By skinner_jennifer
- 2113 reads
Meradith and Evelyne, had been untied and were now
free to go, neither of them wanted to stick around
any longer, they were very frightened...but relieved to be free.
Everyone else just stood staring at the light, still not quite believing what they were seeing.
Meradith caught sight of Ivan, who was still tied,
she quickly made her way, over to him and released
him. "Thank goodness you're okay, I thought we were
all going to die."
"We probably would have, had it not been for those
lights," replied Ivan. He held her tight, saying...
"I wish I'd never let you out of my sight, I love
you Meradith," then he kissed her with a passion.
Jermiah who was still hiding in the undergrowth,
decided it would be safe to ride Shadow, so he
quickly jumped on and headed back to where he had
left Jonah.
As he reached his destination, he saw Evelyne,
Meradith and Ivan, he rode towards them. "What
happened, what's going on?"
"Jonah and Gerth, were taken by the light in the
sky," said Evelyne. "Some strange looking people
came and took them."
"I don't think they mean us any harm," said Ivan,
still holding tightly onto Meradith, "infact I think they are here to help us."
Meradith suddenly pointed, "look!" she said, "I'm
sure that's Bella." Ivan glanced over in the direction Meradith was pointing. Through the crowds
of people, he saw not only Bella, but Fern, Jay and
Joshua, he didn't recognize the other two people,
that were with them.
"Quick!" he said, "before we loose them." They started to walk fast through the crowds of people.
When they got close enough, they shouted out...
"Bella! Fern!" suddenly the little group, turned
and looked, Bella and Fern couldn't believe their
eyes, they quickly turned and ran.
"Mother! at last we've found you," said Fern. Bella
ran to her parents, nearly knocking her Mother over, "Oh Mother, I can hardly believe it's you and
Father, it's been so long. I'm so sorry for all the
trouble I caused, I was spiteful and horrible to
you, you were right...I should have stayed in the
"Don't worry Bella," said her Mother, "I'm just glad you are safe now."
"Did you find Father?" said Fern.
"No I'm afraid I didn't," replied Evelyne, "but
come, let me see my son." Evelyne took Fern's hand
and they walked over to the others. "Jay, Jay!"
said Evelyne, and she reached out to her son, who
was being held by Arvid. She took him and cuddled
him, but Jay started to cry. "Oh dear, my poor Jay,
it's your Mother Jay, don't cry." Then out of the
blue Jay stopped crying and started smiling, realising who this person was.
"So," said Ivan, "please introduce us to these
strangers, Bella."
"Of course," said Bella, "this is Arvid, he saved
my life, this is Bess, she helped us get back to the cave." They all got to know each other, it was
good to be reunited.
To be continued ............THE CHOSEN ONES ( PART SIXTY SIX ) | ABCtales
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What a heart-warming chapter
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A piece of classical music
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Hi Jenny
Hi Jenny
Just the sort of ending needed - all the conflict gone and everybody finding their families and friends.
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