By skinner_jennifer
- 2247 reads
Back at the cave, the family and friends had returned, to find Neona down by the river grazing.
Bella thought the goat might have wandered off,
while they were away, but here she was Bella's
faithful friend.
Nathen and Ivan decided to dive in the river for
fish. It was so good to be free of fear, no longer
Evelyne and Meradith made a big fire, Bess helped
as much as she could.
Ben wanted to dive for fish too, but Nathen said no, he would show him another day. Bella told him,
he could come with them...into the Forest to get
some herbs. "I will give you protection from the
animals." said Ben, as he picked up his spear.
Bella and Fern smiled, "we won't go too far, just
up ahead." replied Bella.
Arvid, Joshua and Jermiah, were talking amongst
themselves, they had decided they would set off
together the next day, they discussed their plans.
"We need to get another gang together," said Joshua. "It will be a new group, we will work
together, to keep the peace throughout the land,
helping those who need assistance. Are you both
with me?"
They both agreed it was a very good idea.
Bess sat staring into thin air. "What is it Bess?"
enquired Meradith.
"Oh I was just thinking about my family. I wish
these people... from the skies had come sooner,
then I would still be with my people."
"I understand," Meradith said, putting an arm around her shoulder. "I can't imagine losing all
my family, I can understand how devistating it must
be, but you are welcome to stay with us, I think
Bella has become quite attached to you."
"Are you sure?" asked Bess, "it's just that I have no where else to go."
"Of course I'm sure," replied Meradith.
That night, they feasted, making the most of their
new found freedom.
It was still dark, when there was a stirring from
Luke and Mirea's Wagon. "Huh! where am I?" Jonah
tried to lift his head, but it felt like a lead
weight. "Oh! my head, what's going on?" he turned
and saw a man laying next to him. "Help!" he cried,
"help, what's going on?"
Luke hearing the calls, opened the flap of the
Wagon. "Its okay! you'll be fine, you're in safe
hands, just lay still."
"Why do I feel so strange?" asked Jonah, holding
his head. "And who is this man laying next to me?"
"Your name is Jonah, this man next to you, his
name is Gerth. You have had a traumatic experience,
but you need to rest, so go back to sleep."
"What's all that noise about?" enquired Jonah.
"People have come together, to celebrate."
"To celebrate what?" asked Jonah, not understanding.
"To celebrate our freedom." said Luke, "now please
Jonah lay still and soon he was asleep again.
It was late morning the next day, when Addie gathered as many people together, as he could.
"My good friends," he said. "We will be leaving
your Earth, when I have finished my message to you.
We came to your Earth, because of your suffering,
now that peace has once more been restored, we hope
you will all work together, to keep it that way.
The one thing you hold in common with your Earth
and all living things, is sustenance...take that
away...and there is nothing.
The Void of Space is empty, going on forever, infinity, we all need life.
It's okay to be susceptive, we all need to be able
to take, as well as give, life depends on it.
Make the best and enjoy what you have now, for
tomorrow it could all be gone, not just for you,
but also for your children and their future."
The people cheered and surrounded Addie and his
men, thanking them for their help.
After many goodbyes, it was time to return to the
Ships to leave.
The people watched, as the Crystal Ships, lit up
the sky, then as if turning off a light, they were
To be continued ...............THE CHOSEN ONES ( PART SIXTY NINE ) | ABCtales
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It's a bit sad but no it is
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Yes, it would seem peace has
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Hi Jenny
Hi Jenny
I presume that after a period of time, bad people would emerge again from the people on Earth, but it is an interesting plot line.
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