Mad Man Moon

By Silver Spun Sand
Sun, 17 Jan 2016
- 1926 reads
Moonlight morphs... liquid silver –
Winter flexes icy fingers – a mantilla
of birch twigs glistens in her hair,
then, my soul listens – via a stethoscope
of longing, cold as steel – your voice...still
unwinding from my ears...
reminding me there are many kinds of time.
Waiting in the queue down that long,
cold corridor leads to nowhere and beyond...
the time twixt one breath and another...the kind
makes mountains...marathons, and molehills.
Even now, as mad man moon shines down
like there will be no tomorrow
snow, whitely mourns your inexistence –
to become, but as a sliver of mist...a memory in
yesterday’s sky...
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Gosh, I love this. 'your
Permalink Submitted by rainingalloverthesky on
Gosh, I love this. 'your voice still unwinding from my ears' is a wonderful line!
Small thing.. It feels like it should say 'the kind THAT makes mountains'
lovely, though. Really lovely.
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1 User voted this as great feedback
But oh, to have those
But oh, to have those memories! A richness not all own.
I was struck by mountains...marathons, and molehills – to thinking things that are molehills to some, can be mountains or marathons to another. Rhiannon
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You invite the reader to
Permalink Submitted by skinner_jennifer on
You invite the reader to share in your thoughts Tina, which I always find so engaging.
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