new co-ordinator work in a week it in was in paid homeless etc;and us went in "The Big Issue" 3 bigger writing more paid. but as Tony.cook says anyone can have a go.Unload the minds.and troubles.
fear. "If I Were A Queen For A Day" "Madame Pompadour" style. is written piece
in The "BIG issue"
Like I watch T.V. "The Millionaires"
programme fantastic the He or She leaves home go and
meet muck !in Organizations and at end day return Cheque to encourage them on. "Wonderful" and the Millionaire's enjoy themselves smiles of love returned. Like late Princess Diana" That would be my wish. After all you can't take money "With you can you"and Limo and Children in be in a film Regency style or Victorian. dress. and mask. fan parasol dream If it local. What be your wish?
Oh! "Fairy Silver-Spun" Spider's Webs; Lucky.
Julie xx cavalcader (:-
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Hello Tina! Couldn't help
Permalink Submitted by MistakenMagic on
Hello Tina! Couldn't help but think of Monty Python when I saw 'lemmings' but I do love the extended metaphor you created ;) Well done!
Magic xxx
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HI! Silver-Spun-Sand Yes
Permalink Submitted by Cavalcader on
HI! Silver-Spun-Sand
Yes about now Sleep an bit stress funeral.thankyou
well no I didn't get Name The Bar emailed me wow and now picture.
invite kindly Winner money but name
was "Bradshaws Cycles" etc; and shops
owned.Been here years don't recall it. May pop in to-morrow couple friend's have a look daughter not keen me going.and he won't go why wait? 1st time Kareokee.
The 2nd thing If get time please
read Carls 30th Birthday that happened unprepared.
Title looks very sqoshy.How can make it neater?Daughter saw me get up table where are you going.
My hubby I moan at made a tiny digital recording set
it all up, providing I press right buttons sail away
talking in to my poems kind of and stories absolutely bloody sorry marvellous.only yesterday mustn't says laugh ugh! rustle paper sneeze any noise! as it will pick it up.
Well my late dad he used to have the Parrot on Pier sat on his shoulder and once photo gone.I was pecked as I put finger near cage when small. scared me.Then at home had a "Mynah Bird" more like a Magpie if not at work or out after sun rise.anyone came he trained to say
"Where's Dad Along The Pub;" true.When I was little told put my wellington boots on wouldn't go, stamping on the ground looked inside dead mouse ugh!
Question please can I use one of my stories children comp; on here or does it have to be fresh.
I see Jennifer's "Autmn Grieves" very good was 2008 in The Big Issue Tony Guest Editor in, mentions poe'ts meet up where.local.20 pages editing stories, and poems authors. good.and explaining too.
how are things with you.what have you been doing.
take care love
julie x Cavalcader (:-
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Permalink Submitted by Cavalcader on
Hello Silver-spun-sand
Thankyou so much I'll try that
I thought that's what it was not sure to do. I will do again now thankyou, I think sent congrat; Tony on Guest Editing The Big Issue no reply so far. well 1,200 words comp; a lot to find.but I altered by putting in Park Bench and Red Dress previous maybe better deleting that bit, what do you think and badly written.Co.by post once before writng group homeless and Abctales, you did 3 120 words and 60 lines wait paid £15 time, accept one keep two ask again state you should be a writer ridiculous, then ask for another £15 choose one two kept brill; see there title book and one mine in put,and put on there web;co; pay £15 again, but paying racket. I expect all
ABCTALES by Tony Guest Big Issue get paid all normally do.
Thankyou so much.
julie xx
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New Silver-spun-sand How is
Permalink Submitted by Cavalcader on
New Silver-spun-sand
How is that Thankyou so much for your support
looks much neater, maybe should re-do others what do
you think. I must read your next one be good.
Thanks million yes ok spoke?phone Tony but read rules said but course can.I get so nervous what to say.Thankyou.cos
no one has much time to-day.
julie xx (:- (:-
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Wonderful poem, says so much
Permalink Submitted by sarah wilson on
Wonderful poem, says so much xx
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