The Christmas Mansion Mystery ( Part Twelve )
By skinner_jennifer
- 2472 reads
It was mid morning on the Monday at the Henvey household. Alice
was in the garden with the boys, she kicked a football around with
James, while Sam sat up in the tree house, his Father had made for
them, some years ago.
James picked the ball up and ran to the tree, shouting up to his brother.
“Hey Sam! Come down and play football.”
Sam just turned away from his brother, so Alice came over. “Sam I know you're upset, but James needs you more than ever now, please
come down.”
Sam started to descend the tree, just as Cherish came out of the kitchen
door. “Alice!” she shouted out, “there's a phone call for you, from that
Detective Brentford guy, down at the police station.”
“Oh dear..that's all I need!” exclaimed Alice. “Okay I'll be right there.”
Alice turned to James and Sam. “I'll be back in a moment, I've just got
to answer the phone.” She turned and ran up the garden.
“But Mum!” shouted Sam, “I have something I need to tell you.”
“I won't be long!” she called back.
Alice walked through the kitchen and down the hallway, to Andrews
office. Picking up the receiver. “Hello! Alice Henvey here.”
Cherish sat in Andrews office chair, as Alice answered. “You want us
down at the Station at 1.30pm, well I suppose we'll have to be there,
yes we'll do our best to get there on time. Thank you!”
Alice hung up. “Bad news?” Cherish enquired.
“Yes, as you probably heard. It's just as well my parents are coming
this morning.”
Alice went back out into the garden, to tell her sons what was going on.
“Sam...James, I have to be at the police station for 1.30pm, so I want
you both to be good, while I'm there.”
“Mum!” said Sam, feeling agitated.
“What is it Sam?”
“I want to go back to school, I miss my mates and it's boring here, also
I'll miss the end of term Christmas Party, if I stay here. I still want to
come back for Christmas though.”
Alice was devastated, she thought selfishly, that Sam would want to
be with her, but obviously now he was a teenager, she realised he was
growing up. “What about you you want to go back to school?”
“No Mum!” said James, “I want to be here with you and grandma and
“Okay Sam, I'll phone the headmaster tomorrow, if you're sure that's
what you want.”
“Yes it is Mum.” said Sam walking back into the house.
Mary and Nancy were in the kitchen preparing food for the evening
meal. Nancy had been very quiet, not her usual chatty self.
“Anything wrong?” enquired Mary.
“No...why?” replied Nancy.
“Oh it's just that you seem quiet, not your usual bubbly self,” said
“Well to be honest after what's happened, I don't feel bubbly.” Nancy
put down the knife and turned and ran upstairs to her room.
“Nancy...Nancy! I'm sorry, come back.”
Nancy was feeling guilty, there were things she hadn't told the police,
things she knew, but was to afraid to say anything.
Mary was still chopping onions, when Alice came into the kitchen,
“Where's Nancy? I thought she was helping you.”
“Oh! She wasn't feeling well, so she went to lie down.”
“What's wrong with her?” enquired Alice.
“Woman's problems, I think...she's been getting very tearful since Mr
Henvey's death.”
Mary couldn't understand why Nancy was so upset, she was glad he
was dead, though she would never admit to it openly. She had seen things and knew things, which she kept to herself. Mary liked Alice and enjoyed working for her, but when Mr Henvey returned home, the atmosphere was always tense.
Cherish was still sat in Andrews office, she spent a lot of time in there,
trying to sort through the finances. There were the house bills to be
paid, Andrew had normally taken care of all that. So now Cherish was
taking over, Alice was happy to let her get on with it.
The phone rang, Cherish picked up the receiver. “Hello!” The voice
on the other end, asked for Miss Clarke. Cherish was annoyed that
Nancy had given out a private Number. “Who is this please?”
The voice on the phone said it was a friend. “Miss Clarke shouldn't be
giving out this number, it's a private Number.”
Whoever it was, put the phone down. Cherish stormed out of the office
and marched into the kitchen. Mary was chopping the meat.
“Mary I want you to stop what you're doing and go and tell Nancy, I
want to see her in the office.”
Mary didn't stop immediately. “Please Mary will you go...Now!” said
Cherish in a stern voice.
“Yes of course,” replied Mary, “you haven't got to shout.”
“Don't be cheeky Mary.”
As Cherish walked back to the office, Mary stopped what she was
doing, she made her way over to the sink, to wash the meat off her
hands, wiping them she cursed. “The devil woman, shouldn't be called
Cherish, should be call the Wicked Witch of the West.”
Mary made her way up the back stairs from the kitchen, then along the
corridor to Nancy's room. Knocking...she called out. “Nancy...Nancy!”
“What?” came the reply.
“Cherish wants to speak to you in the office, you'd better come straight
away, she's not in a very good mood.”
“All right! I'm coming.” replied Nancy.
Nancy sulked and wiped the tears from her eyes. She went downstairs,
ignoring Mary and went to the office. The door was open, Cherish
called her in.
“You wanted to speak to me?”
“Yes...look I'm not going to tell you again Nancy, private phone calls
are forbidden. Someone was asking for you...a man...he would not say
who he was. I don't like this at all.”
“I'm sorry,” said Nancy, “it won't happen again.”
“What's wrong with you girl?” asked Cherish annoyed to be having
this conversation.
“Nothing! I have a headache, may I go now?”
“Yes I suppose, but get back to the kitchen and help Mary.”
Nancy went back to the kitchen, but was thinking about going down to
the police station, she wasn't looking forward to that.
To be continued..............
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Mmm, interesting. The plot
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Jenny, you are the queen of
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'Cinematic' - that was the
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I have no idea whodunnit -
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Hi Jen, excellent dialogue
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