The Christmas Mansion Mystery ( Part Three )
By skinner_jennifer
- 1687 reads
Alice was miles away in thought, as Cherish her assistant came down the back staircase, that led into the kitchen. “You're up early Alice,” she said yawning and stretching.
“Yes I know, I couldn't sleep. Would you like me to make you a cup of tea, or coffee?” Alice asked as she got up after finishing her coffee.
“No thanks, I'll make my own.” Cherish put the kettle on to boil, as Alice got some bread out to put in the toaster. “Want some toast?”
“No...don't worry about me Alice, I'm fine.”
Cherish was a godsend to Alice, she would always stick up for her when there were arguments, well not to Andrew's face, but behind his back. She would say, “I don't know why you stay with him, he's so cruel to you.” Alice would then feel awkward turning to Cherish and saying, “well you know me, till death do us part, I took my vows, saying through the good times and the bad, so I'll just have to stick with it.”
“So!” said Cherish, “where did he go last night, any ideas?”
“I haven't a clue and to be honest, I've got to the point that I don't want to know,” replied Alice, wishing Cherish would change the subject.
“You know Andrew has many enemies,” said Cherish, coming and sitting down opposite Alice, “he seems to get pleasure out of annoying people who get in his way.”
“Yes...I know,” said Alice, "he brings it all on himself, I don't feel
responsible for anything he does.”
“So will you be going to see Sammy's head later?” asked Cherish,
changing the subject and putting some coffee and milk in a mug.
“Yes I suppose I will and I'll be on my own, as Andrew doesn't care
to come with me.”
“Would you be happier if I came with you?” enquired Cherish.
“'re fine, it's better I do this on my own.”
As the two women were talking, the lights went on in the dining room,
there was a loud scream. “What on earth is going on?” Cherish yelled,
getting up from the table and running out of the kitchen to the dining room, where the source of the noise was coming from.
“Quick!” replied Alice... rushing behind her. As Cherish opened the door and walked in, Alice stood in shock, Andrew was slouched on one of the couches with a knife through his chest, there was blood covering
the couch and the floor.
In disarray and not quite sure what to do Alice was surprised at her
reaction, for some unknown reason...she was not surprised, but poor of her helpers was in such shock after finding the body,
she had collapsed. “Quick! I'll call the emergency services you see to Nancy, “ replied Cherish, leaving the dining room and going to Andrew's office.
Alice quickly made her way over to Nancy, she lifted her up off the floor, Nancy was as light as a feather, she took her over to a chair and placed her gently down.
Alice went to get some water for Nancy. As the cleaner came round from the fall, she began to cry, saying to herself “Whoever could have done this?” Nancy was very fond of Alice's husband, he had always been good to her. She lent over with her face in her hands, staring at him through her fingers, not wanting to look, but not believing what she was seeing. Alice came back into the room, with the water. “Here! drink this Nancy, what were you doing in the dining room at this time in the morning anyway?”
“I couldn't sleep all night Alice, I thought I would get up make a start on the cleaning, starting in here.”
“But why didn't you come down the side stairs? you don't usually come
down the main staircase to clean.”
“I...I heard you and Cherish talking, I didn't want to disturb you.”
Nancy was shaking and sobbing.
Well I want you to sit still and rest till the emergency services get here, I'm sure the police will have plenty of questions they will wish to ask us all.” Alice felt her whole body going rigid, she supposed it was a kind
of shock.
“They're on their way,” said Cherish coming back into the room, not
really sure of what she was supposed to do, in a situation like this.
“Okay Cherish...I want you to get everybody up, the police will want
to question us all, but don't touch anything, I'm going up to get dressed.”
As Alice climbed the stairs, she couldn't believe how in control and calm she was. Walking from her bedroom into her bathroom, she threw some water onto her face looking in the mirror, she spoke to her reflection, “should I stay in control and calm...or pretend to be in shock?” She wasn't sure she could pretend.
After brushing her teeth, she went back into the bedroom, looking in her wardrobe, she decided that a black skirt and a white blouse would
help her state of mind, she thought to herself, 'it's amazing how an
outfit can make you feel different, more self assured.'
Once dressed she went to her bedside phone, sat down and dialled the
number for Sammy's school, waiting for the answer on the other end
of the phone, seemed like an eternity, finally there was a voice. “Oh hello...can I speak to Mr Baxter the head please...It's Alice Henvey, Sammy's mother.”
Alice heard the woman on the other end pause and then she said, “just
a moment I'll see if he's available,” she left the phone. “Oh come on,” Alice said to herself, “the police will be here soon.” She checked her watch it said 8.15am, “I really should write all these details down,” she said to herself, knowing what the police were like. Her sister's husband was a police officer, so she had a little knowledge of what they would expect.
Finally a voice came on the phone. “Ah! Mr's about the meeting with you, concerning Sammy...I'm afraid I won't be able to make it, you see...” Alice paused, thinking she sounded a bit to in control. “'s bad news, I'm husband has died...but please don't tell Sammy yet...I don't want to upset him and I would rather it came from me.”
Mr Baxter was deeply sorry to hear the news and sent his condolences,
agreeing not to say a word to Sammy. “Don't worry about Sammy, we'll
leave things for now and wait to hear from you, I'm sure it must be an
awful shock for you?”
“Oh yes a big shock...look I have to go, there are things to do.”
“Of course Mrs Henvey, I'll let you get on and please let us know if there's anything we can do.”
Alice said thank you and put the phone down. She grabbed a pen and paper and started writing down lists of times:- “6.45am woke up, now how long would it take me to get up and get to the kitchen? I reckon it was about fifteen minutes, so I'll say I arrived at the kitchen at Didn't turn on the lights...afraid of disturbing the rest of the house, until I got to the kitchen, then made a cup of coffee. But what time did Cherish come downstairs?"
As Alice was thinking about lists, she heard the bell to the door and
quickly got up, left the bedroom and hurried downstairs. Cherish was
just about to go and answer the door, when Alice turned to her, “leave
it Cherish, this is something I must do.”
“Of course!” replied Cherish, going back to into the dining room.
To be continued .......
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Hmm Who dunnit? You have me
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Hi Jenny, glad to see the
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Really enjoyed this one,
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