Dealing With Tomorrow Part Five

By skinner_jennifer
- 1255 reads
Part Five of Twelve: of this Mystery.
Waving goodbye to his wife had given Kenneth cause for concern as he drove out of the gates and down the hill, she'd looked so lost standing at the front door of their dramatic new home. He knew Bridgette would put on a brave face even though she was carrying the burden of it all.
The drive to the church felt all too familiar to Kenneth with the tall trees on one side and the view of the Ocean on the other, not because of their arrival yesterday but because it made his dream all the more real.
Before long he was in sight of the Church with its high steeple that defined its beauty. Kenneth was continuously awestruck at old churches and how daring and fearless men of the 15th Century must have been in their valiant effort to accomplish such a feat of precision.
The graveyard was exactly as in his dream too, it felt like he was playing out a scenario in a film with himself as lead actor. He was almost too afraid to think of entering the church for fear the sequence of events in his dream would play out for real. But he knew that now he was the vicar of this parish he'd have no choice but to continue.
Luckily! As he pulled into the car park the caretaker Mr Hargreaves was there to meet him. The Reverend turned the engine off and stepped out locking the door behind him.
“How are he this fine morning Reverend?” Mr Hargreaves was a typical yokel character which Kenneth found to be friendly and helpful.
“I'm fine – all the better for seeing you.” Kenneth felt that just maybe everything might be alright now he wasn't alone.
“Church be ready for inspection. I'll show he around – won't take he long to get acquainted with the place.” Mr Hargreaves removed his brown woolly hat as he turned the key and entered the vestibule. “Here's the keys Reverend, got me own spare, so these be yours.” He handed the set to Kenneth.
This was the moment the Reverend had been dreading, as he followed the Caretaker in through the all too familiar wooden doors.
Stopping in his tracks he felt like turning and running for his life but was fixed to the spot, this was no dream but everything resembled his nightmare. Kenneth was unable to proceed just waiting for the threat of danger, but it never came. Instead he was bought to his senses by the husky voice of Mr Hargreaves.
“Will he be standing there all day, or am I to show he around?” The Caretaker stared at the Reverend not sure of what to say next, except the first thing that came into his head. “He looks like he's seen a ghost Reverend – does he need to sit down?”
Kenneth had no idea how long he'd been stood there, but it was as if by walking any further he'd be enticing trouble. Pulling himself together the Reverend took the keys and gave them a jangle. “No! That's fine, just lead the way.”
He followed Mr Hargreaves down to the front and along to the side wall of the building where there were two separate doors, one was a fire exit and the other led to the vestry and an office that contained books and cabinets of files. This was a place that Kenneth felt he needed to explore further, it was as if something was spurring him on to find out more, the Reverend was now on a mission.
Kenneth had made the decision that however daft it might sound to anyone else, he would search the Church Archives for more information relating to the all to real name of John Gifford. A nagging voice was telling him there was more to his dream, that for some reason he was being shown a vision. Maybe! He thought, it could have something to do with the Vicarage too and that was why his family were so unsettled.
As the Caretaker proceeded to explain where everything was, he lifted a latch to a wooden door in the floor of the office. “Thought I should show he this Reverend. It be leading to underground tunnels. Folks say them tunnels go on for miles, but I ain't about to go down to find out – thought I'd let he know anyway.”
“What's your first name? I can't keep calling you Mr Hargreaves.” Kenneth wanted to know more about the tunnels, but thought if they were on first name terms it would be easier to talk.
“Me name's Charlie, but if he don't mind, I'll call he Reverend – ain't used to calling Vicars by first names, it's not right.”
Kenneth smiled. “That's fine Charlie. Can you tell me more about what these tunnels were used for?”
Charlie coughed before continuing. “I keeps out of trouble Reverend, just does me job and keeps me nose clean. I think it were used back in them dark ages, for smuggling – but I ain't got a clue what it were they smuggled. Some say it were liquor and casks of ale, others say it were weapons and treasure.” Charlie scratched his head. “There be many mysteries in this cove. We locks our doors at night, especially this time of year – don't know what be lurking around.” Charlie scratched his head as if trying to continue, but not sure if he should.
“What is it? Tell me everything.” Kenneth was eager to know what Charlie meant.
“Well! I don't know if I should be telling he, but he ain't exactly come at a good time.”
“What do you mean Charlie?” The Reverend was now left wondering and intrigued.
“Well! You see – tis not a good time for he to arrive with what happened.” He shook his head speaking the words, gazing at the floor.
Kenneth was now attentive and intent on finding out more. “What did happen Charlie? I need to know.”
“It be a year to the day after tomorrow that the community will never forget. Our Vicar were found dead down on the beach. He'd been savaged by an animal, but we never found any such creature that could have inflicted such an attack. It were very distressing, especially for young Archie one of the fishermen who found the vicar's body.”
Kenneth suddenly shivered at the thought and was overcome with sadness. “This is terrible Charlie – I'm glad you told me, at least I'm aware of the situation now.” He felt the sudden burden of taking over the parish which left him wondering what he'd let himself in for. So many thoughts were going through his mind he couldn't concentrate properly.
Then he thought about the strange door back at the Manor. “There's just one more thing Charlie. I need to ask you about the door off the hallway at the Vicarage that says: DANGER! KEEP OUT! Why is it padlocked, where are the keys and what's so dangerous?”
Charlie coughed again and hesitated. “Yes! Well! Um! It's like this you see – that there door used to be sealed up. For years it had wood paneling covering the entrance, till the Vicar that died decided to do some DIY, stupid idea if you ask me and shouldn't have been allowed! He weren't supposed to mess around with the Manor in the first place. When they took that there wood paneling down and discovered the room, things started happening. I ain't heard of it me self, but I've been told there be strange noises coming from the room – best leave it alone if I were you Reverend, could be a big mistake to go investigating.”
Kenneth then realized that maybe his wife wasn't imagining the sounds, but he thought! Who or what was making them? His inquisitive nature took over despite the Caretaker's warning, he needed answers.
To be continued...
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Hi again Jenny
Hi again Jenny
gosh this is getting exciting. Quick post some more of it.
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Your clear 'down-to-earth'
Your clear 'down-to-earth' descriptions heighten the contrast as you introduce their fears, worries, scares. I will be interested to see how you work out your tale! Rhiannon
[I always presume strange noises and feelings reported in real life are either of natural explanations mixed with imaginations and confusions, or satanic activity (which is limited) aimed at distracting from the important, greater, and good supernatural reality. It always surprises that any programme about odd happenings draws so much interest while the fellowship with the real God is neglected, and causes little excitment! I suppose people enjoy being scared!? But then there is always fantasy …]
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Thanks, Jenny. As you can see
Thanks, Jenny. As you can see, I'm getting more idea from the next episodes that I have read now. I would just say that scripture seems clear that spirits of the dead cannot 'come back' etc, and that's why it seems that satan can upset and worry people, and deceive – but also God's Spirit can comfort and remind of things we need to remember! Rhiannon
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